Declarations of interest: None

Public recess: No public

16/35. Minutes of the previous committee meeting.

Amendment – Page 2 – 16/133. Amend Cllr Hill’s name to be Cllr Harris.

The minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2015 and 25th January 2016 were approved on a proposal by Cllr Bowles seconded by Cllr Cabrera; all at the meeting in favour.

16/36. Matters arising


16/37. Parishing costs

Cllr Walton updated the Committee on the Parish walk that was conducted by himself, Cllr Rawlings and Rob Core from SBC. Cllr Rawlings has a very comprehensive understanding over what areas of the Parish are our responsibility and we know now what we would be responsible for maintaining.
Cllr Rawlings wants to talk to Wanborough PC to find out who they are using for their work so we can get a third quote.
It was decided that once the third quote is in, we need to look in detail at these numbers in a direct comparison.
Rob Core has said he will help us review the tenders.
Action for Cllr Costigan to create a costing comparison template for Cllr Rawlings to use.

Action for Clerk to follow up with Wanborough Clerk to get details for our possible third quote.
The costs are to be circulated once available, and will involve Cllr Rawlings in the review.

Q&A document for residents:
Cllr Harris explained how and why the document was written. It was to aid call centres who may have residents calling to query the rise in their Parish council tax figure.
The Clerk advised that there had been a couple of queries to the office but this document had dealt with them.
Cllr Walton commented that we needed to start providing some extra services to show how this money is being spent.
Action for Cllr Costigan to ask SBC how they charge this per household.

Cllr Walton ask the question about area’s that have a private maintenance agreement such as Badbury Park. Do we still get their precept figure even though they pay for maintenance? Cllr Harris advised that yes we do, as it was a personal choice to live somewhere that has a private maintenance agreement.
Cllr Bowles advised that we still need to provide other services to them such as dog bins and noticeboards etc.

Cllr Harris advised that there will be a second information leaflet added to the leaflet drop containing Parish Plan information. Cllr Brady wants to review this leaflet and add another section for overall approval. This is an ongoing issue due to Cllr Brady not being in attendance.

Claire Maycock has sent us the final Parish Plan draft.

This will be printed and distributed to all residents. A completed leaflet should be available for the full council meeting on 11th April.

The Clerk noted that a resident had further questions about the Parishing, and it was agreed that Cllr Harris would assist the Clerk in drafting a further reply.

16/38 Review Accounts

Cllr Costigan advised an income of £53,930 for the year excluding the tennis courts accounting and the Aldermore bond which matured in March 2016.
Expenditure was £44,675.

16/39. Any other business.

The Clerk mentioned recent issues with the laptop and subsequent email loss.
Cllr Harris will assist with email backup and upgrading the current laptop where appropriate.

Clerk requested approval for a quote for £530.00 ex VAT to erect a new metal gate and posts at the SHCMG as the wooden one has rotted.
Cllr Walton approved this, Cllr Costigan seconded and all those at the meeting in favour.

Date of next meeting: TBC