1. To vote on the approval of a committee Chairman for this meeting, or until May 25

2. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

3. Public recess

4. Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations to be noted.

5. Approval of minutes of meeting 19th August 2024

6. Action Points

7. Parishing:  No items

Parish appearance and safety:

8. Re-approve 2x bench costs. See additional information.

Building & amenity priorities:

Tennis  club

9. Tennis Club representative to update Committee

Football club

10. Football Club representative to update Committee

11. Pavilion –  No items

Rec hall, ground & car park:

12. Approve quote to replace damaged emergency light at the Rec Hall. See additional information.

13. Chapel and graveyard:  No items

14. Community priorities:  No items


15. Approve request from plot 10B to erect a new shed. See additional information.

Vulnerable people and Youth items:

16. Discussion on success of Headstart Skillz sessions over the summer.

17. Discuss and vote on moving the Oct 24 sessions to The Deanery (to gauge if this is viable) See additional information.

18. Castle View Play area:  No items

19. 2025/26 budget items

The committee to list any one-off projects or forecast increased service costs for consideration for the 25/26 budget.

20. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)