Public Recess

Mr Graham Rivers from The Limes, 1 High Street – Raised his concerns over the volume, weight and speed of traffic in both directions between the High Street and Butts Road.

The location of his property means that his house has been hit by large vehicles not suited for this road. The damage to date has included – The guttering being ripped off and phone/internet cables being torn down.

He wants to know what can be done to deal with this and prevent large unsuitable vehicles from using the road as a short cut/rat run.

Cllr Brady advised that the Transport Development Committee would take this on board and a letter will be drafted to SBC and the Ward Cllrs to explain this issue and request Highways investigate.

Mr Rivers is to email the Clerk with a list of issues he has experienced as well as photos of damage.

Mr Rivers then left the meeting.

17/51 Declarations of interests


17/52 Approval of minutes from 10th July 2017

Correct some minor spelling mistakes

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Mills seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/53 Matters arising and action points

Matters arising

  • Page 2 – Sky will not have to re-visit New Road to do any more roadworks for repairs
  • Page 2 – The resident at Carrisbrook Terrace has removed the crates from the front of their property after Cllr Hill spoke with her
  • Page 3 – Item 17/35 School Transport changes in 2018. Ward Cllr shaw is to find out if there is any progress and let the Clerk know
  • Page 4 – Ward Cllr Shaw will follow up with a map of the areas of Butts road to be re-surfaced
  • Page 5 – ‘Shared Access’ are no longer pursuing the Recreation Ground as a site for their mast due to a more suitable location becoming available

Lee Wells from Allbuild arrived at 7.45pm

Action Points


  • 17/37. Update FB and website with regards to new info on dog fouling – Done
  • 17/48. Invite Shared Access to August full Council meeting – Done
  • 17/50. Add item agenda for Environment for refurbishing Chapel Doors – Done

Cllr Hill:

  • 17/40. Send the Clerk the information about Carrisbrook Terrace – Done

Cllr Harris:

  • 17/44. Re configuring the Committee budgets for change to committee structure – Carry forward

17/54 Update on Condition of Recreation Hall

Lee Wells from Allbuild advised the council on the condition of the hall. The building is currently structurally sound and is in no danger and can be used for a number of years.

Due to the rot in minimum cost to repair would be at least £5000, more likely £10000 and possibly even more.

It was therefore proposed by Cllr Walton that the Finance Committee approve costs to get a new flooring installed, new internal painting and repairs to the damaged wall. In addition, Aside from this expenditure Cllr Brady proposed that the Parish Council agree not to spend further funds on improving the structure of the hall, but channel these funds to provide a new hall in future years.
Cllr Hill seconded this, and all Cllrs were in favour.

Lee Wells left the meeting at 19.56

17/55 Ward Councillors reports

Cllr Shaw:

Below is a copy of Ward Cllr Shaw’s report:

Ward Councillors report for Chiseldon P.C. August 2017

Streetsmart & Highways 

  1. Butts Road – resurfacing work scheduled for September has yet to be confirmed
  2. Hodson Road – from Turnball to Burderop Junction. Due to damage to the centre of the road, apprentice caused by HGVs, the centre is to be taken up and replaced along the entire length. The times & dates are 28th September at 9am, the reopening is on 31st September 2018. 
  3. Yellow Lines by Turnball – no objections have been received so they will go in. Cllr shaw had not been given a date. 
  4. Layby in New Road between Station Road & Castleview Roads’ removal of yellow lines. No objections again Housing have yet to inform Ward Cllr Shaw. Space for 5 vehicles
  5. Windmill Piece – vehicle parking on the grass awaiting response from Housing on the way forward


SBC have received notification of revised plans for the development of Burderop Park

S/17/0128 & S/LBC17/0129. Altogether a total of 79 dwellers, construction of new access and associated works.

The Clerk is to confirm with SBC that the emergency services have been advised of the Hodson Road closure and to ask if the work is being done in two sections.

It was also confirmed that the Clerk would forward on the photos from Mr Rivers to Ward Cllr Shaw so that he can inform SBC Highways of the matter.

