19/179 Approval of Apologies given:

Absences proposed as accepted by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/180 Public recess.

No public. Police & Crime Commissioner Angus McPherson attending

19/181. Co-option of New Cllr.

No candidates had come forward

19/182 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

No declarations
No dispensations required.

19/183 Approval of minutes from 9th December 2019

No changes.
A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Duke, all Cllrs were in favour.

19/184 Action points:


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training. DONE

19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant. DONE – Club donated £250 from their funds.

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box, with Cllr Rogers. DONE. AWAITING ELECTRICIAN TO DO WORK WHEN AED DELIVERED


19/91 Chase up the Grants committee with Cllr Rogers. Ongoing.

19/107 Create ACV for Smokehouse and send to SBC. DONE

19/158 Investigate legalities of flowers on war memorial graves, Work in Progress

19/159 Publish Xmas & New Year waste & recycling dates. DONE

19/159 Report on bus bays and stop sign that need repainting. DONE

19/165 Report graffiti on M4 bridge to Highways England. DONE by Cllr Sunners

19/168 Contact WALC for advice on building a new community hub. Advise on loans received

19/168 Draw up draft strategy document & book Jan meeting. DONE

19/170 Update 2020 meeting list and distribute. DONE

19/174 Check budget report for posting of Finance Gas & Elec. TO DO

19/175 Report back on whether residents want to do a healthcare questionnaire. DONE

19/176 Set up cost centre on Xero for Memory Café grant expenditure.

19/177 Chase Paul Walton ref Grants Subcommittee – CLOSED – linked to item 19/91

Cllr Jefferies

19/178 Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat. ONGOING WITH SBC

19/185. Wiltshire Police Precept report from PCC Angus McPherson

Key points:

  • 41 extra officers from 2019/20 budget
  • Over 1 year to train a new officer so won’t see until Feb 2020 onwards
  • June 2020 intake of new officers will go on new style training. Work with South Wales University to get a degree in policing over 3 years. No fees to the apprentice for this.
  • Of the 6000 new officers promised in the Government manifesto, approx. 50 will be in Wiltshire however won’t be qualified for 3 years.
  • Precept for 2020/21. Gov figures not received yet. The central grant is 50% of their funds. Other 50% from precept.
  • Currently consulting with the public on a £1 a month band D increase, keep at £1 a month or less than £1 a month with reduction in services. £1 a month increase would change band D to £18 a month, £218 per year.
  • They employ 50% warranted officers and 50% other staff
  • • The household precept is £30 less than the precept for Gloucester and Dorset force.


  • Does the increase take into account the new 3 year degree? Yes.
  • Hasn’t seen many police in Parish, how can an increase be “sold” to residents? Will only see more officers if there is the funding to employ more officers.
  • What is the pay difference between apprentice and warranted officer? Approx £18,000 to £25,000. Will let Clerk have exact figures.
  • As Wilts is less funded, does this not show the area is “easy” for break-ins etc? Yes, this shows as well with the County Lines issue – they end in rural Wiltshire.
  • Can Gov be lobbied to show rural crime is on the increase? Yes, ministers were asked 4 years ago to look at this. Recognised that funding formula isn’t correct. Wil be slow to see changes.
  • Will the apprentices be in the community? Yes, when tutored will be out in the community on patrol
  • What is the difference in cost of old vs new training? Doesn’t know – will find out and let Clerk know.
  • How is this better value for money? It may not be. However have to move with more up to date methods of learning. This gives a transferable skill.

Action – Clerk to remind people to complete the questionnaire & make sure the unknown answers are received back from the PCC’s office.

19/186. Community Safety report, including crime stats. Cllr Sunners

Crime stats for Nov 19. Just over 1000 for South Swindon. 7 for Chiseldon parish with 3 drive-offs from the Esso station. Of the remaining 4, one was for anti-social behaviour.

The Bobby Van has been booked for Wed 29th Jan 2pm. They hold crime prevention talks and resources. Free advice to over 60’s and over 16’s who are vulnerable.

19/187. Ward Cllrs update. Ward Cllr Jefferies report:

Double Yellow Line request for Turnball will happen when time and resource from SBC allow. No current timeframe given.

Draycot Foliat speed, lighting and parking issues. There might be a possibility for some lighting. Will report back when more is known.

Speed Indicator Device on Hodson Road. Has asked SBC to look at speeding levels exiting the village on this road as residents have concerns. Asked if we can get the data from the existing device to take back to SBC. The Clerk will see how this is done.

19/188. Community response team update – from Cllr McDonald

The contact names for all areas are now in place. Cllr McDonald now needs names for local resources, halls and key holders etc.

Not a public document, used by the PC, SBC and 999 services. There are pages the community can access that doesn’t have personal info.

