Public Recess

Sarah Faulkner from The Curnicks asked whether there was any progress on the parking issue at the Hodson Road junction with the roundabout.
PC Best advised she had looked at this and whilst the parking may not be the most sensible, the owners are not contravening any road traffic laws. The only thing she can do is speak to the owners of the vehicles to see if they can park elsewhere.

Ward Cllr Shaw asked PC Draper if he had driven up Turnball and tried to turn left or right, it is a blind turn in both directions. When turning out of the Curnicks it is the same issue. He believes these 3 vehicles are dangerously parked.

PC Best agreed it was difficult to turn out of these roads but the vehicles are not committing any offence.

Ward Cllr Shaw also asked that if there are 3 vehicles parked in this area and the one nearest the roundabout isn’t on double yellow lines are they still parking too close to the junction? The Highway codes says yes, but again this is not against the law.

Cllr Brady summed up by saying the only 2 solutions are to get double yellow lines painted in these areas or get a Bylaw introduced which can prevent this parking. Ward Cllr Shaw advised the SBC request for these yellow lines is in progress. The process to get a Bylaw in place is quite lengthy. This issue will be re-scheduled for the Environment meeting.

16/74. Declarations of interests.


16/75. Approval of minutes from 14th November 2016


Page 1 – public recess comments from Ward Cllr Shaw – amended to read “Ward Cllr Shaw advised he would get legal advice from SBC as to how this should be handled. CPC Cllrs expressed surprise that legal advice was required to answer a few simple questions by the Parish Council”.

Page 2 – Matters arising. Change “SBC” to read “Wiltshire Council” in regards to the bus funding cuts.

The minutes were then proposed as approved by Cllr Paul Walton, seconded by Cllr David Hill and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/76. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Page 2 – Ward Cllr Shaw commented on the app that Cllr Bowles advised the Council on. The normal method for reporting issues is that the issue goes to the members hotline and a LAGAN number is created which is used to track the issue.

Page 2 – 16/65 – Ward Cllr Shaw will send the Clerk the information regarding the cycle routes.

Page 6 – Trial of Build Out on New Road. Ward Cllr Shaw wishes it to be known that there is no written communication from SBC detailing this as a trial scheme.
Cllr Brady clarified by saying the Parish Council recalled occasions where the scheme was referred to as a trial. The April 2016 Full Council minutes state this was a trial scheme and Ward Cllr Foley advised she would support the decision of the Parish Council and support the request to have the scheme removed or altered. At the time Cllr Hill and Cllr Sunners visited with the planners when the Build Out was being designed. It was never supposed to be this close to Canney Close. When the plans were revised this is when it was stated as being a trial.

Action Points:

Ward Cllr Shaw will report all pothole issues to SBC and report back to the Clerk with relevant information.

HGV signs at Hodson – Ward Cllr Shaw advised they are on the list of works to be actioned. Cllr Brady asked if the Parish Council had the funds to do this work ourselves could we get this arranged with SBC? Ward Cllr Shaw advised yes we could. Item to be discussed at next Environment meeting.

Clerk Action Points – Ongoing action – find out what external bodies the PC should belong to.

16/65 – Funding for cycle routes. Ward Cllr Shaw commented on this and advised he had some information that would be useful and that he would pass the information over to the Clerk and Cllr Rawlings.
Onging action for Ward Cllr Shaw.

Cllr Walton – Calley Hall. The trustees are going to check whether the gents toilets need work. They are going to make sure there is more transparency on how the hall is run. The trustees are going to work on this.

16/77 Ward Councillors reports.

Ward Cllr Sumner reported an issue at Pumphouse Lane in Badbury where a SBC refuse lorry had driven down the road and crushed trees outside a residents house. This has been reported to SBC who have 10 days to respond.
Highways officers have been included in this communication.
SBC lorries driving down this road have also potentially damaged the new drainage pipes laid down.
In regards to the J15 works he has raised questions about this at the Highways meeting as he is concerned that Badbury will be used as a rat run. He has asked Highways for a solution to this.

