
17/129 Declarations of interest

  • Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder
  • Cllr McDonalds wife is an allotment holder
  • Cllr Clarke is Chair of the Football Club

Public Recess

No public Recess

17/130 Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 18th December 2017

No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 18th December 2017 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Hill; all those at the meeting were in favour.

17/131.  Matters arising/Action points for EGPA Committee

Matters arising:

New Road parking – there is verge damage near the layby near Castle View Road. Cllrs were advised to take photos and report to the Clerk so this can be sent to SBC for repairs.

Cllr Sunners reported that the 3 abandoned vehicles have been removed.  Cllr Brady advised that vehicles will only be removed by police if causing a Highway obstruction. SBC remove these vehicles otherwise.

Cllr Sunners wondered why the police don’t follow up with the owners of the vehicles to recover costs. He will follow this up separately.

Action Points:


Cllr Walton

  • 16/106 Provide costings from Tithegrove for new scalpings and hexagonal plastic sheeting to improve Rec ground carpark surface. MOST COSTLY AND NOT MOST EFFECTIVE OPTION – REMOVE FROM ACTION POINTS

EGPA Committee

Cllr Walton & Cllr Clarke

  • 17/97 –  Investigate costs of pitch improvements further and report back in Nov EGPA meeting. CARRY FORWARD
  • 17/105-  Cllr  Walton to get a further quote for tennis court inspection and report back to Dec EGPA committee so vote can be taken. COMPLETED
  • 17/111 – Cllr Walton to get rough figures for extending the Rec ground carpark for the Finance Committee. DONE £5000 QUOTED.


  • 17/102 – For next EGPA agenda, rubbish bin at Spar, to include Cllr Sunners report back. CLLR SUNNER TO REPORT BACK AS PART OF MARCH GREAT BRITISH SPRING CLEAN
  • 17/102 – Make sure new play equipment at CVPA is covered by insurance. ONGOING. Need to calculate new for old costs for all equipment.
  • 17/113 – Talk to Countrywide about the pile of cuttings and branches in Sir Henry Calley Memorial garden. Clerk to ask Chris Hale if he has any information on this. To ask Bob to bag up the waste and get it removed. DONE, REQUEST MADE.
  • 17/116 – Arrange for Probation team to clear the sludge at the road edge at The Canney. Also ask for the path at the Spar footpath to be swept again.  (Behind Drs surgery) FOOTPATH SWEPT, THE CANNEY WORK STILL OUTSTANDING. CLLR HILL AND WALTON TO MEET ON SITE.
  • 17/116 – Find out who owns the land near Mays Cottage on Mays Lane where brambles are overgrown and affect pedestrians.  OUTSTANDING
  • 17/116 – Check land boundary at Chiseldon House Hotel to ensure they are maintaining any overgrown areas that are on Mays Lane and may affect pedestrains. OUTSTANDING
  • 17/118 – Ask  Allbuild to provide a cost for repairing the metal dog bin at the Rec ground. ONGOING,  REQUEST MADE
  • 17/122 – Remind Cllr Walton that the final tennis court inspection quote is required ASAP. 3 QUOTES PROVIDED – CLLR WALTON TO GET LIKE FOR LIKE DETAILS – TO BE DECIDED IN FEB MEETING
  • 17/123 – Pass allotment tree cutting request to Finance Committee for approval. DONE – TREES NOW TRIMMED
  • 17/123 – Create a new allotment lease to include Maintenance of trees on plots, planning of new trees and containment of roots. Exit conditions of the plot and charges for rectifying plot. ONGOING
  • 17/123 – Write to allotment plot holder 13A asking them to cut the grass around their plot. Also ask plot 9A and 9B to cut their grass once they take over their plots. ONGOING
  • 17/123 – Ask Allbuild to smooth off the edges of the allotment tanks and provide more handles.   IN PROGRESS – REQUEST MADE
  • 17/126 – Ask Cllr Walton if there are any materials from SBC that may assist with new car park work at Rec Hall. Also ask WARP if they require any materials.  NO LIST FROM SBC AND NO REQUESTS SO FAR.
  • 17/128 – Ask Allbuild about bin emptying over Xmas and New Year. DONE SUCCESSFULLY
  • 17/128 – If residents do litter picks and bag up their waste – can Allbuild remove it – Clerk to ask. ALLBUILD AGREED. CLLR RAWLINGS WILL ADVISE RESIDENT

Cllr Clarke

  • 17/107 – Meet with 3 pitch improvement quote contractors to arrange to get a “like for like” pricing structure.  CLLR CLARKE HAS FINAL CONTRACTORS DETAILS. CLLR WALTON WILL CONTACT ON HIS BEHALF.
  • 17/126 – Ask Football club if they want extra paving slabs for pavilion area. NOT AT THE MOMENT

17/123 Village Appearance – Allotments. Rubbish left on plot 9

The decision was made to write to the old tenant of plot 9 asking them to remove their rubbish or the Parish Council will remove and send invoice for costs back to the tenant.

