December 2025
18th DecAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – December 18th, 2025
15th DecAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th December, 2025
8th DecAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 8th December, 2025
November 2025
27th NovAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – November 27th, 2025
17th NovAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th November, 2025
10th NovAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 10th November, 2025
4th NovAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 4th November, 2025
October 2025
30th OctAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – October 30th, 2025
20th OctAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th October, 2025
13th OctAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 13th October, 2025
September 2025
25th SepAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – September 25th, 2025
15th SepAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th September, 2025
8th SepAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 8th September, 2025
3rd SepAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 3rd September, 2025
August 2025
28th AugAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – August 28th, 2025
18th AugAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th August, 2025
11th AugAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 11th August, 2025
July 2025
31st JulAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – July 31st, 2025
21st JulAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st July, 2025
14th JulAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 14th July, 2025
June 2025
26th JunAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – June 26th, 2025
16th JunAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th June, 2025
9th JunAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 9th June, 2025
May 2025
29th MayAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – May 29th, 2025
19th MayAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th May, 2025
12th MayAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 12th May, 2025
7th MayAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 7th May, 2025
April 2025
24th AprAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – April 24th, 2025
21st AprAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st April, 2025
14th AprAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 14th April, 2025
March 2025
27th MarAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – March 27th, 2025
17th MarAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 10th March, 2025
10th MarAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 10th March, 2025
5th MarAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 5th March, 2025
February 2025
27th FebAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – February 27th, 2025
17th FebAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th February, 2025
10th FebAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 10th February, 2025
January 2025
30th JanAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – January 30th, 2025
20th JanAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th January, 2025
13th JanAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 13th January, 2025
8th JanAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 8th January, 2025
December 2024
19th DecAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 19th December, 2024
16th DecAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th December, 2024
9th DecAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 9th December, 2024
November 2024
28th NovAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – November 28th, 2024
18th NovAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th November, 2024
11th NovAgenda for Full Council Meeting – 11th November, 2024
6th NovAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 6th November, 2024
October 2024
31st OctAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – October 31st, 2024
21st OctAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st October, 2024
14th OctAgenda for Full Council Meeting – 14th October, 2024
September 2024
26th SepAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 26th September, 2024
16th SepAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th September, 2024
9th SepAgenda for Full Council Meeting – 9th September, 2024
4th SepINQUORATE Agenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 4th September, 2024
August 2024
29th AugMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 29th August 2024
19th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th August, 2024
12th AugMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 12th August 2024
July 2024
25th JulMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th July, 2024
25th JulMinutes for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 25th July, 2024
15th JulMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th July, 2024
8th JulAgenda for Full Council Meeting – 8th July 2024 – INQUORATE
3rd JulAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 3rd July, 2024 (CANCELLED – INQUORATE)
2nd JulAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 2nd July, 2025
June 2024
27th JunAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 27th June, 2024 INQUORATE
17th JunMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th June, 2024
10th JunMinutes for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 10th June, 2024
10th JunMinutes for the Annual Full Council Meeting – 10th June 2024
May 2024
30th MayMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 30th May, 2024
20th MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th May, 2024
13th MayMinutes for the Annual Full Council Meeting – 13th May 2024
13th MayAgenda for Full Council Meeting – May 13th, 2024
1st MayMinutes for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 1st May, 2024 (INQUORATE)
April 2024
25th AprAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th April, 2024
16th AprMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th April 2024
15th AprAgenda of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th April, 2024
8th AprAgenda for the Annual Parish Meeting, 8th April 2024
March 2024
28th MarMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 28th March 2024
26th MarMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 26th March 2024
18th MarMinutes for the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th March, 2024
11th MarMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 11th March 2024
5th MarMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 5th March 2024 (INQUORATE)
February 2024
29th FebMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 29th February 2024
