Cllr Bates proposed that these apologies be accepted. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour

20/101. Proposal for Cllr D Simpson to join the Committee

Cllr Kearsey proposed that Cllr Simpson join the committee. Cllr Rrawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour

20/102. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr A Rogers is a tenant of the Langton Estate so will not be voting on the planning application at Hodson.

Public Recess:

no public

20/103. Approval of minutes from 28th January 2021.

Amend page 2 Draycot Foliat. 6 properties not 7.

A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting once the above amendment is made was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour.

20/104. Action points from previous meeting.


20/60 | 20/61 Chase contractor for update on quote for Draycot Foliat layby work. CHASED – NO REPLY YET
20/85 Arrange for paper survey to be created & delivered. DONE
20/77 Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities. CHASED AGAIN
20/86 & 20/97 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to March planning agenda. NOT YET DONE DUE TO LOCKDOWN.
20/93 Advise SBC on decision of planning application DONE
20/94 Advise SBC on decision of committee re land adjacent to Berricot Lane. DONE
20/96 Advise resident on decision from this item ref parking at T junction at Manor Rise DONE
20/98 Schedule final review of New Road survey once paper questionnaires are delivered and returned. WILL SCHEDULE FOR APRIL.

The Clerk will download an updated version of the on-line New Road survey for Cllr Kearsey to ensure the most up to date information is included.

It was noted that community speed watch will return to the parish on 29th March.

20/105. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/21/0192. 5 New Road. Two storey rear extension.

A proposal to reply with no objection was made by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.

20/106. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on S/LBC/21/0203 Manor House, Chiseldon. Replacement driveway walls.

Concerns over the trees on the site. It appears that one would need to be removed and others may suffer root damage. It is believed that the trees have “Tree Protection Orders” on them, but there is no statement in the Heritage document that covers the trees.

Would like to see a report from the SBC Tree Officer be included and taken into consideration.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to support the application as long as the SBC Tree Conservation officer was in approval of the plans. Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/107. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/21/0094. Hodson Lane, Hodson. Change of use from barn to dwelling.

There was concern that the proposed plans would alter the structure too far from its original function/purpose.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to object to the application. Seconded by Cllr Duke and the majority of Cllrs were in favour. Cllr A Rogers did not vote.

20/108. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/HOU/21/0190. Single storey rear extension & velux windows. Move garden wall. Saracens, Turnball. Chiseldon.

The Committee objected to the old stone wall be altered due to the street scene of Turnball being noted in the Chiseldon Conservation document for its old stone walls.

The velux window on the rear of the extension should be removed to prevent overlooking of neighbours. The velux windows to the front of the extension are acceptable. There are no objections to the proposal for the extension.

A proposal was made by Cllr Duke to support the extension proposal within the application, but object to the removal of the stone wall and the rear velux windows. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/109. HIGHWAYS.

No items

20/110. TRANSPORT.

No items

20/110. Items for the next agenda

Cllr Rawlings requested a follow up item for the New Road hedge cutting as March would be the last month to cut the hedge before bird nesting season began.

Meeting closed at 20.06



20/60 | 20/61 Chase contractor for update on quote for Draycot Foliat layby work.
20/77 Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities.
20/86 & 20/97 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to March planning agenda.
20/98 Schedule final review of New Road survey once paper questionnaires are delivered and returned.
20/104 Download most recent New Road survey from Mail Chimp
20/105/106/107/108 Reply to SBC on planning app decisions.
20/110 Follow up item on New Road hedges not yet cut.