18/64. Declarations of interests.

Cllr Rawlings, Henderson and McDonald all have allotments or connections to allotment holders.

18/65. Approval of minutes from 8th October 2018

Page 3 item 18/61 – change village name to read Hodson

Page 4 item 18/62 – change definition of bus type on Cllr Hills report.

A proposal was made by Cllr Matt Harris that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Rogers seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/66. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.

17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be renewed as well.
18/58 Add to next planning agenda – Ladysmith Road stone placement. DONE
18/58 Write to landowner where stone is at Camp to ask permission for wreath to be laid this year. DONE – PERMISSION NOT GRANTED.
18/58 Write to Ward Cllrs with safe crossing request for A346 for bus users. Add to next planning agenda. DONE
18/59 Investigate CCTV for Rec Hall carpark. ONGOING ADD TO DEC AGENDA
18/60 Report back on planning application for Athelstan to SBC. DONE
18/62 Talk to Ward Cllr Sumner and Nigel Hale at SBC about large school buses at Badbury. DONE VIA EMAIL – SBC TO INVESTIGATE BUS SIZE
18/62 Chase up incomplete tarmac work at Manor Rise with SBC. DONE – SBC WAITING FOR ROADS TO BE ADOPTED & THEN WORK CAN COMMENSE
18/63 Arrange extraordinary meeting for SHELAA. DONE
18/63 Check on who can pay donation to social club for event. ONGOING, BUT CLLR MICHELLE HARRIS HAS INDICATED SHE WILL COVER COSTS
18/63 Ask Kimberley about grant funds to Brighter Futures. DONE – FUNDRAISING TEAM HAVE BEEN EMAILED

Cllr Brady
18/61 Submit ACV for Calley Arms to SBC. ONGOING

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock
17/133 Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING. Clerk to re-send info to Ward Cllrs. REPLY RECEIVED – CLERK TO SEND TO CLLRS


Information from Karen:
NHP’s (Neighbourhood plans) were introduced in 2011. Over 2000 have been started since, with 600 adopted. This gives Parishes more planning control.
There is statutory weight behind the plan and can be used to determine planning decisions.
A total payment of 25% of CIL funds are paid to the Parish Council on new developments in the parish.
There is £9000 funding available to get the process started. Plus more can be awarded for complex issues.
You do need to give back what hasn’t been spent. Technical support is also available.
You can gain more evidence based information on what a community wants. It can be very location specific if you have evidence to back it up.
You can note characteristics specifically in the parish and identify items such as new facilities that are needed.
It is a collaborative process and does need volunteers as it takes 1000’s of man hours to complete. There is extensive consultation involved. Can improve community strength. It is very hard work and can take 3 years to complete.
However it can be divisive if a community doesn’t agree.
It cannot be used to prevent development. The government created it to help developers in the local area. It also doesn’t stop developers from submitting plans for other areas not recommended in the NHP. The NPPF refers to NHP in paragraph 14.
Advice is to not do a NHP if you just want to prevent something from happening in an area.
There is a “roadmap” on the SBC website. There need to be 12-18 months of resident consultation. Would need a 50%+ yes vote at a referendum for it to be adopted.

Karen will send a summary to the Clerk for the planning committee.

Cllr Matt Harris asked for the average cost of this. Average cost is £13000

Cllr Jefferies asked apart from CIL funds, what is the main benefit? Karen advised it is often the softer aspects such as community engagement, and a check on local housing stock. You can start the process and not finish it, and you can keep funds that you have used for this reason.

Cllr Clarke asked how sites are allocated? Karen advised to identify what is needed – starter homes for example.

The Clerk asked what completed versions are good to look at. Wroughton & South Marston are good examples.

Cllr Mills asked if the NHP was just an academic exercise whilst SBC didn’t have a 5 year housing supply? He wants SBC to give us confidence that if we complete one, it will have significance. It was noted this is a question for Ward Cllr Sumner and not for Karen to answer.

Karen advised that both the local plan review and 5 year housing supply documents are ongoing at the moment.

Cllr Matt Harris asked about the parish being in an AONB (Area of Outstanding natural beauty) and how could we allocate land supply when all areas are in AONB. Karen didn’t think this would be a problem as long as the plan showed the need for homes to be built there.

There were no more questions


Stephen introduced himself as the Information Governance Manager at SBC.

His first piece of advice to Cllrs it to get trained. There is a link to on-line training which the Clerk had already circulated to Cllrs. He suggests all Cllrs do this training.
Brexit will not affect GDPR. Our own Data Protection Act reflects the GDPR.
The premise is to be transparent with people’s personal data. How you collect, process or pass on data as a Cllr.
You are a data controller as you collect and decide how to process data.
You are a data processor as you are passed data from a data controller and told what to do with it.
All Cllrs should be signed up with the ICO as a point of law, as you are accountable for your actions.

Security for electronic data – must be encrypted during transit. The ICO has additional guidance on this. You can look at Youtube as well. Face to face courses are also available.

The ultimate penalty for breaching GDPR is a jail sentence.