19th FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th February 2024
12th FebMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 12th February 2024
12th FebMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 2nd May 2023
January 2024
25th JanMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 25th January 2024
15th JanMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th January 2024
8th JanMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 8th January 2024
2nd JanMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 2nd January 2024
2nd JanMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 2nd January 2024
December 2023
21st DecMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 21st December 2023
18th DecMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th December 2023
11th DecMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 11th December 2023
6th DecMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 6th December 2023
November 2023
30th NovMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 30th November 2023
20th NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th November 2023
13th NovMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 13th November 2023
7th NovMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 7th November 2023
October 2023
26th OctMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 26th October 2023
16th OctMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th October 2023
9th OctMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 9th October 2023
September 2023
28th SepMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 28th September 2023
18th SepMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th September 2023
11th SepMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 11th September 2023
5th SepMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 5th September 2023
August 2023
31st AugMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 31st August 2023
21st AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st August 2023
14th AugMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 14th August 2023
July 2023
27th JulMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 27th July 2023
17th JulMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th July 2023
10th JulMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 10th July 2023
4th JulAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 4th July, 2023 – CANCELLED
June 2023
29th JunMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 29th June 2023
19th JunAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th June, 2023
12th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th June 2023
May 2023
25th MayAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th May 2023
22nd MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 22nd May, 2023
15th MayMinutes of Full Council Meeting – 15th May 2023
4th MayAgenda for Recreation Ground Improvement Committee – 4th May, 2023 – CANCELLED
2nd MayAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 2nd May, 2023
April 2023
27th AprMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 27th April 2023
20th AprMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 20th April 2023
17th AprMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th April 2023
11th AprMinutes of Full Council Meeting – 11th April 2023
6th AprMinutes for Recreation Ground Improvement Committee – 6th April 2023
March 2023
30th MarMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 30th March 2023
20th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th March 2023
13th MarMinutes of Full Council Meeting – 13th March 2023
7th MarMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 7th March 2023
February 2023
28th FebMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 28th February 2023
23rd FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 23rd February 2023
23rd FebMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 23rd February 2023
20th FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th February 2023
13th FebMinutes of Full Council Meeting – 13th February 2023
2nd FebMinutes for Recreation Ground Improvement Committee – 2nd February 2023
January 2023
26th JanMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 26th January 2023
16th JanMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th January 2023
9th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 9th January 2023
3rd JanAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – 3rd January, 2023
2nd JanAgenda for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 2nd January, 2024
December 2022
22nd DecMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting INQUORATE – 22nd December 2022
19th DecMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th December 2022
12th DecMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th December 2022
6th DecMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 6th December 2022
1st DecMinutes for Recreation Ground Improvement Committee – 1st December 2022
November 2022
24th NovMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 24th November 2022
21st NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st November 2022
17th NovMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 17th November 2022
17th NovMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 17th November 2022
14th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th November 2022
8th NovAgenda for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 8th November 2022
3rd NovMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 3rd November 2022
October 2022
31st OctMinutes for Strategy Meeting – 31st October 2022
27th OctMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 27th October 2022
25th OctMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 25th October 2022
17th OctMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th October 2022
10th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th October 2022
6th OctMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 6th October 2022
September 2022
27th SepMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 27th September 2022
22nd SepMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 22nd September 2022
19th SepEnvironment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee Meeting – 19th September
12th SepFull Council Meeting – 30th June 2022
6th SepAgenda for the Finance, Contracts and HR Committee meeting – Tuesday 6th September 2022
1st SepAgenda for Recreation Ground improvement Committee [INQUORATE] – 1st September 2022
August 2022
25th AugMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 25th August 2022
15th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th August 2022