Cllrs to send Cllr McDonald local info to add to this list.

19/189. Local Plan and SHELAA consultation

There were no further comments from CPC to make on this round of consultation. Comments had been provided at the previous consultation.

No further comment proposed by Cllr Jefferies. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/190. Recruiting new Cllrs to the PC

After discussion it was decided that the Clerk would arrange another round of adverts, ask the Swindon Advertiser and BBC Wiltshire to get involved. The Clerk is to ask other Clerks how they get new cllrs.

Include the Ridgeway Bell articles that Cllr Jefferies & Kearsey wrote as part of the advert. List the skills the PC are looking for. The advert to be sent to Cllrs prior to publishing. Add to Feb agenda to see what feedback this has given us. Need to consider how to move forward.

19/191. PLANNING. Application S/HOU/19/1761 & S/LBC/19/1762 Whichway cottage, Badbury. Single storey side extension.

PC share conservation officer concerns over subsidence and bat access.

Proposed to comment no objection in principle but echo conservation officers comments made by Cllr Jefferies. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and vote carried by a majority of Cllrs.

19/192. PLANNING. Application S/HOU/19/1824. Bourne House, Draycot Foliat. 2 storey side & rear extension. Conversion of stables.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to reply to this application with no comment. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/193. PLANNING. Application S/HOU/19/1820. 5 High Street. Alteration to porch.

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates to reply to this application with no comment. Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour

19/194. PLANNING. Application S/HOU/19/1859 42 Norris Close. Erection of Conservatory.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to reply to this application with no comment. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour

19/195 FINANCE. Approval of budget and precept for 2020/21

By moving some more funds to reserved funds for the Recreation Hall rebuild, this will only slightly lower reserves. This means there is a proposed 0% precept increase for 2020/21

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to approve the budget for 2020/21 as discussed. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour

A proposal was made by Cllr Dukes to approve the precept for 2020/21 at £139,000. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour

19/196. FINANCE. Health Watch Swindon grants for public health surveys.

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies go to ahead and request a grant for a survey. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/197. Virement of £2,500 to reserves for railings at Badbury.

After a discussion a proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies to move £2,500 to reserves to start a fund for new railings at Badbury. Cllr Bates seconded and the vote was carried by majority.

Cllr Jefferies will investigate the path currently being blocked at one end, look to clear this so more use can be encouraged. The Clerk is to check with SBC whether the railing needs a specific look as in a conservation area.

19/198. Parish Council storing marquees for charity donation for use.

Cllrs advised that the PC will store 2 marquees for use by the public for a charitable donation to Wiltshire Air Ambulance. To be recorded separately on council finances,

19/199. Committee Reports

Finance – The Nov 19 figures were reviewed. No questions. Proposed as accurate by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.

EGPA – Committee to look at preparing a speed control document for the parish.

Risk Assessments – December 2019

Cemetery Maintenance – to be done with new operative from Jan 2020. (no-one in post Dec 19)
Chapel and Museum assessment done with no issues

Risk Assessments Jan 2020 – Cllr Kearsey will take on the Jan assessments for Rec field & cemeteries.
The Handyman will be tasked with Rec Hall and Pavilion
Cllr Harris will do the Financial assessment.

Grants Sub-Committee – No update.

19/200 Items for next agenda

Cllr Sunners wants to look at stats for the website. Add to Feb agenda.
Add “correspondence” agenda item to Feb agenda
Add available cemetery space to an EGPA agenda. Clerk to work out available space & spaces taken per year.
Cllr McDonald wants to discuss whether we still review and reply to planning applications to SBC. Add to Feb agenda.

Meeting closed 21.13

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


19/91 Chase up the Grants committee

19/158 Investigate legalities of flowers on war memorial graves

19/174 Check budget report for posting of Finance Gas & Elec

19/176 Set up cost centre on Xero for Memory Café grant expenditure

19/177 Chase Paul Walton ref Grants Subcommittee

19/185 Make sure PCC replies with 2 queries on Police precept and training

19/187 Find out how to download data from Hodson Road SID

19/190 Create advert for new Cllrs. Ask other Clerks how they recruit new Cllrs. Add to Feb agenda to discuss feedback.

19/196 Apply for Healthcare questionnaire grant

19/197 Update Jan accounts to show £2500 virement to reserves for Badbury railings

19/120 Items for future agendas: Website visitor stats and improvements to site. Feb agenda
Add Correspondence to the Feb agenda.
Add Cemetery space issue to EGPA agenda.
Whether we review SBC planning apps. Feb agenda.

Cllr Jefferies

19/178 Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat

Cllr Jefferies

19/197 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked


19/188 Send Cllr McDonald info of local resources for community response doc.