22/166 Approval of apologies given.   None

. Declarations of Interest.  Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

22/168. Public recess.  No public

Approval of minutes from 16th January 2023.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/170. Action points from previous meeting.


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING

22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds.  Future agenda – after surveys complete and other required steps.  PENDING.

22/154. Add expenditure request to Feb Full Council meeting to approve printing costs for survey. DONE

22/155. Update risk assessment for planters to further mitigate risks where possible. Ensure handyman remains happy with working on site and has reviewed the updated document.  Make sure there is not a lone working situation when on site. Review in 6 months. DONE

22/161.  Create a FB post asking for volunteers for a youth provision. Arrange a meeting if there is enough interest to discuss further. DONE – only 2 volunteers so far.  Clerk to try again.

22/162. Add Skate Park survey to survey monkey. DONE

Cllr Sunners

22/161. Get up to date information from Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision.  The dates and times the hall is free.  Any charge they will make.  The facilities available – kitchen/toilets/outside play etc.  Any insurance requirements. Security for children when on site – will the site be accessible to others? PENDING

22/171. Parishing Progress. No items

22/172. Parish Appearance and Safety. Consider the purchase of 2 replacement rubbish bins for the CVPA play area.

A proposal was made to approve the purchase of 2 new bins costing approx. £195 each, plus delivery and VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. To go to the March Finance Committee for budget approval as only £185 left in the annual bin budget.

22/173. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report from Julie Porte
2 teams in the winter league are playing well. The half term kids camp days were well attended. Lauren the coach has secured a visit to Chiseldon and Wroughton Primary Schools.

The end of the membership year is March. The club are looking at their membership costs.

The LTA are bringing in a new rule that floodlights must be replaced with LED lights. The deadline for this is not yet known. The Committee are looking at quotes for this.

The Clerk and RFO are to send over any ideas for grants they can apply for, and they would also like a letter of support from CPC for when approaching grant companies.

The Clerk is to send over the details of any companies who may be able to quote for the works.

Julie leaves 19.56

22/174. Parish Appearance and Safety.  Confirm date for the Great British Spring Clean.

The committee approved Sat 25th March 10-12pm.

The Clerk will approach the hotel for a base site and complimentary tea/coffee and ask Allbuild if they can remove the waste again.

22/175. Parish Appearance and Safety. Discuss litter issues within the parish and possible methods to resolve this.

Current volume of litter picking by Allbuild no longer sufficient for litter levels.

Clerk to confirm with Allbuild the frequency of the picks and the amount of litter collected. To also make sure they are wearing CPC hi-vis jackets that were provided.

To bring back to March meeting for further discussion.

22/176. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received.

22/177. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

22/178. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark.  Approve STORM quote to replace broken light sensor.

A proposal was made to approve the quote for £72.97 plus VAT to replace the sensor by STORM. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/179. Chapel and Museum.  Approve documents from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematoria Management for the gravestone inspection in April.

A proposal was made to approve the documents from the ICCM for use. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/180. Chapel and Museum. Approval of signing over of burial plot deed where original deed cannot be found.

A proposal was made to approve the signing over of the plot with the relevant £50 fee for the work this involves.  The council also proposed that this is the standard procedure for the Clerk to follow unless there is a complaint from the family, in which case the issue will come to committee. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/181. Community Priorities . No items

22/182. Castle View Play area.  No items

22/183. Allotments.  To vote on obtaining quotes for drone work to map the plots in their current state.

A proposal was made to proceed with obtaining 3 quotes as the committee are interested in getting the plots correctly mapped. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Rawlings did not vote.

22/184. Vulnerable People. No items

22/185. Items for next agenda.    None
Meeting closed 20.24


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.

22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds.  Future agenda – after surveys complete and other required steps.

22/172.  Add bin purchase to Finance March agenda.

22/173. Sent Julie Porte grant company details to approach and also electricians to approach.

22/174. Ask Chiseldon House Hotel if they can host the litter pick and provide tea/coffee and ask Allbuild if they can take away the waste.

22/175. Ask Allbuild for current litter pick schedule and amount of waste removed. Check CPC hi-vis is worn still.

22/180. Make arrangements to sign over the burial plot.

22/183. Advise RFO to collect 2 more quotes for drone allotment mapping.

Cllr Sunners

22/161. Get up to date information from Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision.  The dates and times the hall is free.  Any charge they will make.  The facilities available – kitchen/toilets/outside play etc.  Any insurance requirements. Security for children when on site – will the site be accessible to others?