16/93. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess.

No public

16/94. Approval of previous minutes from 15th December 2016.


Page 1 – It was decided to remove Cllr Bates comments about the Rec Hall repairs as they were not relevant to the Environment Committee.

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th December were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.

16/95. Matters arising/Action points.

Matters Arising

Residents were disappointed that bus bays could not be placed on the A346. Need to carry on trying to get a crossing point near the school.
Pumphouse Lane – resolved as the residents were mistaken about the length of the remedial work to take place.
In regards to the National Litter pick day – companies such as Nationwide, HC2M and Zurich have work days. It should be considered if we can approach them to assist with the litter pick.
The Clerk is to register the council on the Keep Britain Tidy website and add Cllr Summers comments to the Ridgeway Bell article.

Action points – ongoing

Cllr Rawlings – Public recess from 15th Dec – Action with Cllr Brady – Write to MP Robert Buckland about the urgent need for yellow lines at Hodson Road/Turnball junction

Clerk – 16/89 – Make sure Arthur Witchell promptly cashes the Langton Estate cheque.

Clerk and Cllr Brady – Public Recess on 12th Sept – crossing on A346 for bus stops. It was agreed that this be sent to our MP.

Clerk – 16/28 – long term action plan.

Cllr Brady – Public recess 15th Dec Ongoing
16/85 ongoing
16/85 Clerk wrote to Ward Cllr Shaw but no reply yet.
16/92 ongoing

Cllr Walton – 16/90 – still to do.

All other action points completed

Cllr Mills, Cllr Martin and Cllr Sunners arrive at 19.24

16/96. Allotments.

Cllr Walton has advised he will remove items of rubbish from plots 12 and 13 from the allotments.

Mr Dow’s letter in regards to the allotments was read out. The Clerk is to reply to Mr Dow advising the splitting the plot was only a suggestion and to remind him of the terms of the lease in regards to weed control.

16/97. Dog bins.

Nothing to report.

16/98. Highways

Towards the Esso station from the A346 at the Badbury side of the road, the brown signs for the hotel and Barbary castle are being pushed over due to the overgrown hedge. The Clerk has an action to report this to Ward Cllrs to get SBC to remedy this.

Traffic Calming; Cllr Brady is going to organise a sub-committee and meeting made up of Environment and Planning Councillors, who can work with SBC to look at the strategic picture across the parish for traffic issues. The chairs of these committees will be approached to select members to attend. The first meeting is to specifically look at the current situation and what we want for the future. To also look at J15 of the M4 and any new proposed development within the parish. A chair for this sub-committee will need to be appointed.

Cllr Martin has some experience of the Neighbourhood Plan for Marlborough.

16/99. Street furniture.

The noticeboard outside Meadow Stores is partially blocked by a new security gate the owner has erected for the main door. Cllr Rawlings is to talk to Cllr McMurray about this.

History Society board placement. The Committee looked at the 2 proposed sites in detail and determined that neither was the best place for the board. One is on a well used “route” for young cyclists and is opposite a crossing point. Unaware cyclists could hit the board in this location. The other location is subject to being blocked by parked vehicles so may not draw the attention of the walkers for who this board is aimed at.
An alternative place of near the Strouds Hill carpark near the large stone was proposed as a preferred location.

16/100. Village appearance and Cemeteries.

The litter pick day will need hi-vis vests and pickers – Clerk to ask SBC if they can provide these.
We will need to get Tesco funding to remove the rubbish and can ask AllBuild to do this work for us.

The Clerk is to ask the Swindon Advertiser to report on this event to raise awareness.

Cllr Hill reported that residents of Canney Close have reported that people walking back from the Washpool with their dogs are throwing their bags of dog mess into people’s gardens. The Clerk is to remind on FB and website that dog mess bags can be placed in the dog bins or litter bins.

Cllr Rawlings has confirmed that all stones in the Butts Road cemetery are secure and not in any danger of falling after the most recent quarterly stone mason report.

The 2 side pedestrian gates need looking at – Clerk to arrange this.

The Clerk will get quotes for a new suspended ceiling with the capacity to store boxes of documents and secondary glazing and new wall heaters.

The septic tank has been booked in to be emptied and will be done twice a year from now on.

A future plan is to get quotes for the cemetery pathway to be re-tarmaced.

The Clerk is to find out whether old documents can be stored on-line.

New scalpings are needed for the Rec Hall carpark – to be added to Rec Hall agenda.

16/101. Environmental Services

There was a 6 month review with Allbuild on 10th Jan. The committee is looking to increase the litter picking hours by 4 extra hours per month to deal with the other villages in the parish.

It was suggested we have hi-vis vests for the AllBuild team with “Working in partnership with Chiseldon Parish Council” on them. The PC need to feed back to Allbuild on any problem areas.

New PC logo’s will need to be printed for all bins once the new logo has been finalised.

It was noted that SBC are supposed to litter pick the A346 Badbury side.

16/102. AOB.

Clerk to remind everyone that cardboard won’t get taken by SBC if it isn’t folded and placed inside the recycling bins. It will not be collected if wet either. Also black plastic cannot be placed in the plastic recycling.

Cllr Sunners has requested that the police report be added back on to the full council agenda.

A new meeting start time of 7.00pm was agreed on.

The meeting closed at 20.44pm.