Cllr Rawlings asked if the work at Pumphouse Lane had been completed as the workforce were called away. Ward Cllr Sumner will check to see if this has been finished. If SBC lorries have damaged the pipes they will have to replace them. Cllr Rawlings will also inspect the road to see if the work has been completed or area damaged.

Ward Cllr Shaw commented that the J15 works concerned him also. The current plan is not to have a dedicated filter lane to turn left from the A346 to M4 Bristol. He is going to meet with the Transport Manager to discuss this. There needs to be a meeting with Ward and Parish Cllrs and relevant departments before Summer 2017 to discuss this further. J15 is maintained by Highways England and A346 by SBC.

Ward Cllr Shaw has left a written update for the Parish Council.

In regards to the Chiseldon Firs site, he has asked for the Police Inspector to get in touch as he wants clarification on the policy for the site.
PC Draper also provided an update on this issue. As the land is a transit site the police will not intervene. However Ward Cllr Shaw advised that legal advice states the police can intervene if there is any criminal damage.

PC Draper advised the police can use section 61 and 62 of the Criminal Justice Act.
If the travelers are on public land the police can offer the use of a transit site. If they refuse they can be asked to leave the land. However if they clear the site and move to another site, it may still not be in a desirable location.
The site is a transit site so section 61 and 62 powers are not relevant as they are on private property. This becomes civil trespass.
There may be criminal offenses taking place but if the police cannot find the individuals concerned they cannot act. The only crime is trespassers on private land.

Cllr Brady then read out Ward Cllr Shaw’s written report, and also noted that there have been reports of anti social behavior from the site area.
Cllr Brady confirmed that the Parish Council will write a letter of support to SBC with the Clerk and Cllr Sunners representing the Neighbourhood Watch to support the legal case to remove the travelers from the site.
Action for Cllr Brady, Clerk and Cllr Sunners.

Cllr Brady finished by asking the Police representatives if there is anything further we can do, the answer is no but the Police are regularly monitoring the site to see if there is anything else they can do.

16/78. Policing Update from PC Best and PC Draper

PC Sophia Best then introduced herself as our new Community Coordinator.
She has past experience in this area and invited Rory Draper to the meeting due to his knowledge of the area also.

Mr Hornsby raised the question that in the November Parish Council minutes it states that the police told Ward Cllr Shaw that the parking situation at Hodson Road was not dangerous. Mr Hornsby wanted to know who in the police had said this and their reasons why.
Ward Cllr Shaw confirmed that he does not know the name of the person who advised this as he had reached the police call centre.
The resident believes the area is dangerous but the police have confirmed that legally although maybe the parking is not sensible, it isn’t illegal. The law has specific examples of when parking is classed as dangerous.
PC Best confirmed that in the case of New Road parking their only option is to talk to the residents and request they park elsewhere. If they choose not to, there is nothing else the police can do.
Cllr Brady advised this will be discussed at the next Environment meeting in AOB which is open to the public – 15th December at 7.15 at the Recreation Hall.

PC Best advised that the old policing model had Neighbourhood teams and Response teams. The Neighbourhood teams had beat managers and community response.
The Response teams dealt with 999 and priority calls and didn’t do regular patrols.

Now the force has been split over 3 areas. The South area covers the Town Centre of Swindon, Wroughton, Chiseldon and the surrounding villages.

There used to be 23 Community beat managers and now there are 9 community coordinators. There are now a number of officers available 24 hrs a day who are completely dedicated to this area.
If not dealing with 999 calls they will be visible in the area 24 hours a day. They will be proactively policing these areas. This new model started on the 7th November.
There are 2 PCSO’s for the area – Emma Turner and Joanne Croft. There are the first point of contact for any community issues.
The Community Coordinators are there to analyse and problem solve. They are not specifically in their role to deal with short term issues.

Cllr Sunners asked about the visibility of this new system and how it is facilitated. Oakleys Spar still has the police messaging box. An increase in visits here will enhance visibility and increase communication.
He also mentioned the Thursday night Youth Mobi which can have 20-30 teenagers attending. PC Best agreed this is the type of area the police should be visiting to stop and have a chat.

