held on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7.30pm. Remote meeting via Zoom.


20/37 Approval of Apologies given:   No apologies

20/38 Public recess. No public

20/39 Co-option of New Cllr.  The prospective Cllr could not attend. Move to August full council meeting.

20/40 Confidential items

The legislation to make agenda items 16 and 17 confidential was read out. (see agenda)

Cllr D Rogers proposed that items 16 and 17 of the agenda be held in confidence.  Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/41 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for. None

 20/42 Approval of minutes from 8th June 2020  No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Bates, all Cllrs were in favour.

 20/43 Action points:


19/233 Send Ward Cllr Jefferies information on Draycot Foliat lighting/speeding/parking info to date. ONGOING. Progress has been made with lighting and speeding within the planning committee.

19/240 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget. Ongoing, work in progress

19/242 Report any expenditure from this fund as S137 funds on  Xero. (Summer tea party) Ongoing as cannot arrange party yet. Will remove from action points as Clerk will action when party invoiced.

19/244 Create tea party using £200 budgeted funds –summer project.     Removing from actions as Clerk will arrange when current situation allows.                                          

20/16 Send Cllr Jefferies the news report from Nina Hempstock which was sent to SBC. Also send the photos – item 20/35. DONE

20/27 Check whether Standing Orders can remove the requirement for tenders to be displayed on a noticeboard. Bring back to full council for approval of updated document. DONE

20/28 Reply to SBC with planning application decision. DONE

Cllr D Rogers, Cllr Jefferies and Clerk:

20/33: Investigate funding options for SSE works to BT Box in Badbury. Ongoing. Currently no reduction in invoice from SSE available.


20/35: Add Tennis Club rent discount to next EGPA agenda. DONE

20/36: Add items to next full council agenda. DONE

19/197: Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update. Ongoing, no update on situation currently.

Cllr Jefferies:

19/188: Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat.  Ongoing, with SBC officers

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Ongoing. With SBC officers

All Cllrs:

Provide head and shoulders photo for new website contact page.

Cllrs Rawlings and Sunners to email Cllr Jefferies with report on why the Badbury footpath should re-open so she can pass to SBC officers.

Clerk to send around email in regards to footpath changes at the back of Norris Close, leading to the field.

20/44 Community Safety report, including crime stats.  Cllr Sunners

Any drug dealing issues at Strouds Hill/Washpool appear to have quietened down. Vehicles are arriving at unusual times so vigilance is still needed.

Cllr Sunners requests an item on the next agenda for the PC to fund a new NHW sign for this area.

There were 17 crimes in the Parish for May 2020. 6 listed for High Street, 4 showing as violence being involved. Cllr Sunners to requesting information from the police as to what qualifies as violence being included.

Cllr Rogers asked if an age breakdown is available for these crimes – it may be possible to drill down into the Wiltshire Police figures?

At this time in the meeting, Cllr Harris took the opportunity to acknowledge the sad passing of ex-Cllr David Hill.

David was a much loved member of the council and will be missed by friends and colleagues. Fellow Cllrs extend the offer of help to the family in any way they can assist.

20/45 Ward Cllrs update.

Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

The forthcoming broadband scheme has been set up with Ward Cllr Jefferies, Ward Cllr Mattock and Chiseldon Parish Clerk as the leads.

Ward Cllr Jefferies will chase up more information on this scheme and report back. Ward Cllr Sumner is also chasing the progress of this.

Ward Cllr Mattock for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

Earthline planning applications – Mr A Brown in SBC planning dept has been contacted to ask for an update on the progress of the applications.

There have been many emails received from residents, the applications will be decided on in the next few weeks. Residents are also asking for a weight restriction in the area. Officers at SBC have confirmed they will look into this and also the road condition.   New Road faults may be a Thames Water, or a structural fault that SBC would need to fix.

Street lights in the borough being changed to LED bulbs. Ward Cllr Mattock will ask for the time frame for Chiseldon Parish changes.

The food waste collection system will be rolled out by SBC depending on budget to all households.

Cllr Harris asked whether the LED bulbs can be adjusted for rural areas and areas in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This will be checked.

Ward Cllr Sunners representing Ridgeway Ward which includes Badbury.

Earthline – the first item to be decided on will be the “Certificate of Lawfulness”. The officers will then look at other applications but legal advice will be required.

A traffic regulation order could be considered from Wroughton to Chiseldon to make sure HGV’s cannot use this route – except for farm vehicles.

Ward Cllr Mattock leaves the meeting at 20.06

Still no start date for M4 J15 work – CPC to expect a letter this week.

Highway notices will go up soon. The compound on the Swindon side of the M4 is being constructed near to the existing compound.      The diversion through Liddington has been approved. The police will be alerted to make sure traffic obeys traffic laws through Liddington.

Cllr Sunners asked about public toilets opening. Some such as Coate Water are, but need to be staffed.

The new LED lights will be fitted with a smart management system that can be adjusted in different areas. SBC must assure an area is safe when lights are dimmed.

They have already requested that the light levels in the AONB be dimmed, this would include Chiseldon parish.

Ward Cllr Sumner leaves the meeting at 20.18.

20/46 Changes to Standing Orders, item 42b, 42d and 74c. (Available on request)

Cllr Rawlings proposed to formally accept the changes to the Standing Orders. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr McDonald will need a dispensation granted to temporarily leave the EGPA committee due to workloads during Covid19. To be added to August agenda for approval.

