
17/01 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public Recess

No public

17/02 Approval of previous minutes from 16th March 2017

Page 1 – Change date to 16th February on approval of minutes

Page 2 – Clarified that £530.00 was cost for BT kiosk work and amend in comments

The minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2017 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Hill , seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.

17/03 Matters Arising & Action Points

Matters Arising

Page 1 – confirmed that 16/112 for Cllr Sunners was no longer required as Clerk is to write the letter to the school

Page 2 – Cllr Harris confirmed that items not in the original budget will come out of general reserve funds.

Page 3- Cllr  Brady confirmed that the Chapel work was voted on and what the vote consisted of.

Action Points – Ongoing

Cllr Rawlings:

  • 16/108. Ongoing. Cllr Mills to collate a list of questions we want to ask SBC about M4 J15 and Cllrs Hill, Rawlings, Mills and Martin will hopefully attend a meeting to discuss this with SBC


  • 16/28. Long term action plan. Cllr Jane Beaumont is going to assist with the planning of this
  • 16/100. Ongoing for storing historical docs online. Still investigating as professional scanning is too costly
  • 16/120. Still to do
  • 16/122. Ward Cllr Shaw has asked SBC to clear the pathway
  • 16/122. The leak has been dealt with so no need to call  Thames Water. Cllr Rawlings had logged this area of drainage as an issue with Thames Water over a year ago. He will follow this up as he hasn’t yet had a reply

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/85. Need to apply a priority listing to the outstanding works so we can focus on priority issues with Ward Cllrs. Cllr Brady and Cllr Rawlings will arrange a date to discuss this

Cllr Hill:

  • 16/122. Has talked to Adshell, they will not be upgrading the shelters. They will cut the Perspex sheets to the right size and replacing glass with Perspex as they break

All other actions are completed.

17/04 Allotments

Items of metal and plastic are still at the far end of the allotment. The Clerk will arrange for this to be removed as fly tipping.  Some tenants have moved over the boundary lines and its thought that tenants on plot 8B have cut down trees at the edge of the allotment without permission.

Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Walton are still to make an inspection of plots.

17/05 Dog Bins

Nothing to report

17/06 Highways

Cllr Hill commented  on the 2 bus bays at the Esso Garage and on the main road have faded and vehicles are parking in them. The Clerk is to report this to SBC and add to the works list.

Cllr Hill also commented that the white stop lines on the road to Wroughton at T junction at Burderop have faded.  Vehicles are not aware it’s a stop sign.  Cllr Rawlings to report this to Ward Cllrs.

17/07 Street Furniture

Cllr Sunners requested the purchase of 10 new Neighbourhood Watch signs at £30.00 each as the old ones are now obsolete.
It was suggested that permission would be needed from SBC to put these up. The Clerk is to investigate and get permission.

A resolution was made to purchase 10 signs for the parish at a cost of £300.00.  Cllr Brady proposed this resolution, Cllr Hill seconded and all those at the meeting were in favour.

The resolution will now be passed to Finance for approval.

17/08 Village Appearance and Cemeteries

It was confirmed that approval was given within the Council for Allbuild to clear the brambles on Strouds Hill green.
Cllr Brady confirmed that under parishing, CPC are still not responsible for clearing rights of way, bridle ways or footpaths.
Light cleaning of footpaths was CPC’s responsibility.

Leon at SBC is going to send out a letter to advise on how responsibility is defined for cleaning of paths that cross private land.

It was reported that the finger path post outside the Church is leaning. Cllr Rawlings is going to have a meeting in May 2017 in regards to footpaths and bridle ways and he has a list of work that needs doing.

17/09 Environmental Services

Cllr Brady covered the new items that CPC are covering on the parishing deed and the reasons why the Environment Committee have the authority to change this without it going back to full council. Cllr Brady has elected to bring the issue back to the Environment Committee to ensure everything is once again agreed on. It can then go back to full council.

Cllr Harris advised that the Financial Regs confirm that each Committee can approve expenditure up to the level set in the budget. If they want to exceed this they can but it needs to be approved by finance first. The question was asked if we want to update the Financial Regs to make this clearer?

A resolution was then made that the additional parishing services be accepted by CPC. Cllr Hill proposed this resolution and Cllr Mills seconded. All councillors were in favour.

This will now go back to Full Council in May

The Clerk is to update the document that was created to show the savings made.

The bins outside the Spar, Landmark Hotel and bus stop opposite the Esso garage were then discussed as these are regularly full before they are emptied once a week.
It was suggested these are emptied twice a week to see if this resolves the problem.
This is to be passed by the Finance Committee for approval.

It was then proposed that the task of arranging this work with Allbuild be delegated to the Clerk. Cllr Brady proposed this, Cllr Sunners seconded and all Councillors were in favour.

The Clerk is also going to talk to Lee at Allbuild about his team have CPC sponsored yellow jackets or magnetic logo’s for their vans to promote the partnership with CPC. Clerk to report back at next meeting.

It is also a future plan to get CPC logo’s for all bins.

Cllr Brady is to talk to Dawn at Oakleys Spar about them providing a bin outside the shop.

Cllr Mills commented on asking companies to sponsor a bin with their logo to help with the costs of emptying the bins.

17/10 Any Other Business

It was commented that SBC didn’t advise people to renew their green bin subscription very well.

Cllr Mills asked whether we should make it clearer to the Parish that we have taken on extra services.

Cllr Brady mentioned that each Committee need a Terns of Reference (TOR) document. Cllr Brady has created a rough draft which will be sent to Cllr Rawlings for review before providing to the whole Committee for amendments and approval.

The meeting closed at 8.37pm


Summary Of Action Points

Cllr Rawlings:

  • 16/108. Contact Ward Cllrs to arrange a meeting to discuss J15 issues
  • 17/03. Follow up with Thames Water in regards to drains overflowing in New Road meadow Stores area – Outstanding with Thames Water for 12 months now.
  • 17/03. With Cllr Brady – Arrange a meeting to create a priority listing for the outstanding works with SBC
  • 17/06. Report to Ward Cllrs that the white shop lines on T junction at Burderop need repainting


  • 16/28. Clerk to draft a paln for planters around the village – for 2017. Ongoing long term plan
  • 16/100. Find out if historical docs can be stored on-line. Ongoing as professional scanning too costly
  • 16/116. Carry over allotment updates to next morning
  • 17/04. Arrange for AllBuild to remove scrap at allotments as fly tipping
  • 17/06. Report that bus bays need repainting on main road and by Esso garage
  • 17/07. Find out if SBC need to give permission for new NHW signs going up.
  • 17/07. Add purchase of NHW signs to next Finance agenda.
  • 17/09. Add final approval of new parishing services to next Full Council agenda and update the document of new services to show the savings made
  • 16/120. Write thank you letters to all the pubs who helped with the litter pick
  • 17/09. Add to next Finance agenda the extra cost of having 3 bins emptied twice a week
  • 17/09. Talk to Allbuild about either hi vis jackets with CPC logo or magnetic signs on their vans
  • 17/10. Send draft TOR to Cllr  Rawlings for review before Env committee review it. Make sure item added to next Env agenda

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/85. Aim to organise a meeting with SBC Highways dept and Wards Cllrs in regards to our outstanding works list.  UPDATE – need to prioritize this work for targeted attention of SBC
  • 17/09. Talk to Dawn at Oakleys Spar about them providing a bin for shop bought rubbish.