Cllr Walton asked Ward Cllr Shaw about the footpath being built at Alexandra Park. It seems a costly exercise when there are fewer buses stopping to collect people.  Ward Cllr Shaw advised that S106 funds from the building of Alexandra Park were used for the footpath as the money had to have benefit to Alexandra Park residents.

17/56 Proposal to make Turnball one way and reduce speed on Turnball and Mays Lane to 20mph

Cllr Brady advised on the discussion from the Transport Development Committee with regards to a proposal to make Turnball one way (No entry on to Hodson Road) and changing the speed limits. This is based on requests from residents living in Turnball.

Cllr Brady read out the stages required by SBC for a request to be considered and invited comments.

Cllr Bates – Thinks Turnball is wide enough if it was changed to one way Mays Lane would be made worse due to extra traffic.  Mays lane has limited vision for drivers.

Cllr Rawlings – Thinks Butts Road would benefit more from being one way.

Cllr Walton – Thinks Butts Road needs to remain 2 ways due to the business park.

Cllr Martin – Thinks Mays Lane is more problematic for traffic than Turnball is. Also the High Street.

Cllr Harris – Thinks you’d need to make changes to Turnball and Mays Lane together to account for the bus flow.

Cllr Sunners – Thinks that extra care needs to be taken as this is within the Conservation area. Thinks that making Turnball one way will increase the traffic speed. There should be a larger consultation with professional advice from the start.

Cllr Brady advised that the issue was brought to full council as the idea was originally raised with the Transport Development Committee. Peter Rydel our Highways expert has been advising us.  There is a need for a wider public consultation.

Cllr Martin advised that when SBC look at the M4 J15 works they will look at local rat run areas and hopefully incorporate some changes that will benefit existing traffic issues.

Cllr Mills commented that a lot of the Chiseldon Roads were not built to accommodate today’s vehicle traffic.

Ward Cllr Shaw advised that emergency service vehicles will not travel the wrong way down a one way street and that as a resident he would like to have his say.

Cllr Brady confirmed there would be no vote tonight and that the traffic flow of the whole village would be looked at in consultation with the whole village.

This will go back to the Transport Development Committee, sub-committee and will be brought back to full council with input from our expert.

As a side issue Ward Cllr Shaw advised that SBC can provide grants or match funding for items that benefit the community. They can also help with sourcing grants from other organisations.

Cllr Shaw and 1 remaining member of the public left at 20.37.

17/57 STORM proposal

Full Council were advised by Cllr Brady that the Storm tender has been approved in principle by both the Finance and the Environment Committees.

A spec has been created and posted up on both our website and the Chiseldon FB site inviting  other companies to bid for the work. Nothing has been received yet and the closing date is 31st August.

The final vote for this will be after the 31st August deadline is passed.

17/58 CVPA Repairs

Haydon Wick’s RoSPA team can do all our repair work (minus the balance beam) for £660 max.

Cllr Walton proposed we accept this quote to get the work completed, Cllr Hill seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.

(It should be noted that Aspect Planning have withdrawn their request for a comms mast on the Rec ground so this agenda item is not proceeding).

17/59 – Changes to Committee structure

The proposed structure was discussed, the 3 committees are proposed to be:

Environment, Amenities and General Purpose (Merging Recreation and removing Highways)

Transport Development, Highways and Planning

Finance, Policies and HR

It is proposed that further sub committees/project teams will be created to address specific tasks however these sub groups will report for final decision to the full committee should decision need to be taken and voted on – Once the tasks are complete the sub groups will be disbanded

A start date of September was proposed for these changes.

A proposal was put forward by Cllr Walton to start with the new committee structure in Sept 2017. Cllr Henderson seconded and 10 Cllrs were in favour.  Cllr Bates was against, and Cllr Rawlings abstained from voting.

17/60 Approval Communications and Social Media Policy

The policy had already been circulated for all Cllrs to read prior to the meeting

A proposal was raised by Cllr Hill to approve and accept this proposal. Cllr Clarke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Bates was against, and Cllr Rawlings abstained from voting.

