21/152. Approval of apologies given.

Absence with apologies: Cllrs Justine Randall is working away, Danielle Simpson is on maternity leave, Pauline Barnes is unwell and Ward Cllr Gary Sumner is unable to attend.

Ward Cllr Horley did not attend or provide a report.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/153. Public recess.

One member of the public present commented the gigabit voucher is due to expire and asked if we are going to get gigabit fibre in time. Cllr Harris advised it is in place and is functional. Some areas are going live in the next two weeks and those streets will get an email from Openreach advising they are live so residents can apply to a service provider for a connection. There are some residual areas still outstanding and they will follow.

21/154. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings – Allotments.

21/155. Approval of minutes from 14th February 2022.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/156. Action points from previous meeting.


21/137. Ask SBC if the road survey was carried out prior to the Brimble Hill Data Centre work going ahead. Liaise with Ward Cllr Sumner to see if he gained an answer. Jenny advised a survey was not done prior to work starting, however a survey has been completed now and SBC can review and compare the current survey together with prior years to gauge impact/damage. DONE.

21/146. Update Equality & Diversity policy with new approval date and load onto website. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update. ONGOING.

21/157. Ward Cllrs reports

Ward Cllr Jefferies – Chiseldon and Lawn Ward for Chiseldon Parish.

40 people attended the HGV surgery last Saturday. It was a productive meeting, some leaflets and posters are being created and one member of the public is covering the cost pending funding approval from the council.

Earthline have been using routes through the village for 2.5 years now, but covid has delayed responding to this sooner.

Appeal against Earthline lorries on 10th May for 10 days. What can we do for the appeal? Arguments include safety, damage to road and buildings, effect on mental health. Identifying pinch points. Cllr Rawlings said he doesn’t believe Earthline have a licence, Cllr Jefferies believes they have but will look into it.

Cllr Jefferies would like to get the school involved in responding and someone from Chiseldon PC, AONB* and the RoSPA**. Also getting guidance from SBC to make sure they are operating legally. Cllr Patel suggested advertising to public what they are doing so far and asking for more help.

The next meeting planned for Sunday 20th March at The Patriots Arms. If anyone wants to join and get involved please do come.

21/158. Community Safety and police report. Cllr Sunners

There is a new Police and Crime Plan available, the link is on the Police and Crime Commissioner website homepage.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is determined to improve policing in Wiltshire and improve community engagement. There will be a community safety forum planned for this, in the our area.

21/159. Approval of Sickness and Absence Policy.

It was noted the approval date on the policy was incorrect and should be changed to 14.03.22.

A proposal was made to approve the existing policy with an amendment to the date. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/160. Planning. Neighbourhood Plan update from Cllr Kearsey

There was a meeting on 1st March to determine who is doing which item of work, which will involve walking the affected areas, taking photos and creating questionnaires etc. The date of the next meeting to share progress was queried. Clerk/RFO to confirm.

The NHP Localities grant will be applied for on 1st April 2022.

21/161. Finance.

No items.

21/162. Committee reports

Finance – Transaction reports review.

A proposal was made that the February 2022 report was an accurate reflection of the councils transactions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The March 2022 to date report was noted as being accurate.

EGPA – Tiffany from SBC safeguarding advised what we can do to improve the way we help people in difficult situations.

Hilary from WARP is working on a project to improve diversity and looking into replacing ash trees. Clerk is going to speak to the estate about the plans to ensure permission is in place.

Safety of children playing on Strouds Green and the Highstreet was discussed.

Tree agreed for Queen’s Jubilee.

Planning – The New Road Build Out removal request is on SBC list of consideration for 2023 program of works.

Traffic lights on Marlborough Road/New Road junction. Cllr Jefferies is working on this but progress is slow.

SIDs in Badbury are now operational.

Cllr Rawlings advised there is a large backlog of planning applications and that nothing is coming back from SBC. Cllr Jefferies to raise with SBC and provide an update on how they are going to deal with it.

Recreation Hall – Exploration with architect. Exploring current site and field behind the Rec Hall. Nothing proposed as yet.

Risk Assessments –
February assessments were:

  • Pavilion, cemetery maintenance x2, outside gym and handyman
  • Allotments
  • Cemeteries – Butts Road and SHCMG
  • Residential leaflet delivery
  • Infectious diseases updated

RA’s for March –

  • Castle View Play area – Cllr Patel
  • Street furniture in Chiseldon – Cllr Dogra
  • Street furniture the rest of the parish – Cllr Duke Draycot Foliat. Hodson, Badbury, Ridgeway View all need a volunteer
  • Clerks job description – Clair to do
  • Infectious diseases – last monthly update done and sent to Matt and Justine to sign off

21/163. Items for next agenda.

Cllr Patel/Cllr Harris: Can we get the PCC to attend the next full council meeting on 11th April.
Cllr Kearsey: Grant for Earthline leaflets for the next Finance meeting agenda.
Cllr Jackson: State of roads and absence of pedestrian paths in Badbury for the next Planning meeting agenda.
Note. Water leaks in village, Wells close and Church Street. Large pot hole caused by leak on New Road. Jenny raised with SBC.

Meeting closed 20:14.


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/159. Update Sickness and Absence Policy with new approval date and load onto website.
21/160. Confirm date of next NHP meeting.
21/163. Ask the PCC to attend the next full council meeting on 11th April.
21/163. Add grant for Earthline leaflets for the next Finance meeting agenda.
21/163. Add state of roads and absence of pedestrian paths in Badbury for the next Planning meeting agenda.

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.
21/162. Raise backlog of planning applications with SBC and provide an update on how they are going to deal with it.

Glossary of abbreviations:

SBC – Swindon Borough Council
NHW – Neighbourhood Watch
CPC – Chiseldon Parish Council
DF – Draycot Foliat
CVPA – Castle View Play Area
SID – Speed Indicator Device
RWV – Ridgeway View
STEAM – Museum in Swindon.
RA – Risk Assessment
CPRBB – Chiseldon Parish Residents for Better Broadband
NHP – Neighbourhood Plan
PIR – Passive Infrared sensor
EGPA – Environment, General Purpose & Amenities Committee
WALC –Wiltshire Area Local Councils
WARP – Washpool Area Restoration Project
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy
WC – Ward Councillor
Cllr – Councillor (Parish)
TW – Thames Water
STWFC – Swindon Town Women’s Football Club
CSW – Community Speed Watch
GWH – Great Western Hospital
SYFC – Swindon Youth for Christ
TRO – Traffic Regulation Order
JD – Job Description
RFO – Responsible Financial Officer
PCC – Police and Crime Commissioner
*AONB – Area of Outstanding National Beauty
**RoSPA – Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents