Cllr Rogers proposed that these apologies be accepted. Cllr McDonald seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Public recess: No public

19/01. Declarations of interests.


19/02 New actions for Clerk

Follow up with Mr Walton and Mr Clarke in regards to the Grants sub-committee and arrange a meeting date with them.
Contact SBC to ask why the Draycot Foliat proposed speed change is not 30mph instead of 40mph.
Get the Hodson Road SID adjusted for the solar panel to charge more efficiently.


  • A standard template for all planning application replies. To list all the items that the Planning Committee of the Parish Council would like SBC and developers to consider, regardless of whether the proposed plans are approved or rejected by CPC.
    The Sept 2019 reply for the New Road planning application will be used as a starting point for the template.
    The template to list items such as electric vehicle charging points, use of open spaces, visitor parking etc.
    A template will be taken to February Full council for discussion and vote.
  • Next SID (Speed Indicator Device) to focus on purchases for New Road and Draycot Foliat.
  • Badbury is a possible consideration for a SID but will wait until Day House Lane is closed to evaluate the impact of this.
  • Create a new policy for speed management. Safety of the whole parish – to include items such as the New Road build out, future SID locations, narrow streets with no pavements, Community speed watch. This can eventually tie in with a Neighbourhood plan.
    Cllr Sunners is going to start drawing up this policy and Cllrs should provide him with information they wish to be added.
  • Parking improvement projects in order of priority – Windmill Piece, Draycot Foliat, Castle View Road. Action for Clerk to talk to SBC to get the work started on Windmill Piece design plans.
  • Clerks assistant starting April 2020. Consider apprenticeship opportunity. Need to make sure well advertised locally. Will put the successful candidate through iLCA training.
  • Newsletter. Need to have an electronic version people can sign up to receive via email. Cllr McDonald is to provide some guidance on this to the Clerk who will contact our website supplier. The Clerk is to issue Cllrs with the stats for visitors to the website per month.
  • The funding for the Recreation ground defibrillator. Will wait and see how the Tennis Club get on with their grant match funding. Perhaps the PC will need to consider moving some more funds from reserves to purchase this.
  • Improving Rec Hall usage now 4G wifi is installed. Need to encourage more classes and clubs. To be added to next EGPA agenda to discuss further. Will link in to medium term plans for the building.

19/04 SHORT TERM PROJECTS (1-3 year)

  • New Rec Hall/Community Hub. Will need approx. £100 – £200 thousand for a 1 storey building. Do we keep saving year on year or apply for a loan? Would we put it in the same location? Ideally it needs a better field with better access. Could it go on the current allotment site? Could the PC buy the patch of land next to the Esso Station on the A346? Could we have sports at the current site and build a new meeting space elsewhere in the parish?
  • Major tree work on PC owned trees. There is no Ash Die back at the moment so the current plan is to take emergency funds from reserves.
  • Youth Provision. The Clerk to talk to the resident who raised the idea of a youth club at the Rec Hall to see if they have progressed this.
  • Elderly/vulnerable care and support. Ideas to include increase the currently memory café to a fortnightly schedule. Include wellness items within this. Include sessions for those who are lonely, have seated exercise, classes for balance and mobility.

Cllrs Rogers and Jefferies left the meeting at 21.27


These items to be discussed at the next Strategy meeting – date to be arranged.

Meeting closed at 21.27

All Actions to be completed by the next Strategy meeting unless otherwise specified.


19/02 Follow up with Mr Walton & Mr Clarke about grants sub-committee

19/02 Contact SBC to ask if Draycot speed change can be 30mph not 40mph.

19/03 Create a standard planning template with a list of considerations for CPC to send to SBC and developers for all large applications whether approved or rejected.

19/03 Next SID location at New Road and Draycot Foliat

19/03 Clerk to talk to SBC to get parking improvements for Windmill Piece started.

19/03 Arrange for employment of Clerks assistant for 1st April 2020

19/03 Send Cllrs the current website visitor stats

19/03 Future finance agenda – consider funding remainder of the Defib for the Rec field – waiting to hear how Tennis Club got on with grant requests.

19/03 Improving Rec hall usage. Add to EPGA agendas

19/04 Youth provision. Talk to resident who suggested the idea of holding one at the Rec hall.

Cllr McDonald

19/03 Assist with guidance on how we create an emailed newsletter – for our website team to use.

Cllr Sunners

19/03 Start to create a speed management policy for the Parish. Cllrs to provide information to be added.