18/55. Declarations of interests.


18/56. Approval of minutes from 10th September 2018

Amend spelling mistakes

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Jefferies seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/57. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.

17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be done at same time.
18/49 Ask other Parish Clerks how much they use WALC for advice and what legal matters are resolved by them. DONE – positive feedback received
18/49 Ask Katie Fielding at WALC for more specific information on joining benefits. ONGOING but in hand.
18/50 Report back to SBC on decision from planning application DONE
18/51 Contact PC Best for information on 4 break ins during June to see if there is a pattern to be aware of. DONE – No reply as yet
18/51 Remind on FB ref locking homes, vehicles and outbuildings. DONE
18/51 Remind on FB and website of next NHW meeting DONE

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock
17/133 Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING. Will send email again.

The Clerk is to send the comments for 17/133 to the Ward Cllrs again.

18/58 Ward Cllrs reports

Ward Cllr Foley:
The memorial stone situation at Ladysmith Lane is with the legal team at SBC, to try to find a new location for the stone. They wanted to place the stone on the Ladysmith Lane crossroads area but Highways wouldn’t approve this. They are looking for other sites in the area.
There is no SBC budget to move this stone. There are unfortunately few rights of way in this area that SBC could use.

Cllr Matt Harris suggested talking to Sustrans to see if they could accommodate the stone on their path. The committee was asked to think of any other suggestions. This is to be added to the next planning agenda.

The Parish Council will write to the landowner to ask if a wreath can be laid on the stone this year.

Ward Cllr Sumner:
Re-iterated the information received prior to the meeting in regards to the SHELAA

Cllr Brady advised there will be an extraordinary parish meeting to discuss the SHELAA proposals within the parish. The Ward Cllrs will all be invited to attend with updated information on the area. Need to discuss how to update the parish with total transparency. For this we will need the full facts first.

Ward Cllr Sumner advised that the SHELAA deadline can be extended if needs be.

Cllr Hill asked after the streetlight in Canney Close that was removed after a gas leak. It was reported on 24th Sept with a 4-6 week lead time to fix it. There are minor thefts occurring in Canney Close due to it being darker.
Ward Cllr Foley will get an update and send to the Clerk. She will also enquire about finding or replacing the neighbourhood watch sign that was on the post.

Cllr Hill asked about a safe crossing point on the A346 for bus users getting off on the Badbury side of the road. The Clerk is to make an official request to Ward Cllrs for this to be looked into. It will be added to the planning meeting agenda to be considered along with other parish requirements.

Ward Cllr Mattock:

Ward Cllr Mattock advised he often has a clash of meetings as Scrutiny for SBC is held on a Monday evening and he must attend by law.
There was a good response to the October surgery with 18 people attending.
He also confirmed he had reported back on the further degradation of the road at New Road near the roundabout. It is still scheduled for Spring 2019 but is good to make SBC aware of updates.

The ward Cllrs leave the meeting.

18/59 Community Safety, Cllr Sunners reporting.

There are no new stats on the Wiltshire Police website from last month.

Cllr Jefferies commented on the recent reports of bonfires, rubbish and vehicles on the field next to Butts Road. There is also occasional issues at the Rec ground carpark at night.

The Clerk has an action to look for CCTV and signage for the area. To report back at November meeting.

Speedwatch have new members who need to be trained.

18/60 Planning Committee only. Vote on application S/HOU/18/1498 Athelstan in Badbury. Rooflights & widening of driveway for timber gates & new front door

There were no issues with this application

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these plans be approved; Cllr Matt Harris seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk will report back to SBC.

18/61. ACV for Calley Arms Hodson. (Asset of Community Value order)

Cllr Brady briefed the Council on this proposal. An area hub or community focal point can be registered with the local authority (SBC) to be listed as an ACV. This listing is valid for 5 years.

In the event of the asset being put up for sale, it offers local groups the opportunity to submit a draft plan to take over the asset as a community venture. They have a 6 week window to submit this. If deemed applicable, they then have 6 months to show a plan and raise the funds needed.
Hodson residents have expressed a desire for this to be put into place.

