17/25 Declarations of Interest.
17/26 Public recess.
No public
17/27 Minutes of meeting of 22nd June 2017
No changes
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2017 were then proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Brady and all those at the meeting were in favour.
17/28 Matters arising and action points
Matters arising –
The Clerk is to go back to the planning officer for the Esso Station extension as the storage area door looks too narrow to allow the bins inside.
Cllr Glenn Mills arrives at 19.03
Cllr Hill confirmed with the Committee that the Christmas Cottage windows are indeed wooden double glazed units designed to look like the original, as a neighbour had queried this with him.
- 17/06. Ask the owners of the Esso Station whether they can include some planting to soften the look of the storage area. COMPLETED – NO REPLY
- 17/07. Update Standing Orders to include the changes to the frequency of the Planning meetings for application decisions and also Clerk’s delegated powers. COMPLETED
- 17/14. Ask SBC if a planning application should have been submitted for the retail outlets at the Esso Station. NO REPLY – CHASE
- 17/17. Clerk to ask after delay on Manor House application 1435. UPDATE – CLERK TO ASK WHETHER THE AREA WILL BE MADE GOOD AFTER BUILDING WORK FINISHES. “New Condition Survey”.
- 17/17. Source a list of valid reasons why a planning application can be objected to. ONGOING – CHASE UP
- 17/21. Send 5th June minutes to New Road developers and AONB representative. COMPLETED
- 17/24. Add the proposal for football floodlights to next Rec agenda. COMPLETED
Cllr Brady:
- 17/18. Create a draft TOR for the next meeting. COMPLETED
No other outstanding actions
17/29 Outstanding Applications
S/TC/17/1084 Replace telecommunications pole for T mobile at Bush House
There was no objection to these plans from the committee.
A proposal was raised to reply to SBC with “No objection” on these plans by Cllr Hill. Cllr Brady seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.
S/HOU/17/1153 2 storey side and rear extension. 2 Draycot Close, Draycot Foliat.
The committee had no objections to these plans however they wish a condition to be placed on the application that no building materials or equipment are stored on the car park area. The grass areas are to be used and re-instated afterwards
A proposal was raised to reply to SBC with “No objection” with the condition noted on these plans by Cllr Rawlings. Cllr Brady seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Hill left the meeting at 19.25
Cllr Brady advised the committee that the Clerk had written to planning enforcement and conservation officers at SBC asking them to explain why Saddlers Cottage on Turnball was allowed to remove their hedge and Lavender Cottage on Turnball was not
17/30 Property boundaries being moved in Home Close
It was decided that SBC would need to 31st August deal with this if any neighbours complained about boundaries being moved on properties without permission.
17/31. AOB
Parish trees – an SBC expert is needed to walk around the area to identify who owns what trees and work out a plan on how to deal with them. Mainly Rec ground. To be raised at full council.
There is an action for the Clerk to ask SBC if there is an idea when the New Road and Hodson Road field plans will be submitted
There is nothing new on Burderop Barns after their application was refused.
The meeting closed at 19.55pm.
- 17/14. Ask SBC if a planning application should have been submitted for the retail outlets at the Esso Station.
- 17/17. Clerk to ask after delay on Manor House application 1435. Update – ask if a “New Condition” survey will be carried out.
- 17/17. Source a list of valid reasons why a planning application can be objected to.
- 17/28. Contact planning officer for Esso Station extension as the door is too narrow to allow the bins inside
- 17/31. For Full council – tree report on all trees owned by the Parish needed.
- 17/31. Ask SBC if there is an update on when New Road and Hodson Road field plans will be submitted.