22/16. Vote on approval of committee Chairman for the forthcoming year.

A proposal was received for Cllr M Harris. The proposal was seconded.

There were no other nominations.

A vote was taken by show of hands and all Cllrs were in favour of Cllr Harris standing as the Chairman for the forthcoming year.

 22/17. Vote on approval of committee Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.

 A proposal was received for Cllr A Rogers. The proposal was seconded.

There were no other nominations.

A vote was taken by show of hands and all Cllrs were in favour of Cllr Rogers standing as the Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.

 22/18. Apologies for absence:

Cllrs Chay Ford (prior appointment) & Jon Jackson (wife unwell). Absence without apologies: Cllr Danielle Simpson.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies for absence. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/19. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.


22/20. Public recess.


22/21. Approve the minutes from 3rd May 2022.  

No changes.

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 3rd May as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/22. Action points.

 Clerk 21/96. Clerk to arrange how the funds are to be spent on improving further council events. Liaise with committee Chairman and VC.  Pending – will be able to do when Npower send over their invoice for the electricity for the lights. (This is ref the excess on donations we received to fund the Xmas event). Ongoing. Still waiting for Npower invoice, RFO to call them again and seek resolution.

Clerk 21/97. Investigate how to spend the £2000 youth funds before Financial Year end to benefit the youth of the parish.  Trying to arrange Scarrotts Fair for Easter– ongoing.  £1000 budgeted for this. Ongoing. Following communication difficulties with Scarrotts, Clerk is now planning to arrange a kids free disco/fete on 22nd July.

Clerk 21/111. Judicial Review level of insurance cover. Cllrs would like to know 1) is it an insurable risk? 2) how much will it cost? 3) What cover will that provide? Reply from insurance sent to Cllrs – Cllrs to tell us if they want us to investigate further or whether they are happy with cover levels as they are. On agenda.

Clerk 21/105. Can Clerk scan CCs once DATR report is compiled, prior to sending out, to double check all monthly costs have been allocated to the correct CCs? DONE. In place and ongoing.

RFO 21/105. Can RFO show the CCs budgeted items are allocated to on the budget file? Costs incurred against these items should then be allocated against the same CCs. DONE.

Clerk 22/11. Clerk to complete the cemetery course. Booked in August.

22/23. Vote to approve items 17, 18 and 19 as confidential items.

The Chairman read the following statement:

Exempt items

Certain items are expected to include the consideration of exempt information Finance Committee is, therefore, recommended to resolve “That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded during the discussion of the matters referred to in the items listed below, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information”.

A proposal was made to approve restriction of the confidential items. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/24. Review level of insurance cover for Judicial Review challenge and vote on whether to increase cover.

 Cllrs discussed the advice provided by our insurance company, including the various options suggested and the risk of such an occurrence taking place. Cllrs decided on balance, they felt there was no need to seek additional insurance cover at this time for Judicial Review challenges.

A proposal was made not to increase of insurance cover for Judicial Reviews. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/25. FINANCE. Review details of microsites, website changes and new document formats from Sanders Webworks. Approval to proceed with designs required.

A proposal was made to approve microsites, website changes and new document formats from Sanders Webworks. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/26. FINANCE. Annual review of the “Grants and Donations” policy.

A proposal was made to approve the Grants and Donations policy. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/27. FINANCE. Vote on grant request from “The Open Door” in Swindon.

 Cllrs considered the request from “The Open Door” charity.  It was agreed to award a £100 donation to the charity.

A proposal was made to approve a grant of £100 to “The Open Door” in Swindon. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/28. FINANCE. Review internal auditors report and vote on any mitigating actions to take.

 The report was noted.

 22/29. FINANCE. Vote on CPC covering any profit shortfall from the Jubilee fete.

A proposal was made to donate £52.62 to round up the money raised at the Jubilee fete to £2,000, enabling £1,000 to be given to each of our two chosen charities (Prospect Hospice and Brighter Futures). The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/30. FINANCE. Vote on expenditure for “Parish-Online” annual online training course expenditure.  £100.

A proposal was made to approve £100 to Chagos Consulting Ltd for access to online ‘Parish Online’ training for one year. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/31. Contracts – No items.

 HR – Confidential items.

 22/32. HR. Vote on proposal to extend Clerks weekly hours.

A proposal was made to approve extending the Clerk’s weekly hours by 2 hours per week. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/33. HR. Vote on proposal to extend RFO’s weekly hours.

A proposal was made to approve extending the RFO’s weekly hours by 5 hours per week. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/34. HR. Vote on amendment to spinal point for RFO due to historical inaccuracy.

A proposal was made to approve the amendment of the spinal point of the RFO to 21 and back date pay to September 2021. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 22/35. Items for the next agenda.

 Office opening hours. Review office opening hours prior to Covid and decide whether to increase hours/days the office is open. Consider whether provision should be made for calls to be diverted to Clerk/RFO to enable a greater window for phone contact. ACTION. RFO/Clerk to provide previous office opening hours pre Covid for review.

The meeting closed at 20:35.


Clerk 21/96. Clerk to arrange how the funds are to be spent on improving further council events. Liaise with committee Chairman and VC.  Pending – will be able to do when Npower send over their invoice for the electricity for the lights. (This is ref the excess on donations we received to fund the Xmas event). RFO to call them again and seek resolution.

Clerk 21/97. Investigate how to spend the £2000 youth funds before Financial Year end to benefit the youth of the parish.  £1000 budgeted for this. Ongoing. Clerk is planning to arrange a kids free disco/fete on 22nd July.

RFO/Clerk 22/35. RFO/Clerk to provide previous office opening hours pre Covid for review.