Public Recess
No public
This first meeting of the Transport and Strategic Planning Committee meeting was opened by Cllr Brady. Cllr Brady advised that the purpose of the committee was to work on resolving local transport and traffic flow issues. It would be linked to J15 of the M4 and any future large developments that may pose transport issues.
16/01 Voting in of New Chair
Cllr Glenn Mills was proposed as the Chair for this meeting by Cllr Walton and seconded by Cllr McMurray. All those in attendance were in favour.
The resolution was carried that Cllr Glenn Mills would be the Chair for this meeting.
16/02 Declarations of interests
16/03 Define the Committees Terms of Reference
Cllr McMurray had done some research on other Parish Councils Transport plans and recommended viewing Pulborough or Ipplepen PC as theirs was comprehensive and well thought out.
His suggestion was that we need to include parking, public transport, walking routes, roads, and anything else relating to moving around the parish.
It is also about improving the safety of these – both in real terms and the perception.
It was commented that there needs to be a clear strategy set out that we can provide to SBC.
It was also commented on that we need to decide if we are dealing with individual transport matters as they arise or whether this committee concentrates on creating a transport plan.
Cllr Martin mentioned that any work done in this committee can feed into any future neighbourhood plan we may wish to create.
Once the plan is created it needs to be dynamic and reviewed as achievements are met. This means it can include current issues also.
We need a starting point on the current state of transport within the parish.
We need to get all available stats that cover the current volume of traffic and accidents within the parish.
We need to make sure Ward Cllrs and our MP are informed and ready to provide assistance.
We can also use the raw data provided in the last parish plan review.
Cllr Hill commented that J15 of the M4 needs to be discussed before the next Highways meeting in April/May to enable us to be in a strong position to request relevant needs.
Cllr Brady advised we also need to establish this Committees relationship with the other Parish Council committees.
Cllr McMurray commented that perhaps it was better to wait for the annual meeting in May 2017 to re-structure any committees, and not change any responsibilities now.
It was stated that current transport issues should remain with the Environment Committee and only come to the Transport committee if it becomes a wider Parish issue.
The current suggested terms of reference are:
- Public Transport
- Cycle Routes
- Walking Routes/Pedestrian areas
- HGV movements within the Parish
- Traffic Calming including New Road Build Out
- Considering traffic flow from other parishes – such as Wroughton and Marlborough etc
- When new developments are taking place – The impact of transport on the Parish
A statement of intent was created, which is:
“To improve the safety and efficiency of the transport network within Chiseldon Parish for the benefit of all residents”
Cllr Brady can provide a template for the terms of reference. The Clerk is to complete this as much as possible so it becomes the draft document to work from at the next meeting.
16/04 Input from Ward Cllrs and SBC
It was decided to invite the Ward Cllrs to the meeting in March to talk about the ways in which they will be able to assist us, and then once a few meetings have taken place we can invite them back with an update on how we need their assistance.
It was decided not to involve SBC Highways at this time as the committee need to understand the proposed goals of the committee first.
16/05 Propose the appointment of planning transport/highways planning consultant to support the Committee
This item was deferred to the next meeting
16/06 Propose first action points
The Clerk, with assistance from Cllr Brady is to request all available transport data from SBC Highways. Also ask the Police and Community Speed Watch team for information they can provide.
Cllr Brady is to send the Clerk the template for defining the terms of reference.
Cllr McMurray is going to source a list of local cycle routes for the next meeting
The Clerks office has a map showing the local footpath routes
Cllr Hill is going to create a list of bus routes and forthcoming changes for the next meeting
16/07 Confirm next meeting date and meeting frequency
The next meeting will be Thursday 23rd March at 7.30 and the meetings will follow on bi-monthly from this.
16.08 AOB
Cllr Brady asked whether we want a member of the public to sit on the committee. It was decided that yes, once there is a plan developed, this was a good idea.
Cllr McMurray suggested we reveal some of the committees plans on the Annual Parish meeting on 19th April.
Cllr Hill reminded the committee that as public transport is always being cut back, to keep a community mini bus in mind.
At this point the permanent Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee was voted on.
Cllr Mills was proposed as Chair by Cllr McMurray and seconded by Cllr Hill, All those at the meeting were in favour.
Cllr Martin was proposed as Vice Chair by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Brady. All those at the meeting were in favour.
The resolution was carried that Cllr G Mills is Chair of the Transport and Strategic Planning Committee and Cllr J Martin is Vice Chair of the Transport and Strategic Planning Committee.
The meeting closed at 20.49
Summary Of Action Points
Cllr Brady:
- 16/03. To send the Clerk the template for the terms of reference
- 16/04. Invite Ward Cllrs to the next meeting in March so they can report on the ways in which they can assist us
- 16/05. Move hiring a consultant to the March meeting agenda
- 16/06. With assistance from Cllr Brady request all available transport data from SBC Highways, the Police and Community Speed Watch teams.
Cllr I McMurray:
- 16/06. Source a list of all cycle routes within the Parish for the March meeting
Cllr D Hill:
- 16/06. Create a list of all bus routes and the forthcoming changes for the March meeting.