Cllr Sunners asked about historical data from before GDPR. As Data Protection laws already existed, you should already telling people how long you are keeping their data for.

An organization needs to make sure retention schedules are adhered to.

Cllr Matt Harris asked about email encryption for a Microsoft 365 email server. Stephen advised that encryption would also need to be set up as well if personal data was being sent. You can add “ENCRYPT” to the subject line to do this on 365.
Stephen confirmed that the PC laptop being backup up in Frankfurt was ok.

The Clerk asked for confirmation that data given verbally was covered by the same laws. Stephen confirmed that it was.

It was asked whether we need to ask residents whether we can store their data. Stephen advised that permission was not needed as we have a right to the data but we do need to advise on what will happen to it and how it will be used.

Stephen advised he is always available for questions and Cllr Brady urged all Cllrs to do the on-line training.

18/69 Ward Cllrs reports

Thee Ward Cllrs were advised they did not need to attend this meeting and a written report was not received.

18/70 Community Safety, Cllr Sunners reporting.

23 crimes were recorded in the parish for last month. 11 were fuel “drive-offs” from the Esso Station. 4 were in Home Close, and 6 in Badbury.
The next Neighbourhood Watch meeting is on 3rd December at 6.45 in the Rec Hall.

There was an issue with a shotgun fired in Hodson a couple of weeks ago. 2 people were recently seen with camouflage jackets and an air gun and BB gun. The information was reported to PC Best.

18/71 Supporting the petition from Ogbourne St George Parish Council for a reduction of speed limit and other measures on the A346 at Ogbourne St George.

Cllrs had been sent the email from Ogbourne St George requesting assistance with sharing their petition.

SLCC advice was given that the council had to vote their approval to do this.

A proposal was submitted by Cllr Hill to support this petition. Cllr Rawlings seconded this, and all Cllrs were in favour.
Resolved that the Clerk will share the petition information on FB, the Council website page and Ridgeway Bell article.

18/72. 10% increase in allotment plot tenancy costs for 2019/20

The EGPA and Finance committees had both approved this cost increase based on utility and labour increases in cost.

A proposal was submitted by Cllr Rogers to support this cost increase to allotment leases. Cllr Walton seconded this, and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllrs with interests did not vote.
Resolved that the Clerk will update 2019/20 allotment renewals with a 10% increase in fees.

18/73 – Vote on joining WALC and NALC. (Wiltshire/National Association of Local Councils)

Cllrs had previously been briefed by a WALC representative on the benefits and the Finance committee had approved joining.

A proposal was submitted by Cllr Brady to join WALC. Cllr Jefferies seconded this, and the vote was carried by a majority. Cllr Bates was against joining and Cllr McDonald did not vote. Benefits to be reviewed after 1 year.
Resolved that the Clerk will request joining information & invoice from WALC.

18/74 – Committee reports

Finance from Cllr Harris:

The October complete figures had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Cllr Hill asked about the VAT element on the document and was advised this was the standard VAT refund received quarterly.

Cllr Rogers proposed this as an accurate representation of the figures for October 18. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Matt Harris confirm that precept and budget figures would be approved by Finance in November meeting, then brought back to Full council for December.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA) from Cllr Rawlings:
Cllr Rawlings advised that the Rec ground carpark work was approved and has been completed until final touches are done in Spring 2019.
2 new heaters have been installed in the pavilion to ensure warmth for users during the winter.
A reply back to North Wessex Downs AONB to support their management plan was approved.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
South Coast buses are joining the fare pool in Swindon.

On 1st November the first electric train went from Swindon to Paddington which was a 45 minute journey.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Brady:
Nothing to report as no meeting in October

Risk Assessment from the Clerk: There are some assessments due in November, they will be added to the EGPA agenda to be dealt with.

18/75. AOB

Cllr Walton asked about leaflets for the public SHELAA meeting. Most had been delivered but there were some streets left to do.
Cllr Michelle Harris cautioned against adding incorrect information onto the FB page. It was confirmed to leave the councils messages to the Clerk.
Cllr Hill commented on the excellent job done by the farmer on the A346 hedge cutting.
Cllr Sunners advised the first memory café was 7th December. This is a 6 month trial period.
Cllr Sunners also commented that the Parish Council should qualify for the status of being a living wage employer. He would like the council to consider applying for this in 2019. This is to be added to the Jan 2019 Finance agenda.
Rev Roger Powell has been commissioned as rural Dean of Marlborough. This is an important pastoral role in the community.

A reminder that the December full council meeting is 7.00pm at the Chiseldon House Hotel.
Meeting closed at 21.28


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.

17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be renewed as well.
18/59 Investigate CCTV for Rec Hall carpark
18/71 Clerk to share Ogbourne St George petition details on FB, website and Ridgeway Bell.
18/72 Increase 2019/20 allotment lease costs by 10% on renewal letters.
18/73 Request joining information & invoice from WALC
18/75 Add living wage employer to Jan 2019 agenda.

17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training.

Cllr Brady
18/61 Submit ACV for Calley Arms to SBC

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock
17/133 Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING. Clerk to re-send info to Ward Cllrs. Clerk to send replies to all P.Cllrs