1.   Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

2.   Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

3.   Public recess

4.   Approve Minutes from 17th November 2022 including separate Confidential minutes.

5.   Action points from 17th November minutes.

6.   Review and approve Council’s reserve’s policy – See additional information.

HR: No items


7.   Discussion only on services that could be taken over from SBC. Advanced Planning.

8.   Committee Chairman (Cllr Rogers, Cllr Kearsey, Cllr Ford and Cllr Harris) to report back to Finance Committee on their spend against annual budget amounts.  See additional information

9.   Consider and vote on whether to purchase Cyber Crime insurance cover of £319.20. See additional information

10.  Approve £260 additional costs of equipment hire from the Handyman to run to 31.3.23. Approved by EGPA committee.  To cover costs due to council equipment theft and planned replacement.

11.  Approval of £700 maximum on purchase of new strimmer for council work.  Stihl recommended.  To replace stolen equipment.  Approved by EGPA committee

12.    Contracts – No items

13. Items for inclusion on next agenda

(Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)