20/208 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.


Public recess.

No public

20/209. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES. Cleaning and mapping of drains at Chapel on Butts Road.

The quotes from Allbuild were reviewed. £300 plus VAT to investigate and map the drains with a camera. £300 plus VAT to clean the drains.

Cllr Harris proposed that £300 plus VAT be approved by Allbuild to clear the drains. Then a further £300 be delegated to the Clerk to organise the mapping of the drains with a camera by Allbuild. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
To be passed to April Full council for approval of funds as not an EGPA budget item for the current year.

20/210 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Re-surfacing of Chapel path.

Quotes for tarmac and block paving were reviewed.
Block paving was preferred as this makes repairs/investigation work easier to complete.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to approve the Wiltshire Paving quote of £3500 once the quote price had been clarified as correct by Cllr Rawlings and the specification for the work around the metal runners was confirmed. Cllr Bates seconded, and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/211. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Butts Road cemetery clearance

The quote from Allbuild of £300 plus VAT to remove all waste was reviewed.

A proposal to approve this quote was made by Cllr Randall. Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs were in favour.
To be passed to April Full council for approval of funds as not an EGPA budget item for the current year.

Cllr Jefferies is to ask SBC if the Chapel can pay for a green waste collection.
If not, regular removal quotes from Allbuild to be considered at a later EGPA meeting.

20/212. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Sir Henry Calley tree removal quote

The quote of £320 no VAT from Morgan Tree’s was reviewed.

A proposal to approve this quote was made by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/213. Vulnerable People and BIOS

Cllrs were advised that the BIOS provision from Swindon Youth for Christ would not be returning to Chiseldon.
Cllr Rawlings asked if SBC can offer anything. Cllr Jefferies advised this was unlikely, but she would get details of the Wroughton provision. The Clerk will email the BIOS email to the Committee.

An abandoned vehicle on Strouds Hill is currently taxed so SBC cannot remove it.

20/214. Items for the next agenda.


The meeting closed at 19.44.



19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines

20/143 Make sure STWFC send over list of requirements for 2021 season.

20/171 Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Hall.

20/198 For April Full Council – approval of funds for Strouds Hill signage & arrange signage with Cllr Sunners.

20/198 Work with Cllr Sunners on Home Close signage once Sustrans have detailed their proposed work. Approval of funds to first go through Full Council.

20/201 Add investigation of PIR lighting to April EGPA agenda

20/202 & 203 Work with Cllr Randall to get the most cost efficient pricing on the hedge and tree work at the allotments.

20/204 Add to April Full Council for approval of funds for allotment tank lid

20/206 Add to April Full Council agenda to get gym signage costs approved

Cllr Rawlings

20/205 To get 3 quotes for repair work to the side of the Rec Hall

Cllr Rawlings/Sunners

20/205 To visit the Rec Hall with 3 builders to get details of all work required to allow the building to be used for the next 2/3 years. Clerk to add to April agenda to discuss and vote.

Cllr Rawlings

20/208 Cllr Rawlings to get 3 quotes for items 18 and 19 on the agenda – cleaning the Chapel drains and quotes for the Chapel path to be replaced.



20/209 & 20/211 Request approval of funds from Full Council in April meeting

20/211 If Chapel cannot have a green waste collection, schedule an item on EGPA agenda for regular waste clearance.

20/213 Send BIOS email to all Cllrs

Cllr Rawlings

20/210 Confirm the cost of block paving from Wiltshire Paving is £3500 and confirm how the brick work around the metal gate runners will be handled.

Cllr Jefferies

20/211 Ask if the Parish Chapel can have a green waste subscription

Cllr Jefferies

20/213 Ask for details of Wroughton Youth provision