It was also asked how the community should pass on local concerns. There is a community mailbox address which can be used for emails.

PC Best will continue to send us the monthly crime reports, the Clerk will carry on sending out a reminder.
It was confirmed that Ward Cllrs need to receive this information. The Clerk will make sure it is emailed over.
Cllr Hill asked if there will be Special Constables as PCSO’s can’t arrest anyone. PC Best confirmed that yes there will be and they will get involved as much as their time allows.
In regards to the shortage of police vehicles. Officers dealing with 999 calls will get priority use of the vehicles and this may mean PCSO’s have to use public transport on occasion.

There were no questions from the public to the police representatives.

Cllr Mills asked about the reduction in force numbers. He is concerned over what they can and can’t achieve. Was there a public consultation over the new model? What about elderly residents who have no computer access. It could also be an issue if the officers are not familiar with the areas they are working in.
PC Draper confirmed that there was a consultation on the new model with a cross section of the community asked their thoughts.
Cllr Brady suggested we follow up in a few months when the new system has been in use for a longer period. The Neighbourhood Watch team can help them get familiar with the local area.

Ward Cllrs Shaw and Sumner then left the meeting along with PC Best and PC Draper and several members of the public at 20.39.

16/79 Presentation by Rose Somerset from the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

The presentation centred on the interesting geology, landscape and wildlife, and this is the reason why the area is protected.
It is to be conserved and enhanced by all. The North Wessex Downs organization can help with this.
The area goes from Reading in the East to Swindon in the West and 1.25 million people live within it or within a 20 minute drive of it.
The land underneath the area is the important aspect as it contains 3 layers of chalk laid down 145-65 million years ago.
The oldest layer is the ridge of the Ridgeway. The Chalk holds the water, slowly filters at 1 meter a year. This is what supports the diverse wildlife. The River Kennet also supplies London with up to 50% of its water in summer.
It is also a heritage site as people starting to stop here around 4000BC. They built monuments such as Avebury and Silbury Hill.
Avebury is the world’s largest prehistoric stone circle.

There are 6 special habitats in the area:
Chalk grassland, chalk streams and rivers, arable farmland, woodland, heathland and hedgerows. Rare species will no longer exist here if these habitats are destroyed.
The AONB is listed as protecting and enhancing the area. In the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 Section 85 it states all public bodies should have a regard to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the AONB.

Section 89 states that all local authorities are required to prepare a AONB Management plan and review it every 5 years.
The AONB are working with SBC on this plan as they have legal responsibility for the area.
Cllr Hill asked where the funding came from. 80% comes from DEFRA and the rest comes from the Councils who are involved.
Cllr Harris asked if we have a planning application that impacts on the AONB should we believe it should be rejected, should the North Wessex Downs AONB get involved in this? The answer is yes, and SBC should also report such plans to the NWD so they can provide a response.
The Clerk is to relay this information to Cllr McMurray.

16/80 – Review of Committee reports and Correspondence

Finance: Cllr Harris. The draft budget and precept for 2017/18 has been prepared. It will be
£105,000. It will cover areas such as redecoration of the chapel, with false ceiling and carpeting, essential crane work at Rec Hall, funds for drainage at football pitch and replacement for pavilion and rec hall.

The band D council tax figures will go up to £91.66 a year which is a 43.3% increase. This does put us in a good position moving forwards. There is a short finance meeting on 15th Dec to approve the precept. There is a required format that SBC want for precept figures over £100,000. We have a legal obligation to maintain our assets.
The SBC parishing funds will go down by 50% in 2017/18.

Environment: Cllr Rawlings advised there are no points to note except we are not getting many replies back from SBC on work that needs carrying out.
Cllr Brady commented that some of the Ward Cllrs are being shadow parish councillors for the new parishes that are being created after the CGR review. This is until the May 2017 elections.
Cllr Foley is a new shadow parish councillor.

