- Attendances and apologies for absence
- Declarations of interest
- Public recess
- Approval of minutes from the meeting on Monday 12th February 2018
- Matters arising not on the agenda
Action Points - Planning
Voting Items
- Review and Vote on new submitted applications.
S/HOU/18/0230 – 9 Burderop
S/HOU/18/0287 – 10 Burderop
S/LBC/18/0218 – 16 Badbury Lane
- Review outstanding applications on “pink” list
- Discussion on loss of playing fields at Burderop Park and no CIL funds from Manor House development – Cllr Rawlings requested
Transport Development
- J15 M4 update if available
- Update on 6 local areas of concern document
- Highways
Speed activated signs x2
Budget has £5000 allocated for this in 2018/19. Start discussion on what signs to purchase and where to place them. - Any other business (Note: items in AOB cannot be voted on)