
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes from the meeting on Monday 12th February 2018
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda
    Action Points
  6. Planning

Voting Items

  • Review and Vote on new submitted applications.
    S/HOU/18/0230 – 9 Burderop
    S/HOU/18/0287 – 10 Burderop
    S/LBC/18/0218 – 16 Badbury Lane
  1. Review outstanding applications on “pink” list
  2. Discussion on loss of playing fields at Burderop Park and no CIL funds from Manor House development – Cllr Rawlings requested

Transport Development

  1. J15 M4 update if available 
  2. Update on 6 local areas of concern document
  3. Highways 
    Speed activated signs x2
    Budget has £5000 allocated for this in 2018/19. Start discussion on what signs to purchase and where to place them.
  4. Any other business (Note: items in AOB cannot be voted on)