23/31. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Jon Jackson unwell. Absence without apologies: Cllr Quidwai

A proposal was made to approve the apology for absence with the reason given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/32. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.

23/33. Public recess.  None.

23/34. Approve the minutes from 5th September2023.  No changes. (Note- the November meeting was inquorate)

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 5th September 2023 as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/35. Action points


Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?). Quotes not received from companies, x2 approached. Can purchase a new router and work on rest of issues.  ROUTER PURCHASED AND COSTS AGREED FOR NEW EXTERNAL BACKUP. WAITING FOR ASSISTANCE FROM CLLR KEARSEY

Clerk 23/21. Clerk to update the format in the TOR file. DONE

RFO 23/22. RFO to update the Admin Officer/RFO risk assessment for the lone working item. DONE

Clerk 23/24. Clerk to purchase survey leaflet and poster printing for the proposed 20mph zones project. DONE

Clerk 23/25. Add item to next agenda to approve virements to move allocated reserve items including the rec  ground drainage, skate park, muga goals & pump track to the rec hall project DONE

Clerk 23/26. Clerk to progress purchase of 2 benches (suggested locations at New Road near allotments and Hodson Road/Home Close), as approved by the August EGPA committee. PENDING.

23/36. To review and approve the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Finance Committee

A proposal was made to approve Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Finance Committee. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/37. HR: No items

23/38. FINANCE. Vote on transferring all interest from Unity Savings Account to the Rec Ground improvement fund.

A proposal was made to approve transferring all interest from the Unity Savings account to the Rec ground improvement fund. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/39. FINANCE. To approve the RFO moving all cemetery income (Minus annual costs) to allocated reserves fund in March each year, to pay for future maintenance costs once the cemeteries are closed. Approved by EGPA committee.

A proposal was made to approve the movement of excess cemetery income to reserves to cover maintenance to the closed cemeteries in future years. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/40. FINANCE. First review of draft budget and precept for the 2024/25 financial year.

The budget was reviewed and it was suggested that £20,000 be moved to unallocated reserves to match the council’s policy of holding 6 months of the annual precept amount in reserves. The proposed precept for 2024/25 is £160,000, the same as the 2023/24 year.

A proposal was made to approve the budget with a movement of £20,000 to unallocated reserves and a precept of £160,000.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The budget and precept will go on the Jan 24 Full Council meeting for approval.

A copy of the budget will be made available on the council’s website.

23/41. FINANCE. To review and vote on a new monthly credit limit for the Unity credit card.

A proposal was made to make the monthly credit limit £1500 to cover any annual larger payments that occur. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The RFO will run a monthly summary report of the latest 3 months for July’s meeting, to make sure £1500 covers the requirements when paying annual subscriptions in August.

23/42. FINANCE. To review and vote on any action to be taken from bad debtor for hall hire. To be reviewed in conjunction with the council’s “Bad debtor” policy.

No payment for November and December after the debtor was chased for payment. The debtor had requested a lower payment rate for these months of £50 per month, rising back to £90 a month in Jan 24.

A proposal was made to write a recorded delivery letter to the debtor giving them one final opportunity to make and stick to a payment plan within 30 days. If a response is not given or payment met, then the council will investigate legal action to recover the outstanding debt. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/43. FINANCE. To vote on virements from current year projects, into allocated funds. Based on funds not used by 31 March 23.

The recommendations were:

Current location & amount Suggested fund to move to
Remainder of funds for EGPA verge protection project at Castle View Road. £1088.27 available to move. Rec Ground improvement project
BMX/Pump track £1000 Rec Ground improvement project
CVPA fund for skate park £12,000. Rec Ground improvement project
MUGA goals. £12,000.  Remainder of funds once new goals installed. Amount TBC Rec Ground Improvement project
Drainage work at Rec ground £4673.00 Rec Ground improvement project
New allocated fund to be created for future cemetery Maintenance once the cemeteries are full and generate no new income. Future Cemetery Maintenance.
Bank account interest. Rec Ground improvement project

A proposal was made to approve all of the above virements of funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/44. FINANCE. To review the 2 different rates for hall hire due to VAT implications.

Cllrs agreed any rec hall hire which doesn’t attract VAT (for example sports related activities) should get the benefit intended for this purpose. Therefore any rec hall hire which does attract VAT should be charged at £12 per hour (£10+VAT) and any hire which doesn’t attract VAT will be charged at £10 per hour.

A proposal was made that VAT should be added to the current unit hire rate of £10 per hour, for any hire which attracts VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/45. FINANCE. Review internal auditors recommendation to maximise interest paid on council funds in the savings account.

The internal auditor recommended getting professional financial advice on transferring funds into “Gilts” or “Bonds” to increase approx. savings and suggested this could yield around 6% a year income on low risk investments for the council (based on interest rates at the time of the November 2023 audit).

A proposal was made to approve this recommendation in principle and to get further professional advice.

The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The RFO is to ask Justine for advice and also check what other local Clerks/RFO’s do. To be brought back to the March meeting.

23/46. FINANCE. To review and vote on SBC’s request for approx. £2000 funding for a local Chiseldon walking map.

The committee is not against this proposal but require more information. The Clerk is to ask SBC the following questions:

  • What will the council get for £2000
  • Do we receive copyright for the map
  • Do we have control over what goes on the map

The Clerk is to ask SBC these questions and bring back to March agenda.

23/47. FINANCE. Discuss and vote on re-allocating £1000 of CIL funds to cover the costs of purchasing the defibrillator for Hodson.

Cllrs requested an agenda item for Full Council to consider alternative uses for the recent £62,000 CIL payment, apart from placing in the Rec ground improvement fund.

A proposal was made to approve using £1000 CIL funds for the purchase of the defib at Hodson.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/48. FINANCE. Review of budget vs expenditure report and to note any items for investigation or monitoring.

Item deferred to Jan full council.

23/49. To discuss and vote on changing the day of the week for Finance Committee meetings.

To defer to the March meeting and ask all Finance Committee members for their available/preferred days.

23/50. Contracts: No items.

23/51. Items for inclusion on next agenda. None.

The meeting closed at 20:44.


Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?). Quotes not received from companies, x2 approached. Can purchase a new router and work on rest of issues.

Clerk 23/26. Clerk to progress purchase of 2 benches (suggested locations at New Road near allotments and Hodson Road/Home Close), as approved by the August EGPA committee.

Clerk 23/39. To investigate how long it would take to acquire land for a new burial site.

Clerk 23/40. Present precept and budget to Jan 24 full council for approval/adjustment.

RFO 23/40. Make sure a suitable copy of the budget is prepared for loading onto the councils website.

Clerk 23/41. Add summary of 3 months spend on Unity payment card to July agenda for review, so Cllrs can amend the max card limit if necessary, prior to large payments due in August.

RFO 23/41. Arrange for payment card limit to be increased to £1,500. Provide summary of 3 months spend on Unity payment card for July’s finance meeting.

Clerk 23/42. Write a recorded delivery letter to the late debtor laying out the final payment terms. Bring back to March meeting if not successful outcome.

RFO 23/43. Carry out approved virements.

RFO 23/45. Talk to Justine and other Clerks/RFO’s to determine the best high interest fund. Bring back to March Finance committee meeting.

Clerk 23/46. Ask questions to SBC ref Chiseldon walking map.

Clerk 23/47. Add item to Full council agenda to ask for alternative ideas for spending £62,000 CIL funds.

Clerk 23/49. Ask Committee Cllrs for preferred days of the week to change meetings to. Add to March agenda.