Cllr Walton asked if tenants cannot be charged a refundable deposit when they take on a plot to be used for waste clearance at end of tenancy? This will be investigated and added to the draft contract if legal.

The Clerk to ask Allbuild how much it will be to clear this waste.

17/133 Village Appearance – new bin at Spar

Already discussed in action points – Cllr Sunners to include as part of Great British Spring Clean plans

17/134 Village Appearance – Great British Sprint Clean

The Clerk updated the committee – Sat 3rd March was the date this year. 10-12. Chiseldon House Hotel were going to provide the meeting point and tea/coffee at the end.

Allbuild will remove waste as per last year.
The PC will create flyers to be sent out to encourage participation and also give the press enough notice to attend to report on this.
There is a need to purchase more litter pickers – add to Feb EGPA meeting.

Cllr Rawlings will arrange pickers, jackets and bags from SBC.

There will be zones created this year, with a Cllr responsible for a zone. Supplies can be delivered in advance so people don’t need to come to Chiseldon first.
Cllr Brady will create a plan for this for the next meeting.   The Clerk is to provide a map of the Parish.

Cllr Clarke suggested washing street signs which the committee agreed was a good idea.

17/135 Building And Amenities Priority – Tennis Club update

The Clerk read out the written report sent over from the club:

“We had an enjoyable Touch Tennis Tournament on Jan 3rd… just what we needed after the Christmas excesses  we raised £95.00 which was great.

Chris is adding a Netball tab on to our website so that people can get information… Interest is coming in from Fiona’s adverts. 

We had a meeting on Wednesday and Rachel will send you the minutes. Also minutes of the AGM in November. We are starting to plan in earnest for the new season for increased participation and development of the club.  When there is heavy rain  the mud from the car park just washes down on to the courts and there is a trail of mud and silt and debris across courts 1 and 2. This then dries on to the surface.

 The car park is in a bit of a state – are there any plans to try and stop the mud sliding ? We have blocked up a hole in the equipment cupboard as we have had rodent damage to tennis racquets. We are keeping an eye on this.”

Cllr Sunners noted that the netball trial has so far received 27 positive responses.

In regards to the mud sliding onto the courts, Cllr Walton will investigate and report back at the Feb meeting. The Clerk is to let the club Chairperson know.

17/136 Building And Amenities Priority – Tennis Court inspection quotes

The 4 options were looked at. The committee need to ensure the quotes are all for the same standard of work and that a written report is given.

The Clerk is to give Cllr Walton the contact information and he will  make further enquiries.

There is a query over whether the PC need to do PAT testing on the Tennis Court flood lights.

17/137 Building And Amenities Priority – Football pitch improvement quotes

This action is to be carried over to the Feb 2018 meeting as no progress has been made.

17/138 Building And Amenities Priority – Water Flushing of showers at Pavilion

The STORM quote for flushing the showers at the pavilion once a week was considered too costly by the committee.

It was agreed that as Cllr Sunners visits the pavilion once a week to do his maintenance inspection, that he will conduct the 2 minute flush of all showers there. This will be recorded on the maintenance sheets.

The Clerk is to update the sheets.

17/139 Building And Amenities Priority – Rec Hall new flooring

The table tennis club wrote to the council with concerns over whether the new floor was suitable for league matches.  Cllr Sunners has been in contact with them.

Cllr Brady has found rollable sports flooring that could be used. She is asking for a sample to be sent over with a quote.

This will be added to the next agenda for discussion.

Cllr Sunners will email the organiser for details of how their most recent match went.

17/140 Community Priority – Football matters

Cllr Clarke presented to the committee in his role as Club Chair

The Memorial Hall grant fund application was successful for the provision of a new mower for the club. They will do match funding for the line marker machine and storage shed.

They may use the Councils shed to store the mower in.

Cllr Walton has offered his old ride on mower to the club if they wish to sell it to generate funds.

The storage area will need improved security and they will also check their insurance.

The Clerk confirmed new pavilion plug sockets should be in place.

17/141 Any other business

Cllr Hill is to send the Clerk information about damage at the New Road build out.

In the field on New Road there is a platform on site. Cllrs advised this is due to a water survey being carried out.

Cllr Rawlings commented on the road verges and the leaf debris.  The Clerk advised that unfortunately SBC will not send the machine out to clear the whole of the parish. The Council is better off identifying the areas of greatest concern.

