21/73 Approval of apologies given.

Cllr Jackson is waiting the results of a PCR test.

A proposal was made to accept the apologies given by Cllr Jackson. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/74 Public recess

No comments

21/75. Election of Chairman for the Committee.

A proposal was made for Cllr Harris to Chair this meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/76. Declarations of Interest and approval of any dispensations requested.

Cllr Bates lives on Hodson Road near a site under consideration.

21/77. Approval of minutes from 4.11.21 meeting

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate recording of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/78. Action points from previous meeting.

Action points


21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee. No action yet as not at that stage in the process.
21/46 Arrange site visits to Wanborough and Haydon Wick facilities. Wanborough meeting almost arranged, no need to visit Haydon Wick currently.
21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements. Too soon in the process to do this.
21/70. Get 3 quotes from architects to design basic plans that can go to SBC for pre-planning approval. 1 quote finalised. 1 quote to follow shortly and 1 further company approached.
21/70 Ask estate for progress on land sale. Meeting to be arranged to discuss this after this meeting.
21/71. Ask Wroughton Clerk whether they are creating a Trust for their facility. To meet with Wroughton Clerk on 21st Jan to discuss this.
21/71. Create a progress list/flow chart for the order of work to be done. Not yet done.

All Cllrs

21/55 Committee to consider whether land at other locations running along the rear of Draycot Road could be a consideration. Considered – no other viable areas located. ACTION CLOSED

Cllr Jefferies arrived at 19.12

21/79. To note the emails from the public

The correspondence was read out and noted.

The Clerk is to make sure that the public timeline document is sent out to all those who sent correspondence and ensure that everyone receives a reply and an invitation to attend any of the public committee meetings where they can find out more. Also to be signposted to agendas and minutes on the councils website.

With regards to complaints around the Millennium Wood and other areas, the EGPA committee will be advised that a resident has concerns. In regards to the objections to the plan drawn up by the Estate, the Clerk will make it clear that this was not a CPC design.

The correspondence around the site near the Farm shop will be advised of the reasons why this site was discounted as unsuitable by the working group.

There is an action for the Clerk to check what time the flood lights need to be turned off at the tennis courts (looking at the original planning application) and advise the club accordingly.

There is an action for the Clerk to send committee members the list of current youth activity available in the area.

Where there is correspondence around the plans published, the Clerk is to reply to clarify that these are not CPC plans and the council no part in designing them.

21/80. To review and draw up feedback on the drawing from the Langton Estate.

The access route shown on the drawing is not in line with CPC’s method statement and as such the committee feels that access via this route is entirely unsuitable. In regards to the rest of the drawing, CPC’s progress is at such as early stage that it cannot make any comments. The committee decided to put the estate’s drawing to one side and discuss decision points within the project.

It was agreed that the rough order of decisions to be made is as follows:

  • Is the land within our budget?
  • Can we create a new and suitable access route that SBC Highways Officers might approve as part of a planning application?
  • Cannot move forward without a set of architect plans showing what is viable
  • Need a quantity surveyor to providing costing for all levels of expansion
  • Can we raise the required funds?
  • Need to submit Pre-planning application with SBC
  • 28 day Public Consultation
  • Review the consultation feedback and alter plans if required.
  • Submit Planning permission

21/81. Confirm details of visit with the estate to discuss the land in question

Questions to be asked at the meeting include:

  • Are they willing to provide part/all of the land in question
  • Advise that the plans they submitted to us will not work in terms of our access requirements; share the method statement with the estate.
  • Address the access concerns we have
  • If we cannot utilise all of the land in question, would they be willing to split the land into a smaller parcel? The council would like to explore a number of potential options
  • What is a rough timeline to consider – farming/current leases etc.
  • Advise we will provide an update in 6 months.

The Clerk is to arrange a meeting with the Langton Estate and Cllrs Ford, Jefferies and Bates.

21/82. Review architect quotes received so far.

Move to Feb meeting.

21/83 Items for next agenda.

Update on the meeting with the Langton Estate and the Wanborough site visit.

Meeting closed 20.16

Action Points

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee.
21/46 Arrange site visits to Wanborough and Haydon Wick facilities.
21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements.
21/70. Get 3 quotes from architects to design basic plans that can go to SBC for pre-planning approval.
21/70 Ask estate for progress on land sale.
21/71. Ask Wroughton Clerk whether they are creating a Trust for their facility.
21/71. Create a progress list/flow chart for the order of work to be done.
21/79. Reply as appropriate to all correspondence
21/79. To check the original planning application for the flood lights with regards to evening switch off time
21/79. To send all Committee members the list of youth activities
21/81. Arrange a meeting with the Langton Estate
21/82. Move review of quotes to Feb meeting
21/83. Add items listed to Feb agenda.