20/65. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr D Rogers knows the applicants of The Manor Badbury and Frenshams, Turnball so will not be voting on these items.

Public Recess:

no public

20/66. Approval of minutes from 24th September 2020.

No changes

A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting was made by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour.

20/67. Action points from previous meeting.


20/56 | 20/57 | 20/58 | 20/59 Reply to SBC with outcome of votes for planning applications. DONE

20/60 | 20/61 Use Check a Trade to see if a contractor can be found for layby work – DONE – NO USABLE CONTACTS MADE
Contact Mr Walton to see if he can assist. TO CHASE FOR REPLY.
Ask Cllr Rawlings for his contact. – DONE. CONTACT HAD ALREADY DECLINED TO QUOTE

20/62 Add New Road build out removal to next applicable Full Council agenda for further discussion and vote. DONE

20/64 Add New Road hedges and pot hole patching to next Planning agenda for vote on official approach to SBC Highways. DONE

20/68. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/20/1234 Revised application for Burderop Park

It was noted that SBC Heritage were satisfied with the proposed changes.

A proposal to reply supporting this application was made by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs in favour. The heritage comments are to be noted on the reply to SBC.

20/69. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/20/1324 & S/LBC/20/1339 for Burderop Park

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to support this application based on the heritage improvements. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/70. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/LBC/20/1295 The Manor, Badbury Lane, Badbury.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to reply with support of these plans and to comment on the quality and clarity of the application details. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr D Rogers did not vote.

20/71. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/20/1248. Frenshams, Turnball.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to send “No Objection” to SBC for this application as it is of similar design to work already approved on the road. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr D Rogers did not vote.

20/72. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/20/1199 Sevimli. 1A High Street.

It was noted that this is an altered application from early 2020.

Points discussed:

  • The height of the building should not be raised
  • There is a potential impact on the foundations of the wall of the adjoining property
  • The modern design does not suit the road or the Conservation area it is within
  • Question as to whether the unique 1960’s design should be preserved.

A proposal was made by Cllr A Rogers to send “Objection” to SBC for this application as it is inappropriate for the area and the Chiseldon Conservation area. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/73. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/20/1316 48 Station Road

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to send “No Objection” to SBC for this application. Seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/74. PLANNING. Approve document to aid Cllrs when replying to a planning application.

It was agreed that the document should be used but would also benefit from a template to aid Cllrs when determining the statement to be sent back to SBC. The Clerk will work on this.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to use this document and add to it. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/75. HIGHWAYS. Discuss & vote on Canney pavement dip and action to take.

It was noted that SBC do not consider this dip sufficient in dept to fill/patch.

It was proposed by Cllr Harris that the Clerk go back to SBC and indicate that the PC still feel this pavement is problematic and prone to icing over in winter, resulting in a trip hazard. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

20/76. HIGHWAYS. New Road Build Out. Decision on how to proceed with 2017 decision to remove, and replace with something more suitable.

In 2017 the PC voted to have the Build Out removed and a more suitable traffic calming method installed instead.
In 2020/21 budget, £6000 was set aside to achieve this.

It was noted that SBC refused to remove the Build Out in 2017. The last review of accident data showed no accidents or fatalities in this area.

The site is overgrown and in need of lighting.

It was discussed that CPC need to canvass nearby residents to see if the feeling of 2017 has changed. Need to look at the view of the residents before deciding a course of action.

Can create a survey using neutral questions and non-leading questions to gather current views.
Will send to Canney Close, and New Road between The Canney and Station Road.
Clerk and Cllr Kearsey to work on this.

To be discussed at next meeting and expenditure for this approved – paper and on-line survey costs.

20/77. HIGHWAYS. Discuss and vote on overgrown hedges along New Road as well as road conditions.

SBC have previously noted that they will instruct the landowners to cut back any overgrown hedges.

The road surface is deteriorating and has potholes – can be a hazard for cyclists.

The Clerk is to send out the letter that previously went to SBC noting that the road needed closing to be re-surfaced and that this had resident’s support. Nothing was heard back when the letter was originally sent.

SBC are the authority who have power over hedge cutting enforcement. CPC cannot enforce hedge cutting.

The Clerk is to chase Ward Cllrs about this matter and contact SBC direct with regards to ensuring the landowners take the appropriate action.

The above course of action was proposed by Cllr Rawlings. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


No items

20/79. Items for the next agenda

No items

Meeting closed at 20.38



20/68 | 20/69 | 20/70 | 20/71 | 20/72 | 20/73 Reply to SBC with outcome of votes for planning applications

20/60 | 20/61 Contact Mr Walton to see if he can assist with contacts for layby work.

20/74 Cllrs Planning application guide – add templates to this document for how to reply to SBC

20/75 Contact SBC to advise that CPC still feel the dip in The Canney pavement could pose a slip hazard in winter.

With Cllr Kearsey

20/76 Clerk and Cllr Kearsey to work on draft survey contents.
Add this item to November Planning agenda including costs for survey on paper and on-line.

20/77 Re-send letter to SBC noting that New Road needs to be closed to be re-surfaced and that residents support this.
Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities.