Declarations of interest:


19/01. Public Recess

No public

19/02. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on Thursday 28th Feb 2019

No amendments

The minutes of the meeting held on 28th Feb 2019 were then approved on a resolution by CB and seconded by IH; all at the meeting were in favour.

19/03 Action Points from 28th Feb meeting


18/70 Clerk to ask Came & Co for insurance breakdown for Tennis Club invoice. DONE & INVOICE COMPLETED & SENT

18/84 Create new document for the tender process to show the general process the council needs to follow. Need to add price breaks for different legal requirements. ONGOING

18/100 Arrange the engagement of a handyperson for the Parish at a cost of £10.00 per hour. ON AGENDA

18/105 April full council agenda – report to committees on budget vs spend figures every quarter.DONE

18/105 Talk to Sansums about inputting data for budget vs spend on Xero. DONE – SANSUM TO DO WORK – CLERK TO PROVIDE FIGURES

18/106 Buy new gazebo. DONE

18/110 Arrange annual meeting with STORM and review folder of docs they hold for us. DONE – ALL IN ORDER

18/111 Meeting protocol doc – move to next meeting. ON AGENDA

18/112 Remind Cllrs about sending personal data via email and ask them to get residents to email the Clerk direct. Also remind about FOI requests and emails. DONE

18/114 Buy a pay as you go mobile. DONE

18/116 Change Clerks salary and pay scale from April 2019 – include letter to Clerk. DONE

18/120 Advise Cllr on Living Wage vote. DONE

Cllr Matt Harris

18/112 Arrange for free software to be installed on Clerk’s laptop for hard drive encryption. CANNOT DO AS HARDDRIVE DAMAGED

19/04 FINANCE. GRANT PRESENTATION – Glyn Moody from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue. For the Stay Safe, Stay Alive campaign

Presentation given to Cllrs. (Copy available on Parish Council website or via Clerk).
Free roadshow for all 16-19 year olds in Borough. Requested £2000 funding.
Most gov/Borough council funding for this has stopped. Only £2000 from SBC. Needs £7000 per year to run. Will be asking all parishes for funds.

The Parish Councils regulations on grants stipulate a maximum of £500 in any one 12 monthly period. The Committee proposed to award £1500, £500 from this year’s funds and £1000 from reserves, on the condition that this equates to £500 for both 2020 and 2021, and no further requests be made in those years.

This was proposed by CB, seconded by PW and all Cllrs were in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Stay Safe, Stay Alive campaign be awarded £1500 in grants over a 3 year period, with no further applications allowed in that time.

19/05. FINANCE. Virement of £20,000 from general reserves to the reserves fund for replacement Recreation Hall building.

This was proposed by CB, seconded by PW and all Cllrs were in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: £20,000 be moved from general reserves to the reserves fund for the replacement of the Recreation Hall

19/06 FINANCE. Review April 2019 to date figures

The committee reviewed the figures circulated prior to the meeting. There were no comments. These figures are not final.

A proposal was made by MC that these figures were an accurate representation of the councils figures for April to date. Seconded by PW and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: April 2019 to date finance figures are accurate.

19/07 FINANCE – SLCC annual renewal of £175 due.

A proposal was made by CB to approve this payment. Seconded by IH and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Parish Council pay £175 for SLCC renewal

19/08 FINANCE Payment of £350.00 to enrol Clerk on the CiLCA portal for submitting coursework and receiving assessment & qualification.

A proposal was made by CB to approve the cost of £350 for CiLCA enrolment. Seconded by PW and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: £350.00 be paid for the Clerk’s enrolment on the CiLCA course.

19/09. FINANCE. Engage temp from employment agency to help with Clerks backlog of work.

The Committee requested that the temp be paid a minimum of £9.00 per hour to meet living wage criteria. A max amount of £200 to be spent which will include agency fees.

It was proposed that this be delegated to the Clerk to arrange.

A proposal was made by CB to approve costs of up to £200 for a temp to assist the Clerk, meeting the criteria above. Seconded by MC and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Clerk arrange a temp to assist with backlog of work up to the value of £200.

19/10 FINANCE. £70 plus VAT to update Butts Road cemetery maps from Sanders.

Maps to be updated in PDF by Sanders to include all new plot names since 2015.

A proposal was made by IH approve this quote. Seconded by PW and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: Quote of £70 plus VAT be approved for update to Butts Road cemetery maps.

19/11. FINANCE. Annual WALC/NALC subscription due. £898.11

A proposal was made by CB approve this cost. Seconded by MC and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: Cost of annual NALC/WALC membership be approved.

19/12 FINANCE. Chairs Allowance

The Clerk provided info that this wasn’t funds that went into the Chairs own account, it was funds to allow certain council purchases where there wasn’t any laws to allow purchases via the council.

It was suggested to move this item to the June 19 agenda.

19/13 FINANCE. Website work quoted by Sanders.

Sanders Webworks had quoted for various improvements, some mandatory for the Parish Councils website. The Committee had reviewed each individual quote prior to the meeting. The total costs for works is £1277.50 for all work, plus a £5.00 per month cost for a new hosting provider who was more reliable and stable.

A proposal was made by CB approve this cost. Seconded by PW and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Sanders quotes be approved.

19/14 EXPENDITURE FROM EGPA COMMITTEE. Tennis Club floodlight repairs

£215.36 had been approved by the EGPA committee for KT Electrical to repair the flood lights.

A proposal was made by PW approve this cost. Seconded by CB and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The KT Electrical quote be approved.

19/15 EXPENDITURE FROM EGPA COMMITTEE. Costs for additional hedge cutting.

As part of the 2017 extra parishing work, 3 new areas of hedge cutting were taken on.
The EGPA committee voted on a total approx. cost of £500 plus VAT for 2 cuts per season, using a local farmer and Allbuild for labour and clearance.

A proposal was made by CB to approve this cost. Seconded by IH and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The EGPA costs for hedge cutting be approved.

19/16. POLICIES, LEASES and IT. New meeting protocol document

The document was reviewed by the committee prior to the meeting.

A proposal was made by PW to approve this document. Seconded by CB and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Finance protocol document be adopted for all Finance meeting

19/17. STAFF & HR. Employment of Handyperson

The Clerk had provided information on the proposed successful candidate prior to the meeting.

It was proposed by CB that the employment go ahead with immediate effect. Seconded by IH and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: A self-employed handyperson be taken on with immediate effect.

19/19. STAFF & HR. Handyperson max hours and max expense costs.

After discussion it was proposed by CB that the maximum hours be 40 per month with maximum monthly expenses of £100 be approved with delegation to the Clerk to manage this. To be reviewed at June Finance meeting. Seconded by MC and all Cllrs in favour.

RESOLVED THAT: The Clerk control the handypersons hours and expenses to a max level stated. To be reviewed in June.

19/20. STAFF & HR. Discussion on the Clerks need for an Admin assistant or whether to increase the Clerks hours.

The handyperson and temp as voted on in item 19/09 will assist with Clerks current workload.
SBC are shortly expected to hand over certain areas to parish councils for land management which will produce more work.

The Clerk is to report back at the June meeting for any changes that are thought to be needed for the committee to discuss once handyperson and temp are in position and workload is up to date.

19/21. Items for next agenda


Meeting closed at 21.01



18/84 Create new document for the tender process to show the general process the council needs to follow. Need to add price breaks for different legal requirements. ONGOING

19/12 Add Chair’s allowance to June agenda

19/20 Report back to Committee in June on need for Assistant/More hours for Clerk.