There is a possible issue in that with Cllr Foley being busy with her shadow role and Cllr Shaw is mayor, Chiseldon parish may be under represented. It was suggested that conversations needed to be had with David Renard and Stephen Taylor. Cllr Brady will call them and invite them to meet with us at a closed meeting to discuss further.
Cllr Brady will report back to the full council.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
There is a paper report which can be viewed for a full update. Cllr Hill noted that Thamesdown are making their largest change to the services for 10 years in Jan 2017. Please pass this on to anyone who uses the buses.
We also need Ward Cllr Shaw and Foley to put pressure on Nigel Hale with regards to the new bus stops that are needed.

Recreation: Speed bumps and signs have been installed. The plumbing work has been approved and is being organised and the fencing work is complete.

Planning: There are lots of outstanding applications still. The Esso appeal is still outstanding. There was an objection for Badbury Park due to inadequate water drainage.
The bungalow at 4 Marlborough Road has been demolished. Cllr Rawlings needs to look at planning application to see if they have met their planning criteria.

Badbury Park :
Cllr Brady read out an email from Stephen Taylor advising that Badbury Park will remain with CPC until April 2017. Any issues should be sent to the most appropriate person in the mean time.
The Ward Cllrs are there to support the residents. He asked if we had been approached by SBC with regards to transition discussions. Cllr Brady has replied to say we haven’t been approached.

16/81. Castle View Phone box listed.

Cllr Walton has agreed to make enquiries into getting this BT box listed. Clerk to send him over the required information.

16/82. AOB

Clerk to move Christmas lights to Jan 2017 meeting.

There is a road survey document from SBC that requires feedback. Cllr Brady is to send this to the Environment Committee for follow up.

Cllr John Martin reported back on the J15 M4 meeting that Cllrs attended. The work will not start until J16 is completed. There will be 12-18 months of work. Expected to be finished in 2019.
£5 million is paid for by Highways England and £5 million by the developers.
It was mentioned in the meeting whether this was enough money to complete the project.
There is currently no scope for a left hand turn onto the M4 from Plough Hill. Halcrow are going to model the traffic patterns to see what requirements there are.

Cllr Hill commented on his surprise that there will be no traffic lights at the bottom of Plough Hill, there is only going to be an extra filter lane onto the roundabout. The Parish of Chiseldon will not see much benefit from this development.

Cllr Brady mentioned the sub committee to be formed from Environment and Planning to discuss the strategic needs of the parish. It is hoped we can then feed back to SBC with our requirements.

Cllr Mills thinks the start date is optimistic and didn’t receive an answer when he queried what would happen if funds ran out.

There is an SBC review on their Ethics document. Cllr Brady will take a look at the document and pass on to any other interested councillors.

It is noted that a set of questions in regards to the CGR process from Mr Daniel Boden was passed via email to Ward Cllr Foley with the request that Cllr Foley reply to these questions and also CC the Parish Council if possible.

The meeting closed at 21.46


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.

Cllr Brady

16/77 With Cllr Sunners and Clerk – write letter of support to SBC with regards to moving the travelers from Chiseldon Firs

16/82 SBC Road survey document – send to Environment committee to formulate feedback


Action points Check what external bodies the PC should belong to, such as Rights of Way and Walkers Assoc’s. Long term action point.

16/78 Make sure Police reports are emailed over to Ward Cllrs

16/79 Email North Wessex Downs comments to Cllr McMurray

16/80 Ask Ward Cllrs to put pressure on Nigel Hale to arrange for new bus stops to be put in place

16/81 Email Cllr Walton the required information for getting phone boxes listed

16/82 Move Christmas lights to Jan 2017 full council meeting

Ward Cllr Shaw

Matters arising from 14.11 Find out from SBC how the new app that residents can use to report potholes etc will be handled by SBC. Can CPC receive this information so issues are not duplicated?

Action points from 14.11 Pass on cycle path information to Clerk and Cllr Sunners

Action points from 14.11 Follow up with SBC on HGV signs for Hodson at request of Cllr Bowles

Cllr Walton

16/81 Investigate getting the red BT phone box at Castle View Road listed.