
16/112 Declarations of interests


Public Recess


16/113 Approval of minutes – meeting held on Monday 16th January 2017

No amendments

Acceptance of the accuracy of these minutes proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr McMurray; all those at the meeting who were in attendance in January 2017 were in favour.

16/114 Matters arising


Action points

Cllr Sunners:

  • 16/170. Welding of pitch barriers will be carried out in the spring when the ground isn’t waterlogged

Cllr Walton:

  • 16/103. Cllr Walton has the memorial grant paperwork to give to Julie at this meeting
  • 16/106. Ongoing

All other actions completed

16/115 Football Matters

The plumbing has now been completed and Cllr Sunners has fixed the shower poles back in place.

It is felt that the costs represent good value for money.

The Clerk has an action to ask Matt Clark if he has spoken to AllBuild about the Football pitches.

16/116 Tennis Club

Cllr Brady updated the committee on the latest situation with the TC fencing.   Hiscox insurance who are the insurance for the LTA do not provide cover for fencing due to wind/storm damage.  This leads us to the understanding that this cover is practically impossible to supply.

CPC require qualified proof that the screens can be put back up on a new reinforced fence or will not be able to give permission otherwise.

Julie and Brian arrive at 19.34

Cllr Sunners confirmed to all present that he is not a trustee of the tennis club and no longer wishes to be considered.

Brian confirmed their understanding also that Cllr Sunners was not a trustee.

Cllr Brady confirmed that our insurance broker confirmed our policy does not cover wind/storm damage to fences.

It was again noted to all present that Hiscox do not cover this either.

The PC may look to change insurance provider but this still won’t cover fencing damage due to wind/storms.

It was confirmed that the most likely reason for the fence damage was due to the screens added to the fencing as none of the other areas of fencing were damage.

Once the fence is repaired we will need a structural engineer to confirm that the panels are safe to go back up.

Until this has been confirmed then the PC are not happy with the screens going back up.

The spec of the fencing quote needs to be looked at to ensure both parties are happy with the solution.

In regards to the lease we will engage a solicitor to make sure any ambiguous wording is resolved.

Brian Boston speaking on behalf of the TC had the following to report:

In regards to insurance they only have 3rd party cover. At the time of signing the lease in 2014 they understood that CPC would cover all other insurance requirements.

Julie Porte advised that the earliest the contractor can do the repair work is end of March.  They will replace the 4 damaged posts with new round posts which should be stronger.

They asked if the PC can initially pay the entire invoice to claim back the VAT and then the TC will reimburse us their 50%. The Clerk will look into this

The TC will also save £200 if they remove the rubbish themselves.

The contractor cannot guarantee that the fence will not break again due to screens being erected.

Cllr Walton commented that in order to allow the screens to go back up we need evidence that the new fences are structurally able to hold them.  If this evidence is not provided then CPC cannot give permission for the screens to go up again.

Both the TC and CPC are to look at the insurance to make sure there are no other areas that are not covered.

It was then confirmed by the PC that the TC can proceed with repairs but cannot put the screens back up without evidence it is safe to do so.

If we pay the total invoice then we need to be the bill payer and need to approve the work ourselves with the contractor.

16/117 Pavilion

The Clerk confirmed that Centraheat will remove their rubbish and Cllr Walton confirmed he will get the boards removed from the Football Compound work.

16/118 CVPA

Nothing to report

16/119 Recreation Grounds

Cllr Walton confirmed he is still to look for the costs of scalpings and improvement methods to the parking situation on grassed areas.

16/120 recreation Hall

The Clerk confirmed that work on the Rec Hall was still scheduled for April Easter break.

16/121 Youth activities

Nothing to report

16/122 Care of vulnerable people

Nothing to report

16/123 Any Other Buisness

Cllr McMurray reminded the committee that there is a meeting at the Three Trees Farm shop on the 21st to discuss a plan for a village produce show.

The meeting closed at 20.38

Summary of Action Points


  • 16/115. Ask Matt Clark if he has talked to Allbuild about pitch improvements
  • 16/116. To see if we can pay the full TC bill for fencing work and claim the VAT back

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/116. Arrange to review lease and engage Withy King to resolve any ambiguous wording issues

Cllr Walton:

  • 16/106. Investigate tarmac costs and other car park surfaces such as the green hexagonal plastic sheets and recycled scalpings
  • 16/116. Review spec of Tennis Club fencing quote to ensure we are happy with the proposed plans

Cllr Sunners:

  • 16/170. With Cllr Bates: Discuss the extra welding requirements for the football pitch barriers. Postponed until Spring 2017