Thanks are due to Allbuild for clearing the carpark near the farm shop so quickly.

The street light on High Street no8 near the Hair Dressers isn’t working – the Clerk is to report.

The street light on Draycott Road no 12 also not working – the Clerk is to report

The path from the Washpool from Strouds Hill has a large branch over it, this needs removing – the Clerk to report.

Cllr Brady commented that the government are bringing in larger fines to households that get waste removed which is then fly tipped.

The Clerk is to ask SBC on their current enforcement policy and also alert residents via FB and website.

The Government has also put a requirement on local authorities not to change homeowners for DIY materials at waste sites.

Jane from the Friday coffee mornings has agreed to host the book swap in the Calley Hall.

Cllr Brady will ask Jane to apply for a Memorial Hall grant.

The Clerk is to go back to SBC to follow up on the SBC library grant.

Cllr Rawlings asked about the defibrillators. Cllr Walton advised that Dawn at the Spar has expressed a willingness to have one there. The Clerk is to send her further info.

Cllr Walton has visited the Patriots Arms as a potential site and has been given further contact details

Cllr Rawlings will ask the trustees of the Calley Memorial Hall if that can be a potential site also.

It was confirmed that a problem with the electrics meant the Sports and Social Club couldn’t be used despite their kind offer.

Summary Of Action Points

Cllr Walton & Cllr Clarke 

  • 17/97. Investigate costs of pitch improvements further and report back in Nov EGPA meeting. CARRY FORWARD


  • 17/102. For next EGPA agenda, rubbish bin at Spar, to include Cllr Sunners report back. CLLR SUNNER TO REPORT BACK AS PART OF MARCH GREAT BRITISH SPRING CLEAN.
  • 17/102. Make sure new play equipment at CVPA is covered by insurance. ONGOING. Need to calculate new for old costs for all equipment.
  • 17/116. Arrange for Probation team to clear the sludge at the road edge at The Canney.  ONGOING CLLR  WALTON AND HILL TO MEET  ON SITE
  • 17/116. Find out who owns the land near Mays Cottage on Mays Lane where brambles are overgrown and affect pedestrians.  ONGOING
  • 17/116. Check land boundary at Chiseldon House Hotel to ensure they are maintaining any overgrown areas that are on Mays Lane and may affect pedestrians. ONGOING
  • 17/118. Ask Allbuild to provide a cost for repairing the metal dog bin at the Rec ground. ONGOING
  • 17/122. Remind Cllr Walton that the final tennis court inspection quote is required ASAP. ONGOING
  • 17/123. Create a new allotment lease to include Maintenance of trees on plots, planning of new trees and containment of roots. Exit conditions of the plot and charges for rectifying plot. ONGOING
  • 17/123. Write to allotment plot holder 13A asking them to cut the grass around their plot. Also ask plot 9A and 9B to cut their grass once they take over their plots. ONGOING
  • 17/123. Ask Allbuild to smooth off the edges of the allotment tanks and provide more handles. ONGOING
  • 17/132. Write to plot 9 old allotment holder to ask them to remove their waste or the PC will remove and charge. Also ask Allbuild how much to remove the waste.
  • 17/134. Create new flyers for Great British Spring Clean. Add purchase of more litter pickers to Feb EGPA agenda.
  • 17/136. Investigate whether the PC need to do PAT testing on TC flood lights
  • 17/138. Clerk to update the weekly inspection sheet for the pavilion for Cllr Sunners to record the shower flushing.
  • 17/139. Add Rec Hall flooring to Feb agenda for discussion
  • 17/141. Report two broken street lights and branch over Strouds Hill path.
  • 17/141. Ask SBC for the current policy on enforcing fines for fly tipping from homes.
  • 17/141. Further follow up with SBC on library funding.

Cllr Rawlings

  • 17/134. Talk to SBC about pickers, jackets and rubbish bags for 3rd March Great British Spring Clean.

Cllr Brady

  • 17/134. Create a plan with zones for the Great British Spring Clean. Clerk to supply a map

Cllr  Clarke & Cllr Walton

  • 17/107. Meet with 3 pitch improvement quote contractors to arrange to get a “like for like” pricing structure.  CLLR WALTON TO CONTACT THE 3rd COMPANY

Cllr Walton

  • 17/135. Investigate the problem of mud sliding onto the Tennis Courts from the car park area.  Clerk to advise TC this is being investigated.
  • 17/136. Contact the 4 companies who quoted for the Tennis Club inspection to make sure like for like service is offered and also a written report.  Report back in Feb meeting.

Cllr Sunners 

  • 17/139. Talk to table tennis organisers to see how their match on the new Rec Hall flooring was.