24/19. Public recess. No public
24/20. Approval of apologies given.
Absence with apologies: Cllr Jackson work issue. Cllr Ford personal issue.
No apologies from Cllr Whitehead or Cllr Woodhams.
Ward Cllrs Elliott and Sumner also sent their apologies.
To note the resignation from the council of Cllr Andy Rogers.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given with the reasons stated. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/21. Co-option of Cllrs. No candidates
24/22. Declarations of interest. None
24/23. Approval of minutes from 8th April 2024. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/24. Action points from previous meeting.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. Ward Cllr Sumner had chased this up with SBC enforcement. No progress made.
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib. Provisional date booked. Pending confirmation.
24/10. Advise Cllr Whitehead of 3 month approval to not sit on any committees. April, May and June 24. DONE
24/12. Arrange upgrade of solar lamps on Strouds Hill. DONE
24/13 and 14. Upload new policies to website. DONE
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. No update. Parish Council handyman is mapping the areas.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend. No update. Item to be closed in its current form and re-issued to Cllrs when work on walking leaflet is confirmed.
24/25. Police and Community report. Cllr Sunners
Cllr Sunners met with PCSO Trueman. No major issues discussed. Residents are being asked to report any suspicious activity on Strouds Hill to 101, or 999 if they suspect a crime is in progress. Registration numbers of suspicious vehicles would be of benefit.
There were 7 reported crimes in the Parish and Badbury Park over March.
It will be added to the May EGPA agenda to approve a new Neighbourhood Watch sign for Strouds Hill. £35.00
The increase of scrambling bikes in the area and around washpool was also noted.
24/26. Ward Cllrs reports.
No reports received. Ward Cllr Sumner had chased up the Badbury hedge issue with SBC enforcement.
24/27. Discussion and vote on the current position of the council with regards to SBC’s proposed transfer of services.
No new items to be discussed. For Chiseldon the project may resume for the 25/26 year. Updates will be added to the relevant agenda.
24/28. FINANCE. Approve £3500 quote from Allbuild for erecting new allotment fencing. Funds to be taken from unallocated reserves (Approved by EGPA committee)
A proposal was made to approve the quote of £3500 for Allbuild to erect new allotment fencing. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/29. FINANCE. To approve section 1 of the AGAR for the 23/24 year.
The document had been distributed to Cllrs.
A proposal was made to approve section 1 of the AGAR for 23/24. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/30. FINANCE. To approve section 2 of the AGAR for the 23/24 year.
The document had been distributed to Cllrs.
A proposal was made to approve section 2 of the AGAR for 23/24. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/31. FINANCE. To note and approve the results of the internal interim audit from the 23/24 year.
The document had been distributed to Cllrs.
A proposal was made to note and approve the report and note the work already done to action the suggested changes. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/32. FINANCE. Discussion and vote on whether to use £2000 approx of council funds to create a local walking leaflet.
A proposal was made to take the next steps and contact designers with a view to getting quotes on how to handle this project. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. The expectation is that if the project goes ahead around £2000 of council funds will be used on this project.
The Clerk will bring the information back to the next relevant meeting.
23/33. FINANCE. To review and note the budget verses variance report for the 23/24 year and 24/25 year to date.
The 2 reports were reviewed. There were no comments or queries.
24/34. FINANCE. To note the annual price increase of £30.00 per annum for Sanders webworks to provide a wordsearch facility on the councils website. Total new cost £340 plus VAT per annum.
The updated costs were noted and no questions or concerns raised.
24/35. FINANCE. To note the annual price increased cost to £288 per annum for membership to the SLCC.
The updated costs were noted and no questions or concerns raised.
24/36. FINANCE. To discuss and vote on the quotes provided by Sanders Webworks to include a new facility to list upcoming events on the weekly emailed newsletters.
A proposal was made to approve option 3, for one-off costs of £495.00 plus VAT to automate this process. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/37. FINANCE. To discuss and vote on whether to include Cyber Security Cover on the councils insurance policy.
A proposal was made not to go ahead with cyber cover on the insurance policy. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/38. 6 month review of the council’s website.
There were no proposed changes to the website at this time.
24/39. Approval of Policies. None for this meeting.
24/40. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. There were none.
24/41. Approval of March and April finance report.
A proposal was made to approve the March and April 24 financial reports as an accurate representation of the councils finances. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/42. Committee reports, Correspondence and risk assessments.
EGPA – will shortly be placing 2 benches in Chiseldon. The small number of complaints does not override the overall benefits to the area. The council will look at bins for both locations once the benches are installed.
Planning – Find out who has replaced Jon Harris at SBC and contact them with outstanding traffic and highways issues.
Cllr Rawlings will do the Millennium Wood risk assessment.
24/43. Items for next agenda. NHW sign on next EGPA agenda.
Meeting closed 20.32
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th June 7.30pm The Recreation Hall. Off Norris Close, Chiseldon.
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib.
24/25. Add purchase of a NHW sign for £35.00 to May EGPA agenda.
24/32. Get quotes for walking leaflet for the Parish.
24/36. Advise Sanders to proceed with option 3 of the quote to improve the website.
24/42. Ask SBC for Jon Harris’ replacement and send him a list of outstanding traffic and highways issues.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.