19/74. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

Public recess.

Residents from Norris Close were in attendance due to complaints received by CPC and passed on to Wiltshire police in regards to driving and parking on the green area of Norris Close.

Also decision by EGPA committee to place a planter in this location to try to stop the problem of vehicles on the grass.

Residents would like to be able to temporarily drive onto the green for the purpose of unloading vehicles and for trade vehicles working on properties. Residents with disabilities would like the ability to park on the green also. The issue of emergency services accessing the green and vehicle that require an electric charging point were also raised.

After hearing the comments from residents, the residents left the meeting.

Apologies for absence: Clair Wilkinson – Clerk Absence without apologies: Cllr K Bates

19/75. Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 15th July 2019.

No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th July 2019 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Jefferies; all those at the meeting were in favour.

19/76. Action points from July 19.



18/137 Monitor properties at Turnball & Slipper Lane for overgrown foliage into road and write letters if needed.

19/13 Add item to July/Aug agenda ref rolling new carpark at Rec. DONE

19/50 Finance committee to approve costs of £125.00 for STORM to fix leak at Rec hall. Ongoing as quote may change.

19/61 Do follow up note to residents in regards to Strouds Hill seating. DONE

19/62 Get green waste leaflet from SBC for Ridgeway View – requested from Ward Cllrs
Reply to resident ref W.Cllr Jefferies investigating DONE 31.7.19
Contact landowner ref grass cutting next to Aisne Road – NOT YET DONE

19/64 & 65 Pass to Finance, approval of costs on item 19/64 and 19/65 – DONE

19/73 Get quotes for extra locks on Rec hall garage. ONGOING

19/77 – VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Christmas Tree and electricity costs

Approx costs of tree of £175 and elec £100 approved by committee. A timer for the lights was suggested which will be investigated.

The Clerk will write to local businesses asking for donations towards the costs.
Local residents will be written to as a courtesy ref the event.
Clerk to locate a venue for mulled wine and mince pies after the lights are switched on.

Pass to Finance committee for approval

19/78 COMMUNITY PRIORIES – Football Club report

No report received.

19/79 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Tennis Club report

No report received


Nothing to report


Paul Walton has been asked to see if the probation team can place the allotment water pipe under ground.

19/82. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Rec hall, ground and carpark

Issue with gate padlock being left open.
Clerk to create list of who has a key.
New keys to be signed for.

Cllr Sunners to advise Clerk of dates when gates left open

Cllr Rawlings has advised Mr P Walton that the original quote for the car park extension should have covered the drainage from the area so it does not wash across the tennis courts.
It has been requested that the remedial quote provided be looked at again.

Another quote for this remedial work will be obtained.

Add to Sept agenda

The signage for Norris Close track from Rec hall is to be added to the Sept agenda also

The leak at the Rec hall building has been moved to the Sept agenda also


New ropes now installed on the bridge.

Cllr Rawlings has concerns about litter picking which the Clerk will pass on.

19/84 Vulnerable people and BIOS

Memory café – next one in September

BIOS will start in September

A care package has been obtained for one of the visitors to the Memory Café.

19/85 Items for next agenda


The meeting closed at 20.52



18/137 Monitor properties at Turnball & Slipper Lane for overgrown foliage into road and write letters if needed.

19/50 Finance committee to approve costs of £125.00 for STORM to fix leak at Rec hall. Ongoing as quote may change.

19/62 Get green waste leaflet from SBC for Ridgeway View
Contact landowner ref grass cutting next to Aisne Road

19/73 Get quotes for extra locks on Rec hall garage

Public recess August. Add Norris Close green area driving and flower planter to next agenda

19/77 Write to local businesses asking for donations for Xmas lights & tree.
Advise local residents via letter of the event
Find a venue for refreshments after the event

19/82 Create list of who has Rec ground keys. New key holders to sign to say they have received keys

19/82 Norris Close track signage to be added to next agenda

19/82 Rec hall leak move to next agenda.

19/83 Pass on concerns to contractor over litter picking

Cllr Sunners

19/82 To advise Clerk of dates the Rec hall gates were left open

Cllr Rawlings

19/82 Obtain further quote for Rec carpark drainage work