16/140. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess.

No public

16/141. Approval of previous minutes.

No changes. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th February were approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour.

16/142. Matters arising/Action points.

Matters Arising

Page 3 16/139 AOB – B.Cllr Shaw has advised Cllr Hill that the bus bay opposite Meadow Stores will hopefully be re-painted in April 2016. Cllr Hill also advised that the bus bay by the Landmark hotel is due to be painted, Suzanne Coles has advised that the lines will be moved closer to the kerb on the other side of the road, to allow a bus to park safely on each side of the road at the same time.

Page 4 16/139 AOB – No response from SBC in regards to the pot holes in Badbury. Cllr Rawlings will email ward councillors again. Cllr Rawlings also reported that Rob Core from SBC will be doing a Parish walk around with Cllr Rawlings on Wednesday 23rd March so he will point out potholes then.
Cllr Dudman asked that thanks be passed to Rob Core for the cutting of the grass in Badbury.

Page 4 Action points – the demolition of the garages near New Road has not yet been completed, due to deep foundations/footings being in place and discussion over who is responsible for removing them.

Action points

Action for Cllr Rawlings -Parking posts at the Care home. Waiting for Ward Councillor Bennett to advise. This can be raised at the Locality meeting on the 30th March.
Action for Cllr Rawlings – The advanced stop sign at the Chiseldon to Wroughton road has been hit again. Request to SBC that the sign be moved to avoid this happening again.
Action for Cllr Rawlings – talk to Rob Core about the bank erosion at Mays Lane and Butts Road.

Action for Clerk – Page 3 16/136, Change name to Rachel Sandys. Same for page 5 action point for Cllr Harris.

Action for Cllr Sunners – to read the Transport plan and report back to Environment committee.

Action for Clerk – ask Ward councillors if Thamesdown buses can provide a smaller bus to do this service, instead of Barnes coaches.

Action for Clerk – In May 2016 write to Mr Nigel Hale of SBC asking that when the contract for the coaches goes out to tender, that they specify a maximum of 25 children will be on the route so the transport needs to be the appropriate size on the tender.

Action for Cllr Harris – write to Rachel Sandys at the Highways agency to see if she can intervene and help with the erosion issue of the bank at the Hodson Bridge crossing the M4.

Item for next full council meeting. To discuss the level of support that will be received from the Borough/Ward Councillors once B.Cllr Bennett steps down and B.Cllr Shaw becomes Mayor.

16/143. Allotments.

Cllr Rawlings advised that new wire for the outer allotment fence has been purchased at the reduced cost of £108.00 per two rolls. A letter has been sent to all allotment holders asking for their help to put up the fencing and there has been a good response. Clerk to compile a list of replies and update the allotment contact list so Cllr Rawlings can make contact to arrange a work party.
Action for Clerk – compile a list of replies and update the allotment list for Cllr Rawlings.

A letter has gone out to tenant on plot 4B asking them to bring their plot up to standard within 4 weeks or the plot will be allocated to the next person on the waiting list.

16/144. Dog bins.

Remind Parishioners on FB that there is a dog bin on the green by the school.

If dog mess is a problem on a particular route then need to report to the SBC dog warden to get them to monitor the situation.

Action for Clerk to update FB.

16/145. Highways

The New Road build out has been postponed to the 31st March for a 5 day period, with 3 way traffic lights and the workers working from 9.30 to 3.30 Monday to Friday.

The Castle View Road, Station Road junction is to get new white “Give Way” road markings.

Cllr Dudman reported that when traffic coming from the M4 junction up the hill turns into Badbury, the 30 MPH sign is too close to the junction for drivers to see it. It would ideally be moved down to the white gates.
Cllr Hill reported that this sign had been moved once already to its current position to make it closer to the junction to encourage drivers to slow down sooner.

B. Cllr Shaw reported in his monthly report that the New Road/A346 junction has been added to the list of requests for projects investigated in 2016/17. This is subject to prioritisation and approval by the cabinet member.
Action for Clerk to update parishioner who raised this query.

16/146. Street furniture.

Cllr Rawlings hasn’t heard back from B.Cllr Bennett on the parking posts at the Care home, he will follow up.

Action for Cllr Rawlings to follow up with B.Cllr Bennett.

Quotes were put forward to the committee for the replacement of the wooden 5 bar gate at the SHCMG entrance. There was a wooden option or a metal option. The committee felt that even though a metal gate would cost more to start with, its longer life would be a better long term option.

Cllr Bates proposed we purchase a metal gate, Cllr Harris seconded; all those at the meeting in favour except Cllr Hill who didn’t vote.

The recent complaint about the new noticeboard location at Badbury was discussed. Whilst there was sympathy towards the resident and their views, it was noted that of the 3 viable locations, SBC had determined that the current location was the only one we could use for H&S purposes. The Highways agency had also been out to review the location and concurred.
Action for Clerk to write back to the resident confirming the Parish Councils position and reasoning behind the boards location.

16/147. Village appearance.

