
Attendances and apologies for absence

  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. Public Recess
  3. Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 16th February 2017
    Matters Arising not on the agenda
    Action Points
  4. Allotments

Review of plots to be carried out to ensure tenants are keeping to boundary areas.

  1. Dog Bins 

Request from SBC to supply dog and litter bins for Badbury Park – Discussion and possible vote on the decision for any future action on this.

  1. Highways

Discussion and possible vote on actions to be taken on HGV problem on Ladysmith Road.

  1. Street Furniture

Vote required to approve purchase of new rubbish bin for opposite the Spar on the High street.

Discussion and possible vote on installing rubbish shuts on all Parish bins to stop large bags of litter being deposited. Vote depends on prices being available at the time of the meeting.

Discussion and vote on how we financially support the upkeep of the BT phone box we have adopted in Badbury.

  1. Village Appearance

Report on success of litter pick.

Clerk would welcome a volunteer Cllr to assist with the plan for the planters around the village.

Excess dog mess problems on Castle View Road – What can the PC do to combat this.

  1. Cemeteries

Discuss and vote on approval of quote to create a new ceiling for the Chapel, with insulation, new heating, access ladder and new internal entry doors.

  1. Environmental Services

Footpath from Church Street to Washpool is muddy and a slip hazard. Ward Cllrs are investigating – any further action from CPC required?

  1. Any Other Business