17/60 Approve Communications and Social Media policy

The policy had already been circulated for all Cllrs to read prior to the meeting.

A proposal was raised by Cllr Hill to approve and accept this proposal. Cllr Clarke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/61 Community Safety

There was nothing to report from the police.

Cllr Sunners reported that 6 members attended the last NHW meeting. The police box is still to be removed from Oakleys Spar.
New NHW signs are being put up with more to follow.

Nythe are starting a NHW scheme.
Eldene and Lawn are having problems with anti-social behaviour.

There are local reports of groups of teenagers walking in roads and refusing to move for vehicles. It was advised to call 101 if any threat /intimidation was experienced.

17/62 Review of Committee minutes and documents

Finance: Cllr Harris reported on the meeting with the Tennis Club, going through old figures and current figures in preparation for the change to their lease agreement in terms of paying extra from Oct 2017 for utilities and insurance etc.

The full July figures were reviewed, there were 2 questions from Cllr Hill on the SBC extra funds which were confirmed as the remainder of the additional precept funds and one on Allbuilds costs for the new Chapel railings.

Cllr Brady then proposed that the July figures be accepted as accurate, Cllr Walton seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

Environment:  Cllr Rawlings advised that a new trench will be dug outside the Museum to match the one outside the office. The probation team will do this.

The probation team are also going to cut an elderly residents hedge at Tatley Walk as they cannot do this themselves.

At this point Cllr Jefferies commented on the long grass along Plough Hill obscuring the footpath and also trees overhanging the M4 roundabout sign.  The Clerk is to report this.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:  It was confirmed that the evening bus service has stopped. There is a taxi service “Move Along” who are willing to collect from GWH and bring to Chiseldon for a special fixed fee.

Wiltshire Council are looking to have the X5 service visit Chiseldon at 6.30pm.  This won’t come into effect until Oct 2017 if it is approved.

When Hodson Road is closed to Wroughton at the end of the month – the bus service 81 probably won’t run. We are waiting confirmation of this.

2 bus shelters were vandalised last weekend. The one at the Landmark Hotel and opposite the Esso Station. The police have been advised. Adshel were quick to fix the damage.

The bus stop at Draycott Foliat isn’t visible from the road due to an overgrown hedge.  Ward  Cllr Shaw is aware and will report it to SBC.

Cllr Brady thanked Cllr Hill for all his hard work with recent transport matters.

Recreation: Cllr Sunners advised that the Committee and Tennis Club are investigating the use of the courts for netball to increase revenue.
The Football barriers have been painted and the pavilion painted inside and out, both by the football club.

Planning: The next meeting is schedules for the 30th August to discuss the amended Burderop plans.

Transport Development:  The committee are still working on a complete village plan.

Cllr Martin attended a meeting with Robert Buckland MP in regards to M4 J15.  Robert Buckland is to set up a meeting in September with Highways England to discuss further.

17/63 AOB

Cllr Hill reminded the Clerk to change the date on the correspondence.

Cllr Martin commented on a broken fence at Slipper Lane path going towards the green on the right hand side at the bottom of the lane that needs to be repaired as its causing an obstruction and potential danger to pedestrians.

The meeting closed at 21.33

Summary of Action Points

All Actions to be completed by the next full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • Public Recess 14th August. Add to Transport agenda the problem of vehicles using Butts Road/High Street that are unsuitable for the road
  • 17/54. Finance Committee to approve costs of painting inside of Rec Hall, new floor and repairs to wall
  • 17/56. Add to Transport agenda the proposal of Turnball being one way – to be looked at in conjunction to entire village with input from Transport expert
  • 17/62. Report to Ward Cllrs that grass going down to M4 on path is overgrown and M4 sign is becoming covered by tree branches
  • 17/63. Investigate broken fence at Slipper Lane path to see if it is a danger to the public

Cllr Shaw:

  • 17/53. School  Transport Changes  in 2018. Investigate update and let Clerk know
  • 17/53. Request map of area of Butts Road to be resurfaced and  pass to Clerk
  • 17/62. Report to SBC that bus stop at Draycot Foliat is not visible due to overgrown hedge.