
Public Recess

No public

16/29 Declaration of interest


16/30 Review of minutes from 23rd May 2017

No changes needed

Cllr Brady proposed that these minutes be accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting on the 23rd May. Cllr Martin seconded this resolution, all Cllrs were in favour.

16/31 Matters arising and Action points

Page 3 – Cllr Hill notes that the electric trains that are being installed will be slower than the current trains in use for the Swindon to Paddington route.

Action Points


  • 16/22. TOR to be sent to all Committee Members. COMPLETED
  • 16/22. Send traffic data to Committee after SCB J15 meeting to see what needs to be reviewed. COMPLETED
  • 16/22. Ask Ian McMurray for the parish map back. COMPLETED
  • 16/24. Obtain map of all footpaths, bridle ways and cycle paths within the Parish. Send to Cllr Hill for bus routes to be added. COMPLETED

Cllr G Mills:

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING BUT CLLR MARTIN TO SEE IF PETER RYDEL WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT US

Cllr Hill:

  • 16/24. Add bus routes to the map the Clerk obtains for cycle paths etc.  ONGOING

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/25. Collate information on problem areas of the parish – document to be reviewed at next meeting.
    ALL Cllrs to send Cllr Brady additional info. ONGOING

It was noted that Cllr Martin will talk to Peter Rydel to see if Peter can continue to assist the PC with no charge.

16/32 Review collated document in regards to Parish issues

This item has been deferred to the next meeting due to technology issues and not all data being collated yet.

The current method of reporting issues with Ward Cllrs isn’t working efficiently. Feedback is hard to obtain and there is no way for the PC to get their issues prioritized.

There needs to be a discussion with Ward Cllrs as to how this is improved.

Once Planning and Transport are merged the planning aspect of transport decisions will need to merged into these decisions.

Once the final document is collated and released there will be a section on where vehicle activated speed signs would be of benefit.

Peter is to be asked if he can look at the spreadsheet and offer sensible solutions to some of the issues.

CIL monies can be used to fund solutions also.

16/33 Review Transport data received for M4 J15

Despite the information being too small to adequately study, Peter has taken a look and reports back that apart from one exit (with a 23% increase in traffic flow) the rest of the turn offs have the ability to cope with the traffic based on the designs so far.

The Clerk has an action to try to get A1 copies printed of this data as A4 is too small.

The Clerk is also to ask SBC to get WSP who did the modelling to meet with the PC, Peter to also attend this.

We need to reference item 2 on Rob Rossiters email where it refers to WSP showing us their Traffic Management Plan.

16/34 Appointment of Planning/Highways consultant

To be discussed fully at next meeting once Cllr Martin has talked to Peter.

16/35 Discuss merits of Turnball being changed to a one way street

A plan was discussed to see if it would be beneficial to make Turnball one way, using the Hodson Road side as the entrance, exiting on Mays Lane.  Also to make Turnball and Mays Lane 20mph.

A proposal was put to investigate this plan further by Cllr Hill. Cllr Mills seconded this proposal and all were in favour.

The Clerk is to ask Ward Cllrs for the process for this.

The Clerk is to create a flyer for local streets to gauge public support.

This item is to go to Full Council for further consideration.

16/36 AOB

Cllr Brady to consider the logistics of a Planning/Transport/Highways Committee when merged.

Consideration is needed over whether we need further small groups to work on specific projects.

It was confirmed that the local issues list would be compiled and sent to all Cllrs before the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 20.38

Summary of Action Points


  • 16/24. Obtain map of footpaths, bridle ways and cycle paths within the Parish. Send to Cllr Hill for bus routes to be added
  • 17/33. Obtain A1 copies of the traffic data sheets and ask SBC when they can meet with WSP
  • 17/35. Create flyer for local residents of Turnball ref one way system and ask Ward Cllrs how this is approached with SBC. Add item to Full Council Agenda for August

Cllr G Mills:

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee

Cllr J Martin:

  • 16/31. Talk to Peter Rydel to see if he can carry on advising the Committee

Cllr Hill:

  • 16/24. Add bus routes to the map the Clerk obtains for cycle paths etc

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/25. Collect information on problem areas of the parish – document to be reviewed at next meeting
    All Cllrs to send Cllr Brady additional info