July 2022
28th JulMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 28th July 2022
18th JulAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th July 2022
12th JulAgenda for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 12th July 2022
11th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th July 2022
7th JulMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 7th July 2022
5th JulMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 5th July 2022
4th JulMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 12th July 2022
June 2022
30th JunMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 30th June 2022
30th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 30th June 2022
20th JunMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th June 2022
13th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th June 2022
May 2022
26th MayMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 26th May 2022
16th MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th May 2022
9th MayMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 9th May 2022
9th MayMinutes for Annual Full Council Meeting – 9th May 2022
4th MayMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 4th May 2022
3rd MayMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 3rd May 2022
April 2022
28th AprMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 28th April 2022
19th AprMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th April, 2022
11th AprMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th April 2022
7th AprMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 7th April 2022
5th AprMinutes for Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting – 5th April 2022
March 2022
24th MarMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 24th March 2022
21st MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st March 2022
14th MarMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th March 2022
8th MarMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 8th March 2022
3rd MarMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 3rd March 2022
February 2022
24th FebMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 24th February 2022
21st FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st February 2022
14th FebMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th February 2022
3rd FebAgenda for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 3rd February 2022 inquorate
January 2022
27th JanMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 27th January 2022
17th JanMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th January 2022
11th JanAgenda for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 11th January 2022 inquorate
10th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th January 2022
6th JanMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 6th January 2022
December 2021
9th DecAgenda for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 9th December 2021 Cancelled
2nd DecAgenda for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 2nd December 2021 Postponed
November 2021
25th NovMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 25th November 2021
23rd NovMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 23rd November 2021
15th NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th November 2021
8th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th November 2021
4th NovMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 4th November 2021
2nd NovAgenda for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 2nd November 2021 Meeting inquorate. New date to be arranged
October 2021
28th OctMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 28th October 2021
18th OctAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th October 2021
14th OctMinutes for Strategy Meeting – 14th October 2021
11th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th October 2021
7th OctMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 7th October 2021
September 2021
30th SepMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 30th September 2021
28th SepMinutes for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 28th September 2021
20th SepMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th September 2021
16th SepAgenda for Recreation Ground improvement Committee meeting CANCELLED
13th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th September 2021
7th SepMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 7th September 2021
2nd SepAgenda for Recreation Ground Improvement Committee – 2nd September 2021 – Postponed
August 2021
26th AugMinutes for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Meeting – 26th August 2021
16th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th August 2021
9th AugCancellation of Full Council Meeting – 9th August 2021
5th AugMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 5th August 2021
July 2021
29th JulMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 29th July 2021
22nd JulAgenda for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 22nd July 2021
19th JulAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th July 2021
15th JulAgenda for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 15th July 2021
13th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th July 2021
6th JulAgenda for Finance, Policies/Contracts and HR Committee – 6th July 2021
June 2021
24th JunAgenda for Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 24th June 2021
21st JunAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st June 2021
14th JunAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 14th June 2021
8th JunAgenda for the STWFC – 8th June 2021
May 2021
27th MayMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 27th May 2021
20th MayMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 20th May 2021
17th MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th May 2021
4th MayMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 4th May 2021
4th MayMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 4th May 2021
4th MayMinutes for Annual Full Council Meeting – 4th May 2021
April 2021
29th AprMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 29th April 2021
26th AprAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 26th April 2021
17th AprMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th April 2021
12th AprMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th April 2021
8th AprMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 8th April 2021
1st AprMinutes for Recreation Ground improvement Committee – 1st April 2021
March 2021
25th MarMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th March 2021
19th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th March 2021
15th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th March 2021
