The purpose of a Strategy meeting is to refer actions to other Committees or Full Council.

22/01 Declarations of interests. None

22/02 Review minutes from 29th March 2022. No changes.

The minutes were proposed as accurate by all Cllrs.

22/03 Action Points

  • Cllr Kearsey 21/04 Start on project to provide planning committee with more guidance on replying to planning applications. A check list of what elements to look at, and a pre-populated checklist of the major planning considerations that applications should be reviewed against. OUTSTANDING – Clerk to chase.
  • Clerk 21/10 Talk to Sanders about designing a new council letterhead DONE and in use.
  • Clerk 21/11 Ask Cllr Sunners if he can provide a crime map and also areas of concern over safety. OUTSTANDING – Clerk to chase
  • Clerk 21/11 Chase up Youth Worker Aaron for list of contact names. DONE. This avenue did not produce any results.
  • Clerk 21/11 Promote NHP on FB and other publications DONE
  • Cllr Kearsey 21/12 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to invite SBC Highways to a meeting to discuss mutually dealing with traffic concerns. OUTSTANDING. Ward Cllrs are meeting with SBC Highways in Nov 22 to discuss all local issues anyway.
  • Clerk 21/12 Contact PCC with regards to higher police speedwatch presence. DONE. Did not produce any additional presence.
  • Clerk 21/12 Ask CTS if solar panels could be placed on Chapel roof. OUTSTANDING. CTS did not provide an contacts that could assist.


Crime Prevention across the Parish

The Clerk is to chase Cllr Sunners again for the parish map showing crime locations.
There was a break in at the Rec Hall compound but this is being reviewed to see if it was a on off incident.
Solar lamps for Strouds Hill carpark are pending SBC approval of locations.
There are no further actions at present as the committee needs to see the map identifying locations. Bring back to next meeting.

Youth Provision in the Parish

It was suggested that the Clerk and Cllr Barnes resume looking at this to see what progress can be made. There is a need to determine what local children want – ages 10+

This is to be added to the Dec 22 newsletter for the whole parish and the Clerk will create a FB poll and also a survey monkey survey that people can complete.
It was noted that this may rely on parents completing the information.

Neighbourhood Plan

There is no specific update. The project is going well. Draft 1 of the plan is almost ready to be reviewed. Expect to present to SBC early 2023.


Traffic issues in the Parish

No progress with this item until Ward Cllrs report back on their Nov 22 meeting with SBC Highways.

How to manage the need for a potential increased precept over the coming years.

The Clerk is to ask SBC for the % breakdown of properties within each council tax banding in the parish. This is required ideally as background information for the Nov 22 Finance meeting to try to reduce the impact of any increase for the majority of the parish.

Climate Change and Climate Emergency

The Clerk is to continue working on the project to consider adding solar panels to the chapel roof.
To also consider better use of wind power and using grey water.
However it was noted that it would be a considerable cost to re-fit existing council buildings and it may be more cost effective to concentrate on the new Rec hall.
Could we perhaps link together local buildings with solar power to maximise the benefit?


Handing over of services from Swindon Borough Council

The Clerk provided an update from SBC where they had confirmed that from 2024/25 they would be looking to pass over services to parishes. No changes in 2023/24 as SBC realise it is too late to tie in with Parish Councils budget setting.

22/07 Items for next agenda. None. The agenda is to have the same items on it so updates can be discussed.

Meeting closed 19.55

All Actions to be completed by the next Strategy meeting unless otherwise specified.

  • Cllr Kearsey 21/04 Start on project to provide planning committee with more guidance on replying to planning applications. A check list of what elements to look at, and a pre-populated checklist of the major planning considerations that applications should be reviewed against.
  • Clerk 21/11 Ask Cllr Sunners if he can provide a crime map and also areas of concern over safety. Chase up.
  • Cllr Kearsey 21/12 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to invite SBC Highways to a meeting to discuss mutually dealing with traffic concerns.
  • Clerk 22/04 Talk to Cllr Barnes about youth provision next steps.
  • Clerk 22/04 Make sure youth provision article is on Dec 22 newsletter and create a FB poll and survey monkey questionnaire
  • Clerk 22/05 Ask SBC for % breakdown of council tax bands within the parish
  • Clerk 22/25 Continue to work on solar panel project