Public Recess

The Council welcomed Miss Kayley May Cole and Mrs Sue Moulding to the meeting and invited Miss May to step up to the Council to present a residents petition with regards to the potential cuts to the bus services. The petition has gained 800 signatures.
Cllr Brady noted that the petition was accepted by the Council who would pass it on to Cllr Dale Heenan at Swindon Borough Council along with Nigel Hale. The petitions officer Steve Jones will confirm to the Parish Council that the petition has been accepted.
Cllr Brady moved that we write a letter of endorsement for this petition. Cllr Costigan proposed this, Cllr Mills seconded this and all those at the meeting were in favour.
Cllr Hill advised that he had contacted MP Robert Buckland’s Secretary who advised that he would schedule time for Miss May and Mrs Moulding to visit with him to discuss this further.
It was noted that this petition will not go to the full Borough meeting as there is not one in August.
Miss May and Mrs Moulding were commended on their efforts.

As part of this recess B.Cllr Shaw has raised his concerns with the Borough Council and Cllr Dale Heenan over the dangers for pedestrians of the only remaining X5 bus stop being on the main A346 Marlborough Road.

On a separate topic Mr Herron of 1 Windmill Piece requested a copy of the Parish Plan questionnaire. The Clerk to arrange this.

16/41. Declarations of interests.

Cllr Ian McMurray has a conflict with 2 outstanding planning applications.

16/42. Approval of minutes from 11th July 2016

Page 4 – 16/39 Recreation – add Cllr Sunners name to list of thanks.
Page 4 – 16.39 Recreation – Final funds raised on Fun Day was £5,200. August Council minutes to reflect this final total.

The minutes were then proposed as approved by Cllr Chris Rawlings, seconded by Cllr David Hill and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/43. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Stephen Taylor confirmed to Cllr Brady that if Badbury Park remain within Chiseldon Parish then the number of Councillors could feasibility increase to 16. Cllr Sunners thanked Cllr Hill for all his hard work in keeping the Parish Council informed on the matter of the Community Governance.

The Patriot Arms is proposed as the new location for the Borough/Parish Surgeries.

Cllr Hill’s latest transport report is to be updated on Noticeboards, FB and the website with news of the bus table changes.

Action Points:

Clerk Action Points – Ongoing action – find out what external bodies the PC should belong to.

16/44. Policing Update

As PC Draper could not attend the meeting Cllr Sunners read out a report from DC Draper.

In May 2016 there were 32 reported incidents in total.
In June 2016 the breakdown is as follows:
1 dwelling burglary in Badbury and 1 non dwelling burglary in Badbury.
13 thefts; 7 from retail outlets including fuel non payments at the Esso Garage. 3 suspects have been dealt with over these.
3 incidents relating to Badbury and 2 incidents of criminal damage and 2 thefts from vehicles across the Parish.
In July 2016 the breakdown is as follows:
1 dwelling burglary with 3 males arrested however no further action taken. 3 non dwelling burglaries. 8 thefts including 6 relating to non payment of fuel at the Esso Garage and 1 in Badbury Park.
7 incidents of criminal damage in July and the police are trying to spot a pattern with this. This includes 5 incidents of vehicle interference.
For August 2016 so far the breakdown is as follows:
1 non dwelling burglary in Badbury.

It was noted that the monthly crime statistics in Chiseldon has double / trebled in months of Jan – May 2016 compared to same period in 2015 (this excludes the crime stats for the garage in Marlborough road)

Cllr Hill commented on whether we can write to the Esso Garage advising that their non payment incidents are increase insurance premiums for the Parish. Cllr Sunners to talk to PC Draper to see if this has already been broached.
Cllr Brady and Cllr Sunners to meet Wiltshire Chief Superintendant to discuss why a series of burglaries and incidents reported by Chiseldon residents have not been progressed and have been classified as ‘No further Action’.

Cllr Rawlings commented on the recent thefts from the Meadow Stores on New Road and a dwelling on the road near Baldwin Close.

Opportunist crimes are still the most prevalent, the Clerk is to remind people on FB and the website to still be vigilant and keep properties and vehicles secure. Also add this to Ridgeway Bell article.

16/45 Borough Council Report from B.Cllr Eric Shaw and B.Cllr Gary Sumner.

B.Cllr Shaw: Highways have consulted with residents and the Primary School with regards to double yellow lines for The Orchard and the corner of Castle View Road with The Orchard. The residents were in favour. Works scheduled for Autumn 2016. If people park on these yellow lines once installed, B.Cllr Shaw can get inspectors out to monitor.

The Manor House work on 11 new dwellings is due to start shortly. There is the possibility that Slipper Lane will be closed at times. Residents will be advised accordingly. This work could take up to 18 months. B.Cllr Shaw to update the Clerk as he knows more.