8th MarMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th March 2021
4th MarMinutes of the Strategy Meeting – 4th March 2021
2nd MarMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 2nd March 2021
February 2021
25th FebMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th Febuary 2021
15th FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th February 2021
8th FebMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th February 2021
4th FebMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 4th February 2021
January 2021
28th JanMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 28th January 2021
18th JanAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th January 2021
11th JanMinutes for the Full Council Meeting – 11th January 2021
December 2020
21st DecAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st December 2020
14th DecAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 14th December 2020
10th DecMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 10th December 2020
November 2020
30th NovAgenda for Finance Contracts and HR Committee – 30th November 2020
26th NovMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 26th November 2020
16th NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th November 2020
9th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 9th November 2020
3rd NovMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 3rd November 2020
October 2020
29th OctMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 29th October 2020
19th OctMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th October 2020
12th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th October 2020
8th OctMinutes for BMX/Pump Track Working Party – 8th October 2020
6th OctMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 6th October 2020
September 2020
24th SepMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 24th September 2020
21st SepAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st September 2020
14th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th September 2020
August 2020
27th AugMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 27th August 2020
17th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th August 2020
10th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th August 2020
July 2020
30th JulMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 30th July 2020
20th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 20th July 2020
13th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th July 2020
June 2020
23rd JunMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 23rd June 2020
15th JunMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th June 2020
8th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th June 2020
May 2020
26th MayMinutes of the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 26th May 2020
18th MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th May 2020
11th MayMinutes for Annual Full Council Meeting – 11th May 2020
March 2020
16th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th March 2020
9th MarAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 9th March 2020
February 2020
25th FebMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th Feb 2020
17th FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th February 2019
10th FebMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th February 2020
January 2020
20th JanAgenda for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th January 2020
13th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th January 2020
7th JanMinutes of Parish Council Strategy Committee Meeting – 7th January 2020
December 2019
16th DecMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th December 2019
9th DecAgenda for Parish Council Meeting – 9th December 2019
November 2019
28th NovAgenda for Finance Committee – 28th November 2019
18th NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th November 2019
11th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th November 2019
October 2019
14th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th October 2019
September 2019
24th SepMinutes for Interim Council Meeting – 24th September 2019
16th SepMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th September 2019
9th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 9th September 2019
August 2019
19th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th August 2019
12th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting -12 August 2019
12th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12 August 2019
July 2019
22nd JulAgenda for Parish Council Meeting – 22nd July 2019
15th JulMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th July 2019
8th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th July 2019
June 2019
17th JunMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th June 2019
10th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th June 2019
6th JunMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 6th June 2019
May 2019
23rd MayMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 23rd May 2019
13th MayMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th May 2019
April 2019
30th AprMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 30th April 2019
29th AprAgenda for Annual Parish Meeting – 29th April 2019
15th AprMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th April 2019
15th AprMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 15th April 2019
8th AprMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th April 2019
March 2019
25th MarMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 25th March 2019
18th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th March 2019
11th MarMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th March 2019
February 2019
28th FebMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 28th February 2019
18th FebMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 18th February 2019
11th FebMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th February 2019
January 2019
28th JanMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 28th January 2019
21st JanMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st January 2019
14th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th January 2019
December 2018
17th DecMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th December 2018
10th DecMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th December 2018
November 2018
26th NovMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 26th November 2018
22nd NovMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 22nd November 2018
19th NovMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th November 2018
12th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th November 2018
