Public Recess: 4 members of the public.

All residents in attendance to ask about larger layby parking area for Draycott Foliat. Also an issue with any emergency vehicle which may need to visit.
Cllr Brady acknowledged that the Parish as a whole has parking issues and we will ask Ward Cllr Mattock to open this case again with SBC. The residents would ideally like numbered parking bays allocated to each house.
Tractors in this area during harvest need to slow down. There is no street lighting in the area either.
The PC need to find out the SBC reasoning for not actioning these requests. The PC will ask Cllr Mattock to investigate and report back.

The residents left at 19.42

18/97. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Harris lives in Norris Close

18/98. Approval of Minutes of meeting on 28th Jan 2019

There were no changes to make to the minutes

Cllr Rawlings proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Hill seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.

18/99 Action points



17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK TO CHASE. CLERK TO CONTACT DEVELOPER DIRECT FOR UPDATE REPORT.

17/80 Hodson needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Further discussion in next meeting. WAITING FOR FEEDBACK FROM CLLR WALTON. ON AGENDA – CLOSE ACTION

18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction. SEE PUBLIC RECESS COMMENTS ABOVE.

18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS – ASK WC SUMNER IF J15 DEVELOPERS CAN ASSIST. NO REPLY – CHASE

18/46 Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this. ONGOING. CLOSED – SEE ACTION 18/77

18/46 Investigate options for speed activated signs. DONE – SIGN PURCHASED

18/63 Ask Cllr Walton to canvass residents of Hodson ref passing place – DONE

18/77 Talk to SBC highways for quote to install a pole for the interactive speed sign. TO CHASE. CHASE AGAIN

18/79 Ask Ward Cllr Mattock for info on how A346 safe crossing area will be prioritized. TO CHASE. ASK WC SUMNER IF WSP CAN DO THIS AS PART OF J15 WORK. CLOSED – SEE 18/28 ABOVE

18/86 Send Ward Cllrs a list of questions ref S38 at Manor Rise for next EGPA meeting. DONE

18/87 Pass approval to Finance Committee for £4000 from unallocated funds to go towards fighting New Road proposed development. DONE

18/90 Ask WC Sumner if there have been any changes to the original application for 30 homes at New Road. Also check status of S/18/1160 and update planning document with status for Carisbrook Terrace. DONE – NO CHANGE.

18/91 Send all committee members Cllr Clarkes updated Rec Ground suggested plan. DONE

Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill

18/48 Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting. CLOSED – NO LOCAL APPLICATION FOR THIS SCHEME


Create a “shopping list” of parish improvements for grant funds to be allocated to. DEFERRED TO SUB COMMITTEE FOR GRANTS.

18/100 Discussion on whether to start a Neighbourhood Plan (NHP) once SBC have their 5 year housing land supply under control.

This won’t be under control for at least 18 months. Nearer the time the committee needs to understand if creating a plan is viable and can be adhered to. There are grants available to create a NHP.

18/101. Parish improvements for grants.

The Clerk is to note for May 2019 that sub-committee need to create a TOR and then report back to Full Council/Planning Committee.

18/102. PLANNING. Application for 6 The Canney. S/HOU/19/0324.

To add note ref building materials and equipment on site due to small road.

A proposal was made that there be no objection to this application. Cllr Jefferies proposed this resolution, Cllr McDonald seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/103 PLANNING. 5 High Street. S/19/0393

A proposal was made that there be no objection to this application. Cllr Rawlings proposed this resolution, Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/104 PLANNING. Review feedback on Norris Close layby plans and make committee recommendation to Full Council.

After discussion it was decided that the parallel parking option was the most suitable. It was decided that doing nothing was not an option as 999 vehicles cannot get down the street. Parallel parking would have no headlight glare into front windows, and would retain the maximum amount of green space.
A hedging barrier would be needed.
Echelon parking would mean reversing into the road which could be a hazard. This plan is to avoid double yellow lines as this just moves a parking issue elsewhere. White painted lines would be needed to mark out spaces.

A proposal to put forward parallel parking was proposed by Cllr Rawlings. Seconded by Cllr Hill. All Cllrs apart from one were in favour. This Cllr voted for echelon parking as it would create the max. number of spaces.

This will be taken to April full council for vote before going back to SBC with decision and plan to move forward.

18/105. PLANNING. Review of whether Strouds Hill needed a seating area.

It was decided to move this discussion to the EGPA committee and also the Clerk is to write a letter to residents of the area asking them for their opinion.

A new tree with circular seating around the base was suggested – to not be in the “shadowy” area but in the open.

18/106. PLANNING – Review “Public Procedure for planning meetings” document.

The Cllrs had reviewed the document which was sent before the meeting.

A proposal to accept this document for the committee meetings was proposed by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr Hill. All Cllrs were in favour.
Clerk to laminate for Planning meetings and add to other Committee agendas to have similar versions for the public.

18/107 PLANNING. Review planning list.

No comments


No items

18/109 HIGHWAYS. Discussion on road and other improvements needed to be placed to Ward Cllrs.

Cllr Mills not in attendance and no information received. Move to next agenda.

18/110 HIGHWAYS – Dykes Mews access issue

The Clerk has chased the Ward Cllrs with no reply to date. The Clerk will ask Ward Cllr Mattock to provide an update at the next full council meeting.

18/111 HIGHWAYS – Slipper Lane/Turnball parking issue and dropped curb.

Ask Ward Cllr Foley to ask SBC about the dropped curb outside the Mews flats.

18/112 HIGHWAYS – Hodson Road parking place

This item is closed as residents of Hodson expressed no need in this.

18/113 HIGHWAYS – Castle View Road parking issues

This item is to be moved forward to once the Norris Close work is in progress.

18/114. Items for the next agenda

Cllr Brady thanked the Committee for their serviced and wished them luck for the future.

Meeting closed at 20.43



17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK TO CHASE DEVELOPER DIRECT FOR AN UPDATE

18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.

18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. CHASE WARD CLLR SUMNER FOR REPLY.

18/77 Talk to SBC highways for quote to install a pole for the interactive speed sign. TO CHASE. CHASE AGAIN

March public recess AsK WC Mattock to update committee on the situation with Draycott Foliat parking and lighting with SBC.

18/101 May sub-committtee meeting for grants – need to create their TOR and report back to either Full Council/Planning with progress

18/104 Item for April full council – Norris Close parking decision

18/105 Add Strouds Hill seating area to EGPA agenda and write to residents for their views.

18/106 Create laminated planning meeting procedures for the public and supply to other committees to adopt the same document.

18/109 Move Cllr Mills requested agenda item to June agenda.

18/110 Chase Ward Cllr Mattock for update on Dykes Mews parking

18/111 Ask Ward Cllr Foley to ask SBC for dropped curb at Slipper Lane/Turnball.

18/113 Move Castle View Road parking layby to future agenda, once Norris Close layby under way.