Public Recess

Mr K Herron of Windmill Piece commented on the walkway between Windmill Piece and the Orchard having vehicles parked on the road directly in front of the entrance/exit to the walkway. It was determined that these vehicles were not parked illegally therefor the PC could not legitimately intervene.

Mr Herron also reported that the grass verges in Windmill Piece are being churned up by vehicles which is then spreading to the footpaths. B.Cllr Shaw has an update on this in his Borough report, and will also pass the photos of this onto Mike Ash at SBC.

It was also reported by Cllr D Hill that a lady walking down New Road in the dark tripped over stones placed on the verge and fell over into the churned up mud. She did not wish to provide contact details

16/83. Declarations of interests.

2 planning applications for Cllr I McMurray

16/84. Co Opt new Councillor

The Chair advised that with immediate effect Cllr S Bowles had resigned from the Parish Council thereby leaving 2 identical vacancies for new councilors.

The Chair introduced Jane Beaumont who addressed the Council with her reasons for wanting to be a councillor and a written document was read out from Ian Henderson as he was unable to attend the meeting.

(Note, Cllr P Walton arrived at 19.47)

Jane Beaumont then left the room.

Cllr D Hill asked for it to be minuted that the Council had tried on many occasions to recruit a candidate from Badbury with no success.

Cllr D West has been approached to represent Badbury.

Cllr Sunners proposed that Jane Beaumont and Ian Henderson be co-opted as new councilors. Cllr Harris seconded this and all those at the meeting were in favour.

Cllr Beaumont entered the room and took her place at the table. Action for Clerk to contact Cllr Henderson to advise him of his successful candidacy.

Both Cllr Beaumont and Henderson were welcomed to the Council.

16/85. Approval of minutes from 12th December 2016


Page 5 16/82 – Amend Halcrow to read “HCM2”

The minutes were then proposed as approved by Cllr D Hill, seconded by Cllr G Mills and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/86. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Page 2 16/77 – B.Cllr Shaw has asked for a private meeting about the M4 J15 before Summer 2017 with SBC. Cllr Hill also thinks there needs to be a public meeting.
It was asked if there would be a public consultation on the plans. B.Cllr Shaw advised that the plans are not fully created yet but he is asking to receive a copy.

Page 3 – 16/78 – Cllr Sunners asked about a monthly police report as not on the Jan agenda, Clerk is to make sure the police are reminded before each full council meeting to provide a report.
B.Cllr Shaw wants to start quarterly meetings at Wroughton and Chiseldon.

Page 5 16/81 – There is no update on this from Cllr Walton, however Karen Phimister from SBC will report on this later in the agenda.

Action Points:

Cllr Brady – 16/77 – Letter to SBC in regards to Chiseldon Firs to be sent to full council for information. Clerk to action this.

Clerk Action Points – Ongoing action – find out what external bodies the PC should belong to.

B.Cllr Shaw Action points from 14.11.16 – Closing this action as Sustrans are responsible for these paths.

16/87 Ward Councillors reports.

Cllr Shaw:
A site visit has been carried out on the A346 in regards to bus stops. This will not be possible as the road is not wide enough to allow vehicles to pass when the bus is stationary.

Cllr Shaw has asked for a meeting with SBC about the yellow lines at Hodson Road/Turnball and New Road as he believes there is an urgent need for them.
There is no section 106 money from Badbury Park to cover this so Highways need to be persuaded that this is an urgent issue. He has asked for the project to be costed. Cllr Brady noted that PC Best is going to write a letter of support for this.
Cllr Brady will also pursue the by-law preventing vehicles parking there and will circulate the results to the full council.

Cllr Shaw also wants to know what Jason Humm at SBC’s decision is on the New Road build out. Will they install lighting above it? Cllr Shaw feels this is necessary.

Housing: Mike Ash will re-visit the issue with parking and the verges at Windmill Piece. Will ask if builders lorries can be banned from parking there.
B.Cllr Shaw will visit Mr Herron in regards to the mud on paths. Will talk to either Housing or Streetsmart as appropriate. The New Road laybys need planning permission, as well as housing approval. This issue has been ongoing for a year now.

Chiseldon Firs: Mike Ash has emailed the Clerk with an update on the site. They are hoping to present their case to the courts this week.
Cllr Brady has asked that once the site is clear if it can have additional security to stop it being broken into again. Cllr Shaw to impress upon Mike Ask the importance of this.