20/47 Approve Cllr D Rogers and Cllr A Rogers joining the Planning, Transport and Highways Development Committee.

Cllr Kearsey proposed to formally accept Cllr D Rogers and Cllr A Rogers on to the committee. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/47 Discussion and vote on opening Castle View Play area, with conditions for use.

Points raised by Cllrs were:

Plenty of signage needed

Shall we wait a week to see if there is a spike in cases after lockdown restrictions were eased on 4th July.

Do we ask the residents in regards to older children using the area with no parental supervision

The virus will be killed off quicker in the daylight however if the virus is spread by droplets on the air, people taking part in physical activity will be more likely to spread droplets.

Cllr Kearsey leaves the meeting at 20.46.

Cllr Harris proposed a £300 cleaning budget and a £100 signage budget for the Clerk to use to prep the area and clean as required. A twice weekly bin emptying schedule for the 2 bins in the area is also proposed from Allbuild. (Cost £2.75 per empty). Cllr D Rogers seconded and the council voted in favour by a majority. (6 Cllrs in favour, 4 against)

Items confirmed are:

  • Plenty of signage in place
  • Area disinfected before use – no regular cleaning
  •  2 x bins emptied twice a week instead of once
  • Social distancing markers to be placed on the floor where applicable
  • 1 swing from each set removed
  • Alternate rope swings to be removed
  • Grass cutting to resume
  • Twice weekly covid19 risk assessment carried out along with regular visual check of equipment
  • Wait for ¼ inspection from The Play Inspection company and act on any recommendations for safety
  •  Council to review the situation once a month at full council meeting
  • Playground to close with immediate effect if public breach the rules or endanger other members of the public

20/48 Vote to approve Zoom licence for remote meetings. £11.99 per month

Cllr Rawlings proposed to approve the cost for the professional zoom contract. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/49 Vote to approve the virement of £2500 from the reserved funds for Badbury Railings to a reserved funds for 2 Speed Indicator devices for Badbury and safer crossing work for the A346.

Cllr Rawlings proposed to approve this virement of funds. Cllr Duke seconded and a majority of Cllrs were in favour.

20/50  Vote to approve the virement of £3000 from the 2020/21 VE day celebration fund to a 2021/22 VE day celebration fund.

Cllr Jefferies proposed to approve this virement of funds. Cllr A Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/51 Confidential item. Review and vote on Clerks salary and holiday allocation.

Cllr Harris proposed to changes to the Clerks salary and holiday allocation. Cllr D Rogers seconded and a majority of Cllrs were in favour. 1 Cllr abstained from voting.

20/52 Confidential item. Vote on NEST pension contribution for the Administration Officer.

Cllr Harris proposed to pay into the AO’s NEST pension fund. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/53 Discuss & review the costing implications of Covid19 on the council

This item is deferred to August 2020 full council meeting

20/54 Discuss & vote on £75 plus VAT payment to Sansums and Co accountant to input the budget figures for budget vs spend reporting purpose on Xero.

Cllr Jefferies proposed to approve this expenditure. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/55 Committee Reports

Finance – June 2020 financial reports (incomplete) to review.  There were no questions on this report.

The completed report will come back to August full council meeting for approval.

EGPA – The committee voted to not discount the annual rent to the Tennis Club as the utility bills are based on actual usage and the remainder are annual invoices that still require payment.  Chiseldon Football Club have secured a new grant for further pitch improvements.

Risk Assessments – July 2020 Assessments for:

  • Rec Hall and Carpark – volunteer needed
  • Pavilion– volunteer needed
  • Rec Field – Cllr D Rogers to do
  • Cemeteries – Cllr Rawlings to do
  • CVPA – Clerk to do
  • Allotments – Cllr Sunners to do
  • Financial  Risk – Cllr Harris has completed this with no issues found
  • Cemetery Maintenance – passed to Handyman to review.

June 2020 assessments carried out as noted in the June meeting with no major issues found.

Clerk’s Correspondence

Cllr Sunners commented on the usage of the SSE grant for food boxes and wondered whether there are still residents who have missed out during this time.

20/56 Items for next agenda. 

Cllr Sunners would like the Living Wage certification reviewed again if Standing Orders allow this from a time perspective

Cllr Sunners would like item 17 of this agenda, slightly altered to discuss what we have learned so far from the Covid19 situation and how we can use that knowledge. (minute 20/53)

Meeting closed 21.33

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


19/233  Send Ward Cllr Jefferies information on Draycot Foliat lighting/speeding/parking info to date.  Ongoing.

19/240 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget. Ongoing

20/33 Investigate funding options for SSE works to BT Box in Badbury. Ongoing

19/197 Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update

20/39 Add Co-option of Cllr to August agenda

20/43 Send around information on issue at Norris Close public footpath

20/43 Add purchase of new NHW sign for Strouds Hill to August agenda

20/46 Cllr McDonald requires dispensation from EGPA committee. Add to August agenda.

20/53 Add Cllr Sunners Covid19 agenda item to August agenda

Cllr Jefferies

19/188 Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked

All Cllrs

Provide head and shoulders photo for new website contact page

Cllr Sunners & Cllr Rawlings

20/43 Write to Cllr Jefferies stating support for the footpath at Badbury to re-opened.