
  1. Vote on new Finance Committee Chair
  2. Vote on new Finance Committee Vice Chair
  3. Attendances and apologies for absence 
  4. Declarations of interest
  5. Public recess
  6. Approval of minutes from 26th April 2018
    Matters Arising not on the agenda
    Action Points


  1. Approve Audit figures for 2017/2018 for annual review – see documentation
    Review Accounts
  2. Review Accounts for April and May 2018 and vote on approval – see documentation  June to date figures to be provided for information 
    Vote on Expenditure
  3. Discussion and vote on joining WALC again. Current annual cost is £988.00 a year – see documentation for what is included in the cover
  4. Discussion & possible vote on upgrading emails to be more secure for GDPR purpose – all Cllrs to receive “Chiseldon-pc” email address
  5. Discussion & vote on B&Q voucher donation to probation service for their work in the parish

Policies & Leases

  1. Review Hiscox policy renewal for Washpool insurance £379.85 (Exact same cost as 2017)

Staff & HR

  1. Clerks proposed 2% salary review. In line with SAC recommendations – see documentation
  2. Start discussion on managing Clerks workload – various options available – increase Clerks hours, employ an office admin assistant
  3. Any Other Business (Note: items in AOB cannot have a vote)