Cllr Harris took a moment to formally mark the passing of Mr Phil Costigan, a long serving member of the parish council who stood down in 2019. The Council remembers him fondly as a valued member of the Council during his time served.

20/200 Co-option of New Cllr.

Jon Jackson.

Mr Jackson advised he has lived in the Parish for 3 years and wants to give back and help mould the future of the community.

Cllr Harris read the legal declarations for Parish Cllr eligibility and Mr Jackson confirmed his eligibility.

Cllr Bates proposed that Mr Jackson be co-opted as a Parish Cllr. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Mr Jackson was not yet entitled to vote on council matters as the “Acceptance of Office” declaration had not yet been signed. He joined in discussions but did not vote on any items on the agenda.

20/201 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.


20/202 Approval of minutes from 8th February 2021

Correct typing error on page 2

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/203 Action points:

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.


20/137 Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy. Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page. S&A Policy to do, other 2 policies loaded to website and MS Teams. Still work in progress

20/187 Publish updated Equal Opportunities & Diversity policy & Talking with Developers policy after amendments are made. Still work in progress

20/188 Arrange creation and printing of Parish newsletter. Clerk and Admin Officer work in progress. Cllrs are invited to submit ideas for inclusion

20/193 Arrange payment of £318 to Swindon Children’s Scrapstore and move £1000 into allocated funds for new Rec building. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update. No further update from March meeting, waiting for site survey

20/169 Look into a service that can take vaccination patients to and from their appointments – report back to Clerk. NO LONGER REQUIRED AS V CARS PROVIDING TRANSPORT

WC Mattock

20/169 Chase up SBC with letter to landowner for cutting back hedges at New Road. Ward Cllr Jefferies to chase this

20/204. Talk from Phil Sooben at the Office of National Statistics in regards to 21st March national Census.

All letters and access codes now sent out. People can respond now ahead of 21st March. Would prefer online responses. Can ask for a paper copy though.

Will provide extra help for those who need it – alternative languages, sight and hearing issues. They have easy to read leaflets and video’s with subtitles and BSL sign language. Over 40 alternative languages are available.

The response rate in 2011 was 95%. Hoping to match that this year. The ONS decided it was important to go ahead with the census even with Covid happening. They hope to learn about the impact of Covid. Door to door visits will be safe and follow Gov guidelines. They will do a follow up 6 weeks after 21st March. Extra help will be offered to help complete the form. Voluntary Action Swindon is monitoring the Swindon Helpline. Phone contact only but possibly face to face help from mid April.

There are no security risks with data provided. Sensitive questions about gender and sexual orientation are secure and it is illegal to share the data. No other Gov dept can access the data.

The results are published in 1 years’ time. All the data is anonymous. The personal data is available in 100 years.

Please help by reminding people to complete the census and encouraging them to respond.

Cllr Sunners asked about the potential for scams with on-line returns. The ONS request that anything suspicious be reported to them. The ONS will never ask for payment of any sort. Completing the census online is secure.

The Clerk is to add the Census information to the Newsletter that is being created.

Mr Sooben left the meeting at 19.59

20/205 Community Safety report, including crime stats. Cllr Sunners

There is a new Sector Commander of Police for the Swindon area.
The Crime stats for January in the parish recorded 9 crimes.
Suspect vehicle reported in Strouds Hill carpark. Also a young male in the area trying car doors at night.
A temporarily homeless couple were living in their car in Strouds Hill carpark. Police were made aware. Threshold have visited them.

20/206 Ward Cllrs updates. Ward Cllr Jefferies

The Hodson Bridge closure has been confirmed as 22nd March for 14 weeks. The bridge is being restored. Will still be single file traffic.
Openreach fibre rollout. Looks positive so far. Keep pushing for a higher % signup. Currently at 90%.

2 day road closure near Nightingale Farm on 10th to 12th March.

Cllr Duke asked about the speed limit changes and signs for DF. Cllr Jefferies to chase this up with SBC.

Clerk reported back from Ward Cllr Sumner:

Ward Cllr Sumner is meeting Michelle Maidment from Openreach on 9th March so will have an update then. J15 works are going ahead as planned.

Cllr Simpson joined the meeting at 20.08

20/207. Policy review and approvals

Death of a Senior Public Figure

Query over the ability to buy flowers for a memorial. The Clerk advised there is no power to do this unless the Chairman has an annual allowance which so far has not been voted in by Cllrs.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that this policy be adopted by the Council. Seconded by Cllr Duke, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/208. Opening of Castle View Play area

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates to re-open the play area. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/209. Request for Cllrs to have more involvement in quotes and projects. (Item requested by Cllr Sunners)

Cllr Sunners read out his statement provided in the additional documentation.

