Declarations of interest: None

Public recess: No public

16/44. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 24th November 2016.

No amendments.

The minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2016 were then approved on a proposal by PW and seconded by CB; all at the meeting were in favour.

16/45. Matters arising


16/46. Action Points

The quote for CCTV is to be circulated via email for a vote to be made on its approval.

CB – 16/31 – Clerks salary band – ongoing checks are being made. We have access to a website that calculates this based on certain criteria. CB will email the committee with the information for a vote on the new Clerk’s salary. Clerk to be notified after the vote has been carried out.

The cheque for Morgan Tree Surgery for work carried out to date will be signed during this meeting ready for collection at 7.15pm.

All other actions completed.

16/47. Review precept for 2017/18 and approve

Confirmed that the procedure is to vote the approval of the precept in this meeting, then take the figures to the January 2017 full council for the figures to be ratified.
Cllr McMurray had replied to the committee advising that the Planning Committee will only need £2,000.00 for their planning requirements. The decision was made to leave the budgeted figure at £10,000.00 to allow for other planning/strategic matters.
MH advised he recommends that the remaining £8,000.00 stay in the planning cost centre as this is the most appropriate place for it. The Committee therefore decided to leave the full £10,000.00 in the Planning Committee budget.

The issue of Highways in the Parish will be significant over the next 3 years due to the land requirements over the next 3 years and possible development within the Parish.

This budget leaves a £13,500.00 surplus, which allows for £4,000.00 to make up the short fall in parishing funds from SBC in 2017/18 and the remainder as general funds for unexpected issues. There is £1,000 a year per committee for building maintenance and £5,000.00 to go into a fund to replace the Recreation Hall and £5,000.00 to go into a fund for pitch drainage.

It was suggested by MH that we publish a document on our website advising on the increase and why it has occurred.

A proposal was then put forward by PC that the 2017/18 precept to be recommended to full council be £105,000.00, seconded by PW and all those at the meeting in favour.

16/48. Clerks Salary review.

It had already been decided to discuss this either via email or at the next finance meeting.

16/49. Any other Business

The Ridgeway Bell are providing us with monthly diary information for us to place on the website and FB page. A donation was suggested for this information. £100.00 was suggested by DW, seconded by PW, and all those at the meeting in favour.
Action for Clerk to get a cheque raised and sent.

PW updated that Committee that the probation team are still booked in to do the work at the Rec Ground new compound. They do the work for free but ask for a donation to John Miller in Chippenham. The work is likely to take one week.
A donation of £200.00 was suggested by CB, seconded by PC and all those at the meeting in favour.
Action for Clerk to get a cheque raised and sent.

Meeting closed at 19.05

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 25th Jan 2017 at the Old Chapel if required.


Cllr Brady

16/46 Investigate Parish Clerk salary bands on website and send information to other Committee members for a vote.

Cllr Harris

16/46 CCTV quote to be circulated for approval via email.


16/49 Raise 2 cheques for Ridgeway Bell donation and John Miller donation