The metal fencing behind Oakleys Spar needs putting back in place as this was a condition of the Planning permission. Currently there are H&S issues with the air con units being accessible to members of the public and also the long drop down the bank.
Action for Clerk to write a letter to Dawn at Oakleys requesting a date for the fencing to be put back in, and also asking after any air con unit covering.

The 2 noticeboards at the Spar need their hinges repairing as they are currently not supporting the front face of the boards when open. Two residents have been hit on the head by the opening window falling down.
Action for Cllr Rawlings to chase up repairs.

16/148. AOB.

Cllr Dudman has a resident in Badbury who would like to add something to the Badbury noticeboard. Advised to contact the Clerk who has the keys for this.

Cllr Sunners reported that he has gained permission from the local authority to remove an Ash tree in his front garden. The letter can be viewed if required.

CVPA had its annual inspection and has some minor areas that need work, and also one of the ropes on the climbing area has fallen down. The Clerk has contacted Caroline Hunt at SBC, who is asking Steve Anns to get back to us with details of how to get this work done.

Cllr Hill reported that there are holes in the grass areas around 65/67 New Road and can we fill these in ourselves? Action for Cllr Rawlings to check with SBC.

Cllr Hill reported back that Stagecoach will pay for the repair work to be carried out to Station Road verges but they will not do the work themselves. If SBC get this work down and then invoice Stagecoach, then Stagecoach will pay.
Action for Cllr Rawlings to ask Rob Core about this as the ground needs levelling and re-seeding.

The turning area in Canney Close has some large stones placed there to stop parking. The SBC grass cutting team now can’t get in with their mowers to cut the grass.

The road down Mays Lane and the High Street when coming out of Turnball is full of potholes and are dangerous to walkers going to the Spar.
Action for Cllr Rawlings to contact SBC to ask them to fill these in.

Cllr Rawlings reported that two skips are being hired to remove all the compost from the Butts Road Cemetery. The probation services team are going to do this work.

Cllr Rawlings reported that we are going to try a self mulching mower in the cemetery’s to see how this works (should mean no grass cuttings for the compost heap) and is no extra charge to us.

Cllr Rawlings reported that there are asbestos boards in the Butts Road cemetery. Samples have been taken by SBC to see what type of asbestos it is. Certain types can be removed by using bags the council provide. We are waiting to hear back from SBC.

Cllr Rawlings noted that there may be a vacancy for a new Vice Chair for the Environment committee in May 2016.

The meeting closed at 8.10pm.


Cllr Sunners

16/133 Read the Transport plan document and report back at next Env committee meeting.

Cllr Rawlings

16/136 Contact SBC to see if the garage demolition near New Road can be utilised for parking spaces for those on New Road.

16/136 Work with Cllr Brady to write a proposal for a weight limit at Badbury and Draycot Foliat.

16/146 Follow up with B.Cllr Shaw about the parking posts at the Care Home. Ongoing – waiting for B.Cllr Bennett and possibly raise at next locality meeting

16/138 Work with Cllr Brady to arrange to talk to B.Cllr Shaw about the bank erosion at Mays Lane and Butts Road. Cllr Rawlings to talk to Rob Core about this.

16/147 Chase up repairs to hinges on the 2 noticeboards at the Spar

16/148 Ask SBC if we can fill in the holes in grass verges ourselves.

16/148 Ask Rob Core if SBC can do the work to repair the verges on Station Road caused by Stagecoach who will then pay the invoice.

16/148 Ask SBC to fill in the potholes on Mays Lane/Turnball/High Street area.


16/133 Ask Ward Councillors if Thamesdown buses can provide a smaller bus to do the school run that goes through Badbury instead of Barnes Coaches.

16/133 In May 2016 write to Mr Nigel Hale at SBC asking that when the contract for coaches for the school run goes out to tender that they specify the maximum number of children the service is for and request that appropriate sized coaches/buses must be used as part of the tender submission.

16/139 Talk to Esso Store Manager about further plans to combat litter from the store. Follow up with a phone call, as letter sent on the 16th March.

16/142 Add agenda item to next Full Committee meeting to discuss the level of support we will receive from our Borough/Ward Councillors once B.Cllr Bennett steps down and B.Cllr Shaw becomes mayor.

16/143 Compile a list of replies from the allotment work, and update the allotment contact list. Send copy to Cllr Rawlings.

16/144 Update FB to advise residents that there is a dog bin on the green near the school. If dogs not on leads are suspected of causing the dog mess issue then report this to SBC dog warden for monitoring.

16/145 Update parishioner who asked about the New Road/A346 road improvements.

16/146 Clerk to get approval from Finance committee to spend funds on a new metal gate for the SHCMG.

16/146 Write to resident confirming our position with regard to the noticeboard at Badbury.

16/147 Write to Dawn at Oakleys to ask when the metal railings are being put back up and whether there will be air con covers.

Cllr Harris

16/136 Contact Rachel Sandys at the Highways agency for help with Hodson bridge embankment erosion problem.