
Public Recess

Mr J Martin of Home Close commented on the problem with potholes in the Parish. It was agreed to take this matter back to Ward Cllr Foley for an update in the June Full Council meeting.

Mr Martin also asked if there was any update on J15 M4. It was confirmed that the P.Council has not received an update but we would make public any information we received.
It was noted by Cllr Sunners that Ward Clly Foley is now the cabinet member for Highways.

Cllr David Hill noted that large sections of Highways across Wiltshire are going to be re-surfaced by Wiltshire Council which will have an effect on bus routes through Chiseldon.

18/01 Declarations Of Interests


18/02 Voting in of new Chair

Cllr Caroline Brady nominated herself as Chair for 1 final year. Cllr Walton proposed this motion and Cllr Harris seconded. All Cllrs voted in favour of Cllr Caroline Brady being Chair of Chiseldon Parish Council. There were no other nominations for the position of Chair.

Cllr Brady then signed the “Acceptance of Office” book and advised that this forthcoming year would be about succession planning for a new Chair in 2019 when election are due.

(A further resident, Mr E Shaw arrived at 7.18pm)

18/03 Voting in of new Vice Chair

Nominations were asked for the position of Vice Chair.

Cllr Jefferies nominated herself and Cllr Walton seconded.

Cllr Matt Harris nominated himself and Cllr Sunners seconded.

Cllr Hill proposed Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Sunners seconded.

A silent vote was requested so votes were cast on paper.
On the first round of voting, the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated from the process. Cllr Harris received the least votes.
(A member of the public assisted the Clerk with the counting of the votes).

On the second round of voting, Cllr Rawlings was voted in as the new Vice Chair.

Cllr Rawlings then accepted this post.

18/04 Approval of minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 8th May 2017

Page 1 – Remove Cllr Jefferies from the apologies list.

Cllr Hill then proposed the approval of these minutes as accurate and Cllr Walton seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.

18/05 Matters Arising


Action Points


18/06 Ward Councillors reports, Annual Reports from Committees and Correspondence

The Ward Cllrs report from Ward Cllr Sumner is available and the Clerk will email it to all Cllrs. It will also go on the Parish website.

All annual reports can be viewed on the Parish website or requested from the Clerk.

18/07 Annual review of Code of Conduct, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

All 3 documents were reviewed and there are no changes to be made at this time.
Standing orders were proposed by Cllr Rawlings and seconded by Cllr Harris.
Financial Regulations were proposed by Cllr Walton and seconded by Cllr Clarke.
Code of Conduct was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Rawlings.

All those at the meeting in favour.

There is a query on section 3.4 on the Financial Regulations on the Clerks emergency budget of £2,500. The Clerk will investigate and report back to the Finance Committee.

18/08 Committee Composition, elect members to Committees and outside groups

Cllr Walton will join the Finance Committee.

Cllr Hill proposed these changes as accepted by the Council, Cllr Rawlings seconded and all those at the meeting in favour.

It was noted that Cllr Hills and Cllr Henderson cannot partcipate in Planning discussions relating to New Road so it may be that other Cllrs are seconded onto that Committee to discuss and vote on New Road.

Cllr Sunners is still happy to be the police liaison.
Cllr Hill is happy to be the Public Transport representative but will need a new Cllr to step forward in 2019 as Cllr Hill will be retiring.
Cllr Henderson is happy to stay as the SAC rep.

18/09 Public Q&A

Retired Ward Cllr Shaw wanted to thank the Council for the flowers and gift card received by humself and his wife Pam at the Annual Parish meeting. It was very unexpected. He wishes the Council a successful year.

Mr Shaw and the other residents leave at 19.52

18/10 AOB

Cllr Mills asked whether SBC can be approached to see if there are further proposed changes to J15 M4 after the new modelling is carried out.

Cllr Hill is going to attend the next Community Safety forum for Cllr who cannot attend.

Meeting closed 19.55

Summary Of Action Points

No actions