After May 2017 Badbury Park will move into the new South Swindon Parish. Cllr Shaw is hoping to get meetings with developers running again.


Parish cllrs raised the point that we need to ensure we continue to receive support from sbc whilst the focus is on the set up of new parishes. Prior to the next parish council meeting cllr brady will meet with both our ward cllrs to agree how we can continue to jointly support chisledon parish residents whilst sbc is in a transitionary period.

Cllr Shaw then leaves the meeting at 20.39

16/88. Karen Phimister from the SBC Planning team

Karen is on the planning policy team and is our liaison point for the planning team.

Karen started by confirming the PC’s current view not to pursue a Neighbourhood plan. Cllr McMurray advised that the council were advised the document would carry no weight due to SBC’s 5 year housing supply plan.

Karen confirmed that SBC are looking for sites in the area that are suitable for planning and there will be public consultations. Last year 1400 new homes were built across the Borough.

The Planning seminars will start again in May 2017.

BT Phone boxes:

English heritage has denied the request to have the Badbury box listed. We can however adopt the box. The conservation officer can make this application.

We need to get the listing application in for Castle View Road as soon as possible. SBC will object to the line being taken out of service.

The Clerk is to write in a formal letter supporting the retention of the Castle View Road box and other groups and individuals are invited to write in their support also.

The rest of the Parish BT boxes will be removed.

16/89 Alan Frost from SBC Highways

Alan frost updated the council on the Hodson Road bridge situation.

The bridge is suffering slippage on both sides of the bank now, the traffic lights in place to restrict traffic to single file and the barriers to keep vehicles from the edge have not stopped the problem.

The embankment had to be made steeper than planned during its build which is why the sides are slipping.

The site is monitored every two months and Highways do a weekly drive by.

In due course cracks will start to appear on the road level at the kerb sites.

All future plans to deal with this will be very expensive.

They will be carrying out a detailed ground investigation to look at the materials involved. They will also look at drainage to see where the water is flowing from the embankment. The initial estimate is that it will cost £1.5 million to rebuild.
The area is 7 meters high, 150 meters long with 10,000 cubic meters of materials.

They are trying to look for lower cost solutions such as pilings.

A Cabinet Decision was passed to keep the bridge open as long as possible and monitor it. It may have to close at some point due to safety.
At the moment they have £300,000 in funds, most of this will go on the investigations.

Highways England have advised that they own the bridge and the embankment but SBC own the road.

It was noted that once J15 M4 work starts then the road will become busier. There is an urgent need to stop HGV’s using this route.

Action for Clerk to compile a short reply to Alan on the Parish Councils view in regards to keeping the bridge open.

16/90 Ratify Precept figure for 2017/18

Cllr Harris advised on where the funds were being allocated to and what the proposed plan was for the 2017/18 precept.

Cllr Harris then proposed that the precept for 2017/18 was £105,000. Cllr Walton seconded this vote.
Cllr Bates abstained from voting and Cllr Rawlings was against. 10 Councillors were in favour of the vote.

Cllr Hill is to be sent a copy of the precept information as he didn’t receive the first email.

Information will be put up on the website to explain to residents the information about the precept.

16/91 – Review of Committee reports and Correspondence

Finance: The December accounting figures were presented to the council. Cllr McMurray proposed their acceptance, Cllr Hill seconded this and all those at the meeting in favour.

Environment: Cllr Rawlings reported that allotment issues were resolved, and that we have a 6 month review meeting with AllBuild on 10th Jan.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
Cllr Hill confirmed there will be no bus stops on the A346 so we need to get SBC to install a safe crossing point near the school. Badbury residents and staff at the Care Home have to cross the A346 to catch buses.
There is a bus service available for Badbury Park but no bus stops.

There will be a new light installed on the walk way to the hall door.

Planning: Nothing to report

Badbury Park : Nothing to report

It was then decided to move the Christmas Lights agenda item to another meeting.

Cllr Brady advised she will email relevant councillors in regards to setting up the Transport meeting and committee.

16/92. AOB

Cllr McMurray advised that the Farm shop is going to organise a village produce show for 2017. There will be a meeting in February for all to attend.

Cllr Hill requested that the Library changes be added to the next agenda as Wroughton will have made their decision by then.

The meeting closed at 21.51