Cllr Jefferies will be a late arrival to the meeting due to a prior engagement at another meeting.

Cllr Bates proposed that these apologies be accepted. Cllr Sunners seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/126 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

Public recess.

No public

20/127 Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 19th October. 2020.

No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th October 2020 were approved as an accurate representation. Proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Duke; all those at the meeting were in favour.

20/128 Action points from November



19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road. ONGOING

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information ONGOING

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information ONGOING

20/47 Clerk to deal with H&S issues arising from tree survey report – delegated powers ONGOING.

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr ONGOING

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings ONGOING

20/107 Add talk with Swindon Ladies Football to November agenda DONE

20/113 Add sign purchases to next Finance agenda DONE

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water. ONGOING

20/120 Add purchase of new CVPA equipment to next Finance agenda. DONE

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines. ONGOING

Cllr Jefferies

20/125 Ask Clerk for letter for Memory Café band ONGOING

20/129. Approve dispensation from attending EGPA meetings for a further 3 months for Cllr McDonald due to Covid work pressures.

All Cllrs agreed that this dispensation was required and allowed. An agenda item is to be added to full council for December to request another stand in Cllr for the committee as Cllr D Rogers 3 months term is up.

20/130. Discussion with Swindon Ladies Football Club over pitch hire fees.

Did not attend meeting as wanted to discuss requirements internally first. Move to December. Clerk reminded Cllrs that the Chiseldon Football Club lease has specifics noted on the use of the pavilions so these need to be considered when discussing any further lease plans with Swindon Ladies.

Cllr Jefferies and Hilary Howe joined the meeting at 19.49

20/131. Update from WARP on grant application for new boardwalk at Washpool

In response to a previous query, the group doesn’t believe that the removal of the wooden boardwalk will be a problem to frogs as amphibians do not require running water. Recycled plastic boards have been investigated and will be approx. £2,000 more than the new proposed solution.
The site is upstream of the Coate Water SSSI site so leaching plastics into the watercourse is a worry.

The Wroughton Solar farm large grant of up to £20,000 has been applied for. Have requested funds to replace the boardwalk, plus funding for a pipe to supply water to the pond that dries up in the summer. Also applying for funds to level out the vehicle route to the site and for updated leaflets for WARP and signage to the site. A total of £10,500 has been submitted for approval.

Hilary would also like for WARP to encourage more people to the area. Looking at how disadvantaged people and those with mental illness can be helped. Swindon Volunteer Centre has been suggested as a good source of advice. Already had visitors from Royal Wootten Bassett and Coate Water area to the site. Cllr Jefferies suggested asking the Swindon Advertiser to do a piece on the site and also look at Crowd Funding.

Hilary Howe left the meeting at 20.03


No items

20/133. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Tennis Club update.

No report received.

20/134 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Chiseldon Football Club report.

No report received.

20/135 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Pavilion. Repairs to heaters required.

A quote was received from CTS Electrical for £143.00 plus VAT to repair the faulty heater. No other quotes received.

Cllr Rawlings proposed that this quote be accepted to repair the heater. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


No items

20/137 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Rec Hall and grounds.

No items

20/138 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – CVPA remaining open.

The decision was made to continue to monitor and leave the area open for another month – pending Gov changes.

20/139. CEMETERIES – Clerks update on the Chapel path tarmacking.

The previous quote to re-lay tarmac had been approved. When the contractor got on site he found the base layer was too badly eroded for this to work. The Clerk is to get new quotes for the whole area to be removed and re-tarmacked.
Will be brought back to Committee when quotes received.

20/140 Vulnerable people and BIOS

Clerk provided an update of the situation. Waiting for the contract and copies of the DBS forms to be received from SYFC. No site visits at the moment due to lockdown.

20/141 Costs to be approved for Parish Christmas tree and installation costs.

The combined costs of tree and installation are expected to cost £300.

Cllr Duke proposed these costs be approved. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Pass to Finance committee for approval.

20/142 Items for next agenda

No items

The meeting closed at 20.21



19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information

20/47 Clerk to deal with H&S issues arising from tree survey report – delegated powers

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings

20/130 Add talk with Swindon Ladies Football to December agenda

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines

20/129 For December full council agenda – request new stand in Cllr for EGPA committee whilst Cllr McDonald cannot attend.

20/141 Add to December Finance agenda to approve Xmas tree costs.

Cllr Jefferies

20/125 Ask Clerk for letter for Memory Café band