21/85 Apologies given:

Cllr Bates had undergone a medical procedure. Cllr Jefferies has a prior meeting so will either be a late arrival or non-attendance. Cllr Barnes is unwell. Cllr Patel cannot attend. Absence without apologies: Cllr Dogra.

A proposal was made that the given apologies be accepted. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/86 Public recess.

1 member of the public

21/87 Co-option of candidates.

Mr Chaydon Ford wished to be co-opted as Parish Cllr. He advised he lived in Chiseldon with his wife and intends on living here for many years to come so wanted to be involved in local life and local decisions

Cllr Harris read out the requirements to be a Parish Cllr and Mr Ford confirmed he met the criteria.

A proposal was made to co-opt Mr Ford onto the Parish Council. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Ford took his place at the council table.

21/88 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

Cllr Simpson has an pecuniary interest in item 11 on the agenda, the planning application for Bourne House so will leave the room during this item.

21/89 Approval of minutes from 13th September 2021

No changes

A proposal was made that these minutes were accepted as accurate. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/90 Action points:


21/65 Arrange for purchase of SID when required. IN PROGRESS
21/84 Add item to next agenda for discussion over cleaning of road signs. ADDED TO OCT PLANNING AGENDA

Cllr Jefferies

20/16 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update. ONGOING

21/91 Community Safety report, including crime stats.

Cllr Sunners

5 recent burglaries – Home Close and Draycott Road.
August crime stats for Swindon area – 1791 crimes. Parish stats for same period – 16 crimes. 3 were fuel non payment from the garage. Wroughton Parish had 41 crimes for the same period.

21/92 – Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.

To follow later in the agenda if Ward Cllr Jefferies attends the meeting.

21/93 Approval of new policy for Bio-diversity and Crime Preventation.

The policy requires splitting into 2 separate policies but is otherwise accepted by the council.
The policies should be introduced into the NHP, and consider how to encourage the reporting of crime in the area.

A proposal was made to approve the Bio-diversity and Crime Prevention policy as 2 separate policies. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/94 Approve the amendment to Standing Orders so Cllrs can now sit on 3 committees (was 2).

A proposal was made to approve the change in the Standing Orders for committee membership. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/95. Quarterly website review

There was no feedback or comments on this item

21/96 PLANNING. Discuss and vote on S/HOU/21/1330. 2 storey side and rear extension and flue. Bourne House, Draycot Foliat.

Cllr Simpson left the meeting room

A proposal was made to approve this planning application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Simpson returned to the meeting room

21/97 PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/HOU/21/1393. Single/2 storey rear extension. 11 Hodson Road.

A proposal was made to approve this planning application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/98 FINANCE. To note the external audit conclusion by PKF Littlejohn for the 2020/21 audit.

The clear and successful conclusion to the audit was noted by the council.

21/99 FINANCE. Approval of further £100 to fund the placement of 3 SID posts and ground anchors by Allbuild.

Approved by Planning Committee.

A proposal was made to approve this further £100 cost. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/100 FINANCE. Approve funding required of £550 to Allbuild for the purchase, transport, and erection of the Xmas tree. Erection of lights and barrier. This total includeselectricity costs for lights.

Approved by EGPA committee

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A request was made for the Clerk to consult with the local police over road safety. Also talk to Ward Cllr Jefferies over SBC’s position on temp road closures. A number of donations from local businesses have already been received to help with these costs. Funds will be spend from council funds to cover any shortfall.

21/101 FINANCE Approval of an annual cost of £325.00 for Wotton Tree Consultancy to do a safety inspection and report on the trees in the allotment area and Millennium Copse.

Approved by EGPA committee.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/102 FINANCE. Approval of £100 max costs delegated to the Clerk for the creation of a small Covid19 rose “garden” area in the Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden.

Approved by EGPA committee

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/103 FINANCE. Duplicate of minute 21/83 agenda item 18.

No further action.

21/104 FINANCE. Approval of £8628.00 for the purchase of 3 “Smiley face” SID signs from Stocksigns.

Approved by Planning Committee

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/105 Quarterly review of budget vs expenditure report.

There were no comments or concerns over this report. No further action required.

21/106. Committee Reports

Finance – September 2021 Financial transactions report.

A proposal was made to approve these figures as accurate. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The October to date report was not available.


Cllr Rogers. Some items passed to Finance for 2022/23 budget. Larger tree maintenance budget for next year. Ash trees remain an issue. Will need to look at re-planting project to deal with bio-diversity levels.
Could lose a third of local trees due to Ash die back. Committee members to view slide at CVPA before next EGPA meeting.
Action for Clerk to check current ash tree advice.


Cllr Kearsey. Require items for consideration for first NHP public meeting in December.

Rec Ground Improvement

Cllr Harris. A number of residents attended the last meeting in regards to the land at the back of Hodson Road. A public document with updates has been approved for publication.


Cllr Harris. Draft budget and precept approved. Will come to Nov meeting for consideration and approval.

Risk Assessments:

Sept – completed
Castle View Play Area – visual check done. Area closed for new flooring installation.
Street Furniture – Done. Minor issue in SHCMG with broken bench which handyman has repaired.
Website Accessibility – Ongoing. Accessibility statement updated. Quote provided for more work for Finance Committee to consider.

Oct – to be done.
Admin officer and RFO JD – Nina to complete
Clerk JD – Clerk completed
Trees and hedges around the parish owned/maintained by CPC – volunteer required.

Clerks Correspondance. Comment on press article that local services costs will be increasing massively over the next few years.

21/107 Items for next agenda.


Meeting closed 20.33

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.


21/65 Arrange for purchase of SID when required
21/93 Split bio-diversity and crime prevention policy into 2 policies and then publish.
21/94 Updated Standing Orders as approved and publish
21/100 Talk to local police about Xmas tree event and talk to Ward Cllr Jefferies about road closure.
21/106 Check current professional ash tree advice – ref Die back.
21/106 Add approval of 2022/23 budget and precept added to Nov full council

Cllr Jefferies

20/16 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.

Glossary of abbreviations:

SBC – Swindon Borough Council
NHW – Neighbourhood Watch
CPC – Chiseldon Parish Council
DF – Draycot Foliat
CVPA – Castle View Play Area
SID – Speed Indicator Device
RWV – Ridgeway View
STEAM – Museum in Swindon.
RA – Risk Assessment
CPRBB – Chiseldon Parish Residents for Better Broadband
NHP – Neighbourhood Plan
PIR – Passive Infrared sensor EGPA – Environment, General Purpose & Amenities Committee
WALC –Wiltshire Area Local Councils
WARP – Washpool Area Restoration Project
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy
WC – Ward Councillor
Cllr – Councillor (Parish)
TW – Thames Water
STWFC – Swindon Town Women’s Football Club
CSW – Community Speed Watch
GWH – Great Western Hospital
SYFC – Swindon Youth for Christ
*TRO – Traffic Regulation Order