
16/01 Voting in of new Chair and Vice Chair

As current Vice Chair, Cllr Chris Rawlings started the proceedings by asking for nominations for the role of Planning Committee Chair.

Cllr David Hill nominated Cllr Ian McMurray for the role of Chair. Cllr Wendy Wright seconded this.
There were no other nominations for the role of Chair.
Cllr Ian McMurray was then voted in by unanimous vote to the role Planning Committee Chair.

Cllr Ian McMurray then assumed the role of Chair for the meeting.

Cllr McMurray then asked for nominations for the role of Vice Chair.

Cllr Glenn Mills nominated Cllr Chris Rawlings for the role of Vice Chair. Cllr Paul Sunners seconded this.
There were no other nominations for the role of Vice Chair.
Cllr Chris Rawlings was then voted in by unanimous vote to the role of Planning Committee Vice Chair.

Cllr McMurray the recorded a comment that Cllr Adelaide Dudman has recently resigned from her role as Parish Councillor and as such is no longer a member of the Planning Committee. It is hoped that a new Councillor to represent Badbury can be found.

16/02 Declarations of Interest

Cllr McMurray advised he has a latent legal right to buy the land at the Sheppards Farm planning application site for agricultural use should the current owners decide to sell and as such will not vote in the matter of that particular application.

16/03 Public Recess

No public

16/04 Minutes of Meeting of 16th April 2015

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th December 2014 were approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Rawlings; all who attended the meeting in favour.

16/05 Matters Arising


16/06 use of Brownfield sites rather than Greenfield sites within the Parish

Paul Maycock was not in attendance at the meeting for an update to the Parish Plan.
Action for Clerk to get an update on the plan to include any Brownfield sites identified for possible future development and report back to the Planning Committee. Invite Paul to August Planning meeting for an update on the Parish Plan.

Comment was made on the site at Chiseldon Manor. The old saw mill has been removed but there has been no further information with regards to the proposed plan for new houses to be built on this site.
Action for Clerk to make enquiries as to the current planning status with this land as the development has been in discussion for 4 -5 years now.

16/07 Eastern Villages Framework Travel Plan

The plan is promoting the use of public transport and car sharing schemes.
They predict that of all commuters leaving this area, 10 -15% will travel to Swindon, 10 – 15% will travel to Oxford and the remaining 70 – 80% will need to utilise the M4 at J15 to commute to work.

the proposed plan is to make the A419 a 3 lane road further north, merging back to 2 lanes at the Commonhead roundabout with a dedicated slip road onto the M4.

The number 66 bus service would increase with Thamesdown contracted to run a Park and Ride service located near Sainsbury’s on the A420.

The concern of this council is the impact on the A419 at the Commonhead roundabout and the M4 at Junction 15.

Action for Cllr Caroline Brady to write to Robert Buckland MP to make clear our concerns with J15 of the M4 and mention the extra impact that the Eastern Villages Transport Plan will have on this. Clerk to advise Cllr Brady.

The Planning Committee will send their response back to SBC in writing before the deadline with a question as th what they will do with the increased traffic on the A420, A419 and M4 J15. From the A420 southbound there are no infrastructure changes planned to cope with the extra traffic. The A419 would ideally have a breakdown lane created as currently when a vehicle breaks down, this road is reduced to a single land road.

Action for Clerk to compose this letter with assistance from Councillors.

16/08 Planning Applications, Including Outstanding plans

S/16/0084 Retrospective for ATM at service station – Clerk to check the current status of this as it goes back to Feb 2016.

S/16/0525 Dormer window, increase roof ridge height and detached garage, 1 Butts Road – Amendments to plans have been received for review. Need to check on original residents comments when reviewing by the Committee.

S/16/0891 & S/16/0892 Retention of ATM in secure room and illuminated ATM signs at Service station – Need to check why these were re-submitted.

S/16/0908 Bungalow at Sheppards Farm – Objection to be raised due to a new dwelling in a rural area. The build is not for agricultural use and there is no provision to the re-location of the right of way footpath that runs through the proposed build.

S/16/0982 new boundary wall and vehicle access with drive at Methodist Church Turnball – No objection with conditions for this application. See comments on SBC planning portal for good visibility splay and banks will need reinforcing.

Action for Clerk to chase Nicola Smith at SBC Planning with regards to all the parcels at Badbury Park. Cllr Wright believes there may have been some finds of archaeological importance which means the plans need to be altered.

16/09 Changes of Position for Closure of DayHouse Lane

Clerk to contact Nicola Smith at SBC with regards to S/10/0842 and the closure of DHL. Item A10 on 1.31 of the Commonhead Design codes show the closure point has moved. What will this mean to local residents. In addition ask clarification to which methods of transport (Vehicle, Bike, Foot) will continue to be able to use the lane.

16/10 Any Other Business

Cllr David Hill welcomed Cllr Paul Sunners to the Committee.

Cllr Sunners and Cllr Wright advised they are happy to look at plans on SBC’s planning portal and report back to the Clerk by email.

Cllr McMurray raised the question of whether we need more planning meetings so the public are more aware of the planning procedures within the Parish Council.
Cllr Mills advised that it can be good to talk over planning concerns with other councillors face to face.
it was confirmed that there will be another Planning meeting on the 1st August as per the yearly meeting plan.

The meeting closed at 8.53pm


Action Points


  • 16/06. Ask Paul Maycock for an update on the Parish Plan and invite him to attend the next planning meeting on 1st August to update the Committee.
  • 16/07. Ask Cllr Brady to write to Robert buckland MP to outline the PC’s concern over the M4 J15, Particularly with the extra impact the Eastern Villages Transport plan will have on it.
  • 16/07. Compose letter to SBC to advise on the Planning Committee comments in regards to the Eastern Villages Transport Plan.
  • 16/08. Check current status of plans S/16/0084 and find out why plans S/16/0891 and 0892 were re-submitted.Contact Nicola Smith at SBC to find out current planning status of all the parcels at Badbury Park.Contact Nicola Smith at SBC to find out the current situation with DayHouse Lane and its closure and how it will affect local residents.

Ian McMurray:

  • 16/06. Research the planning history of Chiseldon Manor.