The minutes from the October meeting were approved.

Review and approval of draft 1 of the NHP document

Change required to this section:

Neighbourhood plans should not promote less development than set out in the strategic policies of the Cotswold Local Plan or undermine those strategic policies

The historical map from the History group requires a key. Clair will try to obtain one for the draft plan.

Item 26 on the document needs a map which Clair will provide

Item 27 on the document has no boundaries shown. Clair will check whether this is possible to change with the history group.

Policy 6 play items has a spelling mistake on “Castle View”

Andrea has asked the group for a statement about what type of play equipment is required. Clair will draft something and send to the group for approval so this can be sent to Andrea.

Review and approve Housing Needs document

The feedback from Andrea was reviewed. Clair and Ian K will feedback to Andrea so a conclusion can go back to AECOM.

The affordable housing section needs further review

Burderop and Badbury need to be spelt correctly throughout the report.

Overall the group were happy with the report and Andrea’s comments for amendments/suggestions.

Review and approve Design Code document

Document not yet received. Move to next agenda

Review and approve Ecology assessment quote

The quote of £3633 from WSBRC was reviewed and approved.

It was noted that a reduction in the costs to Andrea means that those funds can be used to pay for this work – from the grant the group received.

Review of F1 and F2 classes document

More locations were suggested.  Clair will finish the document and send to the group for emailed approval.

Review of Non designated heritage assets document

The document will be finalised by Clair and sent to the group for emailed approval. The group will try to take the remaining photos that are needed.

Review of Open green spaces list document

The document will be finalised by Clair and sent to the group for emailed approval. The group will try to take the remaining photos that are needed.

Date for next meeting

It was agreed to arrange a date when the Design Code document was received for review and/or there was feedback from Andrea to review.

Cycle paths and footpaths document need to be reviewed at the next meeting.

Meeting closed 20.02