20/84 Public recess.

No public.

20/85 Co-option of New Cllr.

No candidates

20/86 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.


20/87 Approval of minutes from 10th August 2020

No changes.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr Bates, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/88. Approval of minutes from extra council meeting on 29th July.

No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr Harris, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/89 Action points:


19/24 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget. Ongoing. Due to be completed 21.9.2020

19/197 Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update ref retaining wall application. No further updates

20/53 Add Cllr Sunners Covid19 agenda item to August agenda. DONE

20/66 Adjust expenses policy and then send to Cllr McDonald for final formatting. DONE

20/67 Schedule monthly CVPA opening review for Sept full council agenda. DONE

20/73 & 20/79 Merge 2 Covid items for Sept full council agenda. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Ongoing. No reply from SBC officer.


Provide head and shoulders photo for new website contact page. Only Cllr McDonald to supply a photo now.

Cllr Sunners

20/64 Chase up request to South Swindon Police for speed enforcement checks on Hodson Road. Police have not yet visited the site as far as the council are aware.

Cllr Jefferies

20/65 Follow up to confirm that new broadband scheme will cover the whole parish. Information due in late Sept/October.**

Cllr McDonald

20/66 Format the final version of the expenses policy. DONE

**. Scheme still due to go ahead with vouchers available for residents to put against the cost. Cllr Kearsey to send update to residents who registered directly with him.

20/90 Community Safety report, including crime stats.

Cllr Sunners

1980 crimes in July 2020 South Swindon. 6 in Parish, 2 fuel drive-offs. Strouds Hill has new NHW sign.
Police are aware of the 4 wheel drive vehicle that drove across Stouds Hill green and will follow this up.

20/91 Ward Cllrs update.

Ward Cllr Mattock for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

New Covid19 testing facility as County Ground site closed. Beckhampton site now open.
Advice is to keep looking for booking slots. The bottle neck is with the analysis of the tests. Swindon status has been downgraded.
Still waiting for an update on New Road/Hodson Road weight limit. DF speed limit change will be out for consultation shortly.
Will chase up repairs to damaged bus shelters.

Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

New LED lights. Can be dimmed in batches once installed. Getting the lights installed across the borough before look at dimming. Light at Butts Road mentioned as being too bright. Some Cllrs wanted this brightness for safety of those who may be nervous walking a dark, narrow street with no pavements. To ask if this light can have a shade on it.

Ward Cllr Mattock leaves the meeting at 20.08

20/92. Update on CVPA from Clerk

Risk assessments show no new extra risk. Area is tidy and bins emptied on schedule.

Cllrs were happy for the area to remain open pending the next monthly review.

20/93. Finance Committee to temporality form for precept/budget work for 2021/22.

Cllr A McDonald and Cllr A Rogers volunteered to join this committee.

Cllr Kearsey proposed that Cllrs McDonald & A Rogers joined this committee. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rogers cannot do meetings on a Thursday evening.

20/94 Budget and Precept for 2021/22 discussion & vote on final items to consider.

Additional item – WARP have requested £5000 for replacement boardwalks at Washpool.
Want to replace wood walkways with a stone structure.
Options of grants were put forward, and also whether stone would have a detrimental effect on the landscape.

Invite WARP to next full council meeting to discuss proposals further.

Cllr Harris proposed a budget item for next year of £2500 to be considered for this work. Cllr Kearsey seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.

Clerk to provide Cllr Harris with a list of budget items requested to date.

20/95 Discussion and vote on bench for Millennium Wood path as old bench was removed due to rot.

Council in favour in principle to provide a bench in this area. EGPA committee to vote on bench and bring back to full council. Any further additions such as a memorial plaque to be funded by Cllrs from their own personal funds.

20/96 Approval of New/Updated Council policies

Policies are:
Publication Scheme. Complaints Policy. Disciplinary Policy. Grievance Policy. Expenses Policy (Revised)

Cllr Jefferies proposed the use of the Publication Scheme. Cllr D Rogers seconded & all Cllr in favour.

Cllr D Rogers proposed the use of the Complaints Policy. Cllr Jefferies seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr D Rogers proposed the use of the Disciplinary Policy. Cllr A Rogers seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Jefferies proposed the use of the Grievance Policy. Cllr Kearsey seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr D Rogers proposed the use of the Expenses Policy. Cllr Jefferies seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

20/97 Discussion in regards to Covid19, changes to the community and costs to CPC.

Cllr Sunners requested that we be able to contact those on the original SBC list provided. The Clerk to check CPC can do this and will distribute the list if so.
Question on whether the Memory Café will be allowed to open in the near future. It was hoped that on-line groups would be started up where possible.

20/98. PLANNING.

No items

20/99. FINANCE Annual discussion & vote on whether CPC draws Cllr and Chairman Allowances from the precept.

After a discussion …..Cllr Harris proposed that no Cllr or Chairman will draw an allowance. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Clerk to find out if there is a central list of what Parishes claim the allowance and how much it is.

20/100. FINANCE Discussion & vote on new insurance provider and whether to take a 3 year deal

Hiscox is the recommended supplier of insurance. A one year term is £2089.95 including IPT tax.

A 3 year deal would be £1937.86 per year including IPT tax.

Cllr A Rogers proposed the 3 year deal with Hiscox. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/101. Review annual internal audit report.

Cllrs had been provided with the report prior to the meeting.

Cllr D Rogers proposed the audit report required no further action. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/102. Approval delegated powers for approving the expenditure of the annual training budget.

Cllr Jefferies proposed that the Clerk, Chairman, Vice Chairman and Committee Chairman if appropriate can approve by delegated powers training from the pre-approved annual budget. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in approval.

20/103. Approve expenditure of course for Cllr Kearsey and Cllr A Rogers at £30 per person. (WALC Fundamentals Cllr course)

Cllr Jefferies proposed approval of these costs. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllrs Kearsey and Cllr A Rogers did not vote.

20/104 Committee Reports

Finance – August 2020 financial reports-review & vote on approval. No questions on this report.

Cllr A Rogers proposed approving the August finance figures as accurate. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

EGPA – No report.

Risk Assessments – August 2020 No assessments for August or September

Clerks Correspondence – no comments

20/105 Items for next agenda.

Cllr Sunners requested an item on MS Teams with an update on functionality

Meeting closed 21.15

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


19/24 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget. Ongoing

19/197 Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update ref retaining wall application.

20/92 Schedule monthly CVPA opening review for Oct full council agenda.

20/94 Invite WARP representatives to Oct meeting& send Cllr Harris the rest of the requests for the 2021/22 budget.

20/96 Contact SBC to see if the original shielding list for Covid19 can be used again for contacting the vulnerable.

20/98 Find out if there is a central list of what allowances other parishes are claiming for Cllrs and Chairman

20/105 Add items to Oct agenda as stated in minute 20/105

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked


Provide head and shoulders photo for new website contact page

Cllr Sunners

20/65 Chase up request to South Swindon Police for speed enforcement checks on Hodson Road.