Cllr Harris had the following points to make to the council:

  • If a committee has budget allocated from the precept they need to ensure it is spent on the project it was requested for.
  • The Committee chairman should control when those items appear on the agenda in order for a vote on spending the funds.
  • Cllrs should ask questions in order to make decisions. However the agenda is sent out in advance so that Cllrs can review and ask for clarification. Can work with the Clerk to decide if there is enough information to proceed.
  • Cllrs should read the information provided and go back to the Clerk/Committee Chairman if there isn’t enough information. Should never wait for a meeting to announce there isn’t enough information.
  • If Cllrs don’t know enough about an agenda item, research it in advance. Cllrs should make themselves aware of issues prior to the meeting by speaking to the Chairman or Clerk.
  • The cheapest quote isn’t always best value in the long run.

Various Cllrs confirmed this was the practice they adhered to already.

Cllr Harris asked Cllr Rawlings if there was enough information now available for Cllrs to make a decision on the Chapel pathway and Rec Hall roof at the next EGPA meeting.
In regards to the Rec Hall roof, the Council has a tenant in that building so need to ensure the building is fit for use. Should think long term about how much further use a new roof will provide for the hall.

Cllr Sunners then withdrew his proposal as the discussion has provided many useful points for Cllrs.

Cllr Harris asked that Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Sunners make sure there is enough information given to the Clerk in advance of the April EGPA meeting for decisions on the Chapel path and Rec Hall roof.

20/210. Update from BMX working group from Cllr Rawlings who attends this group as a member of the public.

A proposed site near the Farm Shop on the old railway track has been shortlisted as the preferred site. Sustrans lease this site from SBC. Any decisions will need to come to the Full Council as the council will be asked to take over the long term running of the site in regards to insurance, maintenance and the lease of the land etc.
One of the working party will hopefully come back to April full council with a proposition so far.
The item will be scheduled in to the April full council meeting.

20/211. BIOS update

The Clerk updated the council on the list of missing items required from SYFC in order to successfully return to the site with the van for the weekly visits. A letter will be drawn up with these points and sent to SYFC.
Cllr Sunners hopes they can return to Chiseldon once these items have been provided without further delay.
Cllr Jefferies queried the length of time waiting for the DBS paperwork and the Clerk confirmed this had been outstanding for some time.

20/212. FINANCE. Forming a Committee for the Rec Hall/ground improvement works

Cllrs Randall, Jackson, Jefferies, Rawlings, Bates, Harris and D Rogers all indicated they would like to join this first committee meeting. The Clerk is to arrange a date for the first meeting to take place.

20/213. PLANNING. Discuss and Vote on application S/LDE/20/1636. Certificate of Lawfulness for 41 Windmill Piece. Erection of single storey rear extension.

Built 4 years ago with no planning permission.

A proposal to support this application was made by Cllr Kearsey, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and the majority of Cllrs were in favour. Cllrs Jefferies and Bates abstained and Cllr Sunners was against the proposal.

20/214 Committee Reports

Finance – February 2021 financial report.

No questions

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that the February 2021 finance figures were an accurate representation of the councils income and expenditure for the month. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.


Cllrs Rawlings reported that Sustrans are being contacted about the 45 cycle route in Chiseldon. There are issues at Home Close and Strouds Hill. The issue of a “no ball games” sign for the garages at Downs Road/Castle View Road is with SBC planning dept.


Cllr Kearsey reports that there were only 4 planning applications on the last meeting agenda. Responses for all have been sent back to SBC

Risk Assessments:

Completed in Feb 2021 with no issues to report

To be completed in March 2021:
Street Furniture
Castle View Play area
Infectious disease RA carried out each month and reviewed by Chairman and VC.

Clerks Correspondence

no correspondence provided for March

20/215 Items for next agenda.

Cllr Bates requested a review of all committee memberships.

Meeting closed 21.23

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.


20/137 Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy. Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page. S&A Policy to do, other 2 policies loaded to website and MS Teams.

20/187 Publish updated Equal Opportunities & Diversity policy & Talking with Developers policy after amendments are made.

20/188 Arrange creation and printing of Parish newsletter.

20/204 Add Census update to Parish Newsletter.

20/210 Invite BMX group to present plans at April full council meeting

20/212 Create first Rec hall/ground committee meeting.

20/215 Add review of committee composition to April full council agenda.

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.

WC Mattock

20/169 Chase up SBC with letter to landowner for cutting back hedges at New Road

Cllr Rawlings & Sunners

20/209 Make sure enough information is provided on the April EGPA agenda to vote on the Chapel pathway and the roof for the Rec Hall.