October 2018
25th OctMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 25th October 2018
15th OctMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 15th October 2018
8th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th October 2018
September 2018
27th SepMinutes of Community Forum Meeting – 27th September 2018
24th SepMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 24th September 2018
20th SepMinutes of Finance Committee Meeting – 20th September 2018
17th SepMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 17th September 2018
10th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th September 2018
August 2018
20th AugMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 20th August 2018
18th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th August 2018
13th AugAgenda for the Parish Council Meeting – 13th August 2018
7th AugAgenda For Strategy Committee – 7th August 2018
July 2018
23rd JulMinutes for the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 23rd July 2018
16th JulAgenda for the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th July 2018
9th JulAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 9th July 2018
June 2018
28th JunAgenda for Extraordinary Full Council Meeting & Finance, Policies And Staff Committee – 28th June 2018
25th JunMinutes of The Environment, General Purpose And Amenities Committee – 25th June 2018
21st JunGuidance notes for writing to SBC concerning S/OUT/18/0703 New Road Application
19th JunParish Plan Consultation
18th JunMinutes Of The Parish Council Meeting – 18th June 2018
12th JunS/OUT/18/0703 From The North Wessex Downs Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty
May 2018
31st MayMinutes Of The Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 31st May 2018
21st MayMinutes of The Parish Council Meeting – 21st May 2018
21st MayMinutes of The Annual Meeting of The Parish Council – 21st May 2018
14th MayMinutes Of The Annual Parish Meeting – 14th May 2018
April 2018
26th AprMinutes Of Finance, Policies and Staff Committee – 26th April 2018
26th AprMinutes For Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 26th April 2018
16th AprMinutes of the Environment, General, Purpose and Amenities Committee – 16th April 2018
9th AprMinutes Of The Parish Council Meeting – 9th April 2018
9th AprMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 9th April 2018
March 2018
26th MarMinutes For Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 26th March 2018
22nd MarPlanning, Transport Development and Highways Committee Agenda – 22nd March 2018
19th MarMinutes of the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 19th March 2018
12th MarMinutes Of The Parish Council Meeting – 12th March 2018
February 2018
28th FebAgenda for Strategy Committee – 28th February 2018 – POSTPONED
22nd FebMinutes Of The Finance Committee – 22nd February 2018
19th FebMinutes for Environment, General, Purpose And Amenities Committee – 19th February 2018
12th FebMinutes Of The Parish Council Meeting – 12th February 2018
2nd FebMinutes of The Parish Council Strategy Meeting – 2nd February 2018
2nd FebMinutes of Parish Council Strategy Committee Meeting – 2nd February 2018
January 2018
22nd JanMinute for The Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee – 22nd January 2018
19th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 19th January 2018
15th JanMinutes for Environment, General, Purpose And Amenities Committee – 15th January 2018
8th JanAgenda for the Full Council Meeting – 4th January 2018
4th JanMinutes Of The Finance, Policies And Staff Committee – 4th January 2018
December 2017
21st DecMinutes of the Planning Committee – 21st December 2017
18th DecMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – December 2017
15th DecEnvironment, General Purposes & Highways Committee Agenda – January 2017
13th DecAgenda for the Full Council meeting – 11th December 2017
11th DecMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 11th December 2017
November 2017
30th NovMinutes of the Finance Committee – 30th November 2017
27th NovMinutes of the Planning Committee – 27th November 2017
20th NovMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – November 2017
16th NovMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 16 November 2015
13th NovMinutes for Full Council meeting – 13th November 2017
October 2017
26th OctMinutes of the Finance Committee – 26th October
16th OctMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 6th October 2017
9th OctMinutes for Full Council meeting – 9th October 2017
September 2017
28th SepAgenda for Planning, Highways and Transport Development
21st SepMinutes of the Finance Committee – 21st September
21st SepMinutes of the Finance Committee – 20th November
18th SepMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – September 2017
11th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th September 2017
11th SepMinutes for Full Council meeting – 16th September 2017
August 2017
30th AugMinutes of the Planning Committee – 30th August 2017
21st AugMinutes of the Environment General Purpose and Amenities & Community Committee Meeting – 21st August 2018
21st AugMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 21st August 2017
17th AugMinutes for Environment Committee – 17th August 2017
16th AugMinutes for Environment, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 16th March 2017
14th AugMinutes of Parish Council meeting – 19th September 2017
14th AugMinutes of Full Parish Council Meeting – 14th August 2017
July 2017
31st JulMinutes of the Planning Committee meeting – 31st July 2017
27th JulMinutes for Planning Transport Development And Highways Committee – 27th July 2017
26th JulMinutes of the Finance Committee – 26th July 2017
17th JulMinutes of the Recreation and Community Committee – 17th July 2017
13th JulMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – September 2017
10th JulMinutes of the Full Council meeting – 10th July 2017
June 2017
22nd JunAgenda For Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 22nd June 2017
19th JunAgenda for for Environmental, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 19th June 2017
15th JunAgenda for Environment, General Purposes & Amenities – 15th June 2017
12th JunMinutes of the Full Council – 29th June 2017
5th JunMinutes of the Planning Committee meeting
May 2017
31st MayMinutes of the Finance Committee – 14th September
23rd MayMinutes for Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 23rd May 2017
22nd MayMinutes for Environmental, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 22nd May 2017
15th MayMinutes for Environment, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 15th May 2017
11th MayAgenda for the Environment Committee – May 2017
8th MayMinutes of the Full Council – 17th August 2017