NB- There are currently new landlords in the Calley Arms who are welcomed by the community

A proposal was submitted by Cllr Brady to submit this ACV form to SBC for approval. Cllr Rawlings seconded this, and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/62 – Review of Committee minutes and documents

Finance from Cllr Harris: Cllr Matt Harris advised that the draft budget and precept for 2019/20 had been agreed and will go on the parish website for viewing. There is a 30 day consultation period. This will then be re-visited by Finance and changed made if needs be. It will then come to full council for voting and sending to SBC.
There is £139.00 proposed for the precept. 2.96% increase from last year. All comments to the Clerk please. The annual audit has been completed and passed.

The September financial figures had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Cllr Summer proposed this as an accurate representation of the figures for September 18. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk confirmed the bin nearest the Spar is being emptied 3 times a week at the moment.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA) from Cllr Rawlings:
Cllr Rawlings advised that painting of the Rec hall had begun. The school buses going through Badbury are the large double deckers from Barnes. The Parish Council are to talk to Nigel Hale at SBC and Ward Cllr Sumner about this.

Cllr Sunners confirmed that the BIOS is at Castle View Road green area at 5.00 to 6.30 in the winter months. He also commended the football club on the clean nature of the pavilion and the excellent mowing of the pitches.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
Cllr Hill is helping students with bus pass queries.
He also commented on the long wheel base coach that Barnes are using through Badbury.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Brady:
SBC have been reminded to check the Manor House development for work not yet completed with roads and pavements. The Clerk is to chase up the tarmacking not yet complete.
Jason Humm has left SBC now, so the Build Out conversation with him has ceased. Depending on the results of the SHELAA with New Road, the Build Out may get absorbed into that discussion.
Interactive speed signs and locations are being decided on and will be voted for in full council.
Still waiting for updated plans from SBC on Norris Close

Risk Assessment from the Clerk: Nothing to report

18/63. AOB

Cllr Brady advised an extraordinary meeting for Full council will be held to discuss the SHELAA in more detail. Ward Cllrs will be invited to ensure that everyone has the same information. The plans for consulting with the public will be decided at this meeting.
Cllr Michelle Harris asked if relevant information from Ward Cllrs would be shared with the full council. It was advise that yes the Clerk would send this out.
Cllr Michelle Harris advised that the Chiseldon Sports and Social Club are happy to hold an event after the lights are switched on, on 5th Dec. They would want a £20 donation to cover entrance fees. The Clerk will check on who can fund this.
Cllr Jefferies commented on the netball moving to Wroughton over the winter. They are looking for permanent lines to be painted at the school for spring. She wondered if the PC could help them further. They have had the max. amount of grant funds for the 2018/19 year.
Cllr Walton reminded that Rec Ground carpark work needs to be started soon. It will be voted on at EGPA on Monday 15th Oct and then go to Finance on 25th Oct.
Cllr Hill advised that GWH Brighter Futures campaign is looking to get to £2.9 million raised by Christmas. The Clerk was requested to talk to Kimberley to see if they still have a group set up that could request grant funds from CPC. The Clerk will add FB info for their funding request.
Cllr Sunners advised Cllrs of the defib cabinet codes and urged everyone to have a look to familiarise themselves with the devices.

Meeting closed at 20.49


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.

17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be renewed as well.
18/58 Add to next planning agenda – Ladysmith Road stone placement.
18/58 Write to landowner where stone is at Camp to ask permission for wreath to be laid this year.
18/58 Write to Ward Cllrs with safe crossing request for A346 for bus users. Add to next planning agenda.
18/59 Investigate CCTV for Rec Hall carpark
18/60 Report back on planning application for Athelstan to SBC
18/62 Talk to Ward Cllr Sumner and Nigel Hale at SBC about large school buses at Badbury
18/62 Chase up incomplete tarmac work at Manor Rise with SBC
18/63 Arrange extraordinary meeting for SHELAA
18/63 Check on who can pay donation to social club for event.
18/63 Ask Kimberley about grant funds to Brighter Futures.

Cllr Brady
18/61 Submit ACV for Calley Arms to SBC

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock
17/133 Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING. Clerk to re-send info to Ward Cllrs