21/01. Declarations of interests.


21/02 Review minutes from 4th March 2021.

No changes.

The minutes were proposed as accurate by all Cllrs.

21/03 Action Points


19/03 Next SID location at New Road and Draycot Foliat WITH PLANNING COMMITTEE. DONE
19/03 Clerk to talk to SBC to get parking improvements for Windmill Piece started. WITH PLANNING COMMITTEE ONGOING, new quotes being sought.
20/05 Include on next Full Council agenda the creation of a Rec Hall committee DONE
20/05 Add to EGPA agenda the mental health of children and young people and how the PC can help DONE
20/05 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow up layby parking & if we can include Ward Cllr Sumner in this conversation? ONGOING
20/06 Add item agenda to Planning Committee for NHP DONE
20/06 Get further NHP Consultant quotes DONE

Clerk and Admin Officer

19/03 Assist with guidance on how we create an emailed newsletter – for our website team to use. ONGOING – but have made progress

Cllr Rogers

20/05 Cllr Rogers to send her investigations into youth provisions to Cllr Rawlings DONE


How the Bio-diversity and Crime Prevention Policies can be introduced into Committee decisions.

  • Committee Chairman to make sure Cllrs are aware of the policies when making decisions
  • A check list is needed for Planning decisions – quality of build and heating options etc
  • Pre-populated checklist for determining planning applications – to be compared against planning considerations.
  • Could also send this list to applicants to increase awareness of what CPC will be looking for
    Cllr Kearsey to start of this project and bring it to a Planning Committee meeting for discussion and vote.

Available Youth Provision in the Parish and any gaps.

  • Clerk to draw up a list of current provisions – to help the PC see what is on offer.
  • Clerk to contact Cllr Barnes about this project as Cllr Barnes showed an interest.
  • Monitor the progress SBC make with their new youth offering to see if it can benefit the parish.
  • To report back to EGPA committee for consideration of the way forward.

Emailed Newsletters

  • Look at Mail Chimp again as handles data protection and GDPR.
  • Talk to Kevin at Sanders in more detail about what we can do.
  • Arrange a site visit with Kevin for early 2022 to go over the website in general


Joined up parish road safety/transport plan

  • Cllr Jefferies is working with Suzanne Coles at SBC in regards to removing the Build Out. CPC cost but SBC to make the decision
  • CPC didn’t vote in favour of the proposed petition to make SBC consider 20mph zones.
  • Weight limits – the issue with these is that they don’t apply to access. Every HGV going through the parish is using the roads as access.
  • Can we consider raised junctions – costs could be prohibitive.
  • Should there be more contact with SBC Highways on these matters as they are the highway authority and not CPC.
  • CPC cannot do any work without approval as they are not the highway authority.
  • CPC are limited on funds to provide solutions. Would need to raise precept or reduce reserves which would in time lead to the precept being raised.
  • Create a map of the parish noting all traffic issues. Present to Planning Committee and ask Cllr Jefferies to be involved in how we can present this to SBC Highways.
  • Will show CPC are aware of all the issues faced
  • SBC will not act on New Road for example until the Earthline appeal is complete
  • Ask other PC’s how they dealt with traffic issues locally.

Forecast national costs leasing to increased precept

  • The PC are aware of these issues but there are no simple solutions
  • The addition of new homes at Burderop Park will increase the tax base possibly allowing a small precept raise in future years which will not affect residents due to the tax base being higher.

Burderop Park Welcome letter.

  • A good idea to welcome residents to this new larger development. (The first in the area for many years)
  • Can leave copies in the sales office for all residents and ask Handyman to also deliver door to door once complete.
  • Admin Officer to co-ordinate as they created the last newsletter.
  • Bring back to Planning Committee for approval.


The committee felt that there were enough opportunities for the PC within the immediate and short/medium term plans. The council is at its most productive level since records began.

20/07 Items for next agenda.


There is no confirmed next meeting date.

Meeting closed 20.45

All Actions to be completed by the next Strategy meeting unless otherwise specified.

Clerk & Ward Cllr Jefferies

19/03 Clerk to talk to SBC to get parking improvements for Windmill Piece started. WITH PLANNING COMMITTEE

Clerk and Admin Officer

19/03 Assist with guidance on how we create an emailed newsletter – for our website team to use.


20/05 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow up layby parking & if we can include Ward Cllr Sumner in this conversation?
21/04 Draw up a list of current Youth Provisions in the Parish.
21/04 Catch up with Cllr Barnes on Youth Provisions
21/04 Add to future EGPA committee to consider Youth Provision in the parish moving forward
21/04 Review Mail Chimp and talk to Kevin at Sanders about maildrop/news updates
21/04 Arrange an office visit with Sanders to get update on website – with Cllr Harris
21/05 Ask other Parishes how they deal with their traffic issues

Cllr Kearsey

21/04 Start on project to provide planning committee with more guidance on replying to planning applications. A check list of what elements to look at, and a pre-populated checklist of the major planning considerations that applications should be reviewed against.

Clerk and Cllrs

21/05 Create a map of traffic issues within the Parish. Present to future planning committee and ask Cllr Jefferies for help with presenting to SBC Highways

Nina – Admin

21/05 Create a Burderop Park news/welcome letter. Take spec to planning committee first for approval.