8th MayMinutes for Parish Council Meeting – 8th May 2017
8th MayMinutes for Full Council meeting – 23rd May 2017
April 2017
24th AprMinutes for Environmental, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 24th April 2017
13th AprMinutes for Environment, General Purposes & Highways Committee – 13th April 2017
10th AprMinutes of the Full Council – 25th May 2017
3rd AprMinutes For The Planning Committee Meeting – 3rd April 2017
March 2017
29th MarAgenda for Finance Committee – 3rd March
23rd MarMinutes for Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 23rd March 2017
16th MarAgenda for Environment, General Purposes & Highways Committee – 16th March 2017
13th MarMinutes for Full Council meeting – 23rd March 2017
13th MarMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th March 2017
February 2017
23rd FebMinutes for Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 23rd February 2017
20th FebMinutes for Environmental, General Purpose & Amenities Committee – 20th February 2017
16th FebMinutes for Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Committee – 6th February 2017
13th FebMinutes of the Full Council – 13th February 2017
6th FebMinutes For Planning, Transport Development And Highways Committee – 6th February 2017
January 2017
25th JanAgenda for Finance Committee – 10th October 2017
16th JanMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 16th January 2017
12th JanMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 12th January 2017
9th JanMinutes of the Full Council – 9th January 2017
December 2016
19th DecMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 19th December 2016
15th DecMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th December
15th DecMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – December 2016
12th DecMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th December 2016
November 2016
24th NovMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th November
21st NovMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 21st November 2016
17th NovMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – November 2016
14th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th November 2016
October 2016
24th OctMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th October
17th OctMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 17th October 2016
13th OctMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 13h October 2016
10th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10th October 2016
3rd OctMinutes For The Planning, Transport Development & Highways Committee – 3rd October 2016
September 2016
19th SepMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 19th September 2016
15th SepMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 15th September 2016
12th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12th September 2016
7th SepMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th September
5th SepMinutes for Planning, Transport Development & Highways – 5th September 2016
August 2016
15th AugMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 15th August 2016
11th AugMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 11th August 2016
8th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8th August 2016
3rd AugMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th August
1st AugMinutes for Planning, Transport Development & Highways Committee – 1st August 2016
July 2016
18th JulMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 18th July 2016
14th JulMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 14th July 2016
11th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th July 2016
June 2016
20th JunMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 20th June 2016
16th JunMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 16th June 2016
13th JunMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13th June 2016
8th JunMinutes for Planning, Transport Development & Highways Committee – 8th June 2016
May 2016
12th MayMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th May
April 2016
18th AprMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 18th April 2016
14th AprMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 14th April 2016
11th AprMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11th April 2016
March 2016
30th MarMinutes of the Finance Committee – 3rd March
21st MarMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 21st March 2016
17th MarMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 17th March 2016
14th MarMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14th March 2016
February 2016
15th FebMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 15th February 2016
11th FebMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 11th February 2016
8th FebMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 8 February 2016
January 2016
25th JanMinutes of the Finance Committee – 25th January
18th JanMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 18th January 2016
14th JanMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 14 January 2016
11th JanMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 11 January 2016
December 2015
21st DecMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 21 December 2015
17th DecMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 17 December 2015
14th DecMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14 December 2015
November 2015
30th NovMinutes of the Finance Committee – 30th November
12th NovMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – 12 November 2015
9th NovMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 9 November 2015
October 2015
19th OctMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 19 October 2015
15th OctMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – October 2015
12th OctMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 12 October 2015
September 2015
28th SepMinutes of the Finance Committee – 28th August
21st SepMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 21 September 2015
17th SepMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – September 2015
14th SepMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 14 September 2015
August 2015
17th AugMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 17 August 2015
13th AugMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – August 2015
10th AugMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 10 August 2015
July 2015
20th JulMinutes of the Recreation Committee – 20 July 2015
16th JulMinutes of the Environment Committee Meeting – July 2015
13th JulMinutes for Full Council Meeting – 13 July 2015
May 2015
21st MayMinutes of the Finance Committee – 21st May
April 2015
16th AprMinutes of the Planning Committee meeting
April 2014
16th AprMinutes of the Planning Committee meeting