B.Cllr Shaw thanked Cllr Hill for his work on the transport updates and confirmed that it is still important for residents to comment individually on the proposed changes.
The Clerk is to encourage this via the website and FB page.

B.Cllr Shaw thinks that the library and bus services may devolve down to Parish level. There may be a new bus hub in Old Town which raises the question of how parishioners get to Old Town. Parish Councils may be asked to provide grants for library and bus provisions.

Cllr Brady advised that as there were many pressing issues for the Parish Council to consider that we need to look at all of these and decide how the Parish Council can approach these. This is to be scheduled in to the September Full Council meeting if possible.

When the New Eastern Villages work is completed the bus stop at the Great Western Hospital will be removed at the Commonhead roundabout. The hospital is writing to the relevant bus company to advise of the problems this will cause.

In regards to the storage and waste area at the Esso Garage, the company have until Sept 2016 to appeal. B.Cllr Shaw has advised he will be making sure that SBC deal with this matter appropriately should it come to appeal.

B.Cllr Sumner: Advised that if we are writing letters with regards to bus services and library changes that we also send a copy to our MP.

The Badbury Bottom road repairs are being carried out and road markers are being installed. The local landowner will cut back the bank. The bin lorries have been stopped from reversing in this area and the HGV signs have been erected.

On the 17th October from 7.30pm there is a talk about the work of the “Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty” – everyone is invited to attend.

In regards to the Community bus service, B.Cllr Sumner has talked to Nigel Hale and the costs to fund this would be around £100k a year. Parish Council’s would have to fund a large amount of this cost.

The Section 106 process for funds has changed. You have to make an application for funds much sooner in the process. A Parish Council would need to approve a plan for the funds before the developer had even had their application approved.

It was advised that the Parish Council Finance Committee has discussed arranging a meeting to plan for this and also our financial priorities. This is to be arranged. B.Cllrs Foley and Shaw will advise the Parish Council when new plans come in.

16/46 – Parishing schedule of services update.

Nothing to report, any issues can be raised at the next Environment meeting.

Cllr Hill commented that residents of Canney Close had thanked the PC for the grass cutting and commented that they could see an improvement. The grass at The Canney still needed cutting but Cllr Rawlings advised this has now been cut.

Cllr West advised of the Badbury Park residents association voting on a 20pmh speed limit for the development. The request has been passed to B.Cllr Foley and Shaw for them to pass to Highways. It was noted that requests such as this need to go via the Borough Councillors.

Cllr West to make sure B.Cllr Foley and Shaw are invited to the next residents meeting where the Management Company are also present.

B.Cllr Shaw and Sumner left the meeting at 20.44

In reference to the library changes, Cllr Brady is going to a meeting on the 11th August in Wroughton to meet their working party and will report back on the outcome of this meeting.
The bus consultation has a deadline of the 22nd August. Views can be registered by going online.

16/47 – Review of Committee reports and Correspondence

Finance: Cllr Harris was welcomed as the new Chair of the committee and thanks were giving to the outgoing chair Cllr Costigan. Cllr Harris presented the income and expenditure reports that had been signed off by the Finance committee on the 3rd August.

The update financial regulations were reviewed and Cllr Costigan proposed these changes be accepted. Cllr Rawlings seconded this and all those at the meeting in favour.

Environment: The Chapel wall has been dug down and the old pointing removed and replaced with lime mortar. A dehumidifier is in place to dry the internal damp.
Need further funds approving for a guard rail for the drainage ditch.

Recreation: No concerns. Cllr Sunners is visiting the Rec Hall and Pavilion more regularly and has noticed a leaking cistern at the Pavilion that needs fixing and may have contributed to the recent high water bill.

Planning: The Committee has been approached to provide comments on the new road name for the houses at the Manor. This is to be discussed at the next Planning meeting.

16/48. AOB

Resilience and flood plans – please contact the Clerk if you feel the Parish Council would benefit from either of these plans.

WW1 graves upkeep. Volunteers are needed. There is a workshop being held. The Chiseldon History group have been advised also. To be added to the FB page and website.

Risk Assessments – Cllr Brady is reviewing what we have and will share information on what needs doing to bring us up to date.

Action for Clerk to add email address to the “Contact Us” page of the website.

Action for Clerk to update list of all councillors and committees and email to all councillors.

Cllr Sunners – Volvo estate car parked in Strouds Hill has a 15 day destruction notice in place. The next Recreation meeting is at the Rec Hall. Clerk to let Football and Tennis reps know.

Cllr West advised the Parish Plan leaflets had been delivered to Badbury Park. The Council asked Cllr West to advise them when the next residents meeting was being held to see if the PC can attend.

Cllr Rawlings commented that the flag pole at the war memorial was in need of maintenance. This is to be discussed at the next Environment meeting.

The meeting closed at 21.10pm