held on Monday 13rd July at 7.30pm. Chiseldon House Hotel, New Road, Chiseldon

21/52 Apologies given: Cllr Randall and Jackson have work commitments. Absence without apologies: Cllrs McDonald, Dogra and Patel.

Cllr Rogers proposed that the given apologies be accepted. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/53 Public recess.  With regards to the Well Close planning app, the resident updated the council on the proposed plans. The proposed fence will not go around the front of the property. New documents have been presented to SBC that clarifies this. The PC have viewed these new documents.

The member of the public left the meeting at 19.32

Mr Angell addressed the council in regards to item 7 on the agenda, the vote on the Brimble Hill planning app – S/21/0518.

Mr Angell met with SBC who are standing firm on the A and B roads through Chiseldon being used for construction traffic. The Ridgeway road is not an option.

It was requested that a road status survey be carried out before and after the construction phase and a guarantee that any roads damaged would be repaired. Mr Angell confirmed that if SBC requested this as a planning condition, they would do this.

It was confirmed that 10 – 12 months was the proposed construction phase.

Cllrs noted that – The movement of traffic through the village must be set out and detailed. The drivers should know the routes and restrictions and follow them. It should follow and avoid school timetables.  It was confirmed that the site manager would provide all drivers with details of their routes and timetables. There will be contact details for the PC to use if this is breached.

It was confirmed a wheel wash would be on site.

21/54 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for. None

21/55 Approval of minutes from 14th June 2021 No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings, all Cllrs were in favour.

21/56 Action points:


20/188 Draw up a plan for the 2022 Parish Festival and bring back to Full Council – June. DONE. ON THIS AGENDA.


21/15 Arrange for green waste clearance at Graveyard on Butts Road. CLOSING ITEM. ON EGPA AGENDA.

21/41 Write a letter of thanks to Neil Richardson for his Openreach work. DONE

21/50 Provide a copy of the May balance sheet roundings report to all Cllrs. DONE

21/50 Add Climate Change policy to next Strategy meeting agenda. DONE

21/51 Add poles for SID’s and new SID to next planning agenda. DONE

Cllr Jefferies:

20/16 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.

21/57 Community Safety report, including crime stats.  Cllr Sunners.

The issue with suspected drug activity around Strouds Hill/Washpool/Drs surgery area has been resolved as there has been no evidence of activity over the last few weeks.

May crime stats for Swindon. 1875. 18 crimes in Chiseldon Parish, compared to 7 in April.  7 of these were fuel non-payment from the Esso Station.

21/58 – Ward Cllr Sumner for Ridgeway Ward.

Openreach Fibre – the end date to sign up is 20th August. If anyone tries to join up after this, the request will be rejected and the property owner will have to pay for all installation charges to be connected. There will be a further leaflet drop.  Badbury is now included in this scheme. 40-50% of the local population have not yet signed up. Copper is being switched off in 2025. There will be other options but at the moment Fibre is the best.

Cllr Jackson did some surveying in regards to the no right turn from the A346 into Badbury. Liddington Village were against this scheme.  There isn’t universal support for this. The pub have not commented and the B&B are not keen. The current works scheme ends in Oct 2021 so its been decided to leave the roads as they are. When the A346/J15 is closed for roadworks, the no turn hand turn will be in effect.

Local Plan review will start 29th July, to 15th Sept.  It does include sites in the parish. Would like people to be encouraged to make comments.     This will be added to the August planning agenda.  Cllr Sumner is happy to attend the meeting if required.

It was confirmed that there is no news about the Chiseldon phone exchange closing once fibre is installed. It is believed it will probably be redundant after that.

Ward Cllr Sumner leaves the meeting at 20.04

Ward Cllrs updates. Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.

The M4 bridge at Hodson is opening in August. Highways England are still working on it but need to leave the cement to cure between work.

There is no update on Earthline – still Oct 2021 for the public enquiry.

The Coate Water splash park is open on Mon 19th July. There will be further updates in the next 6 months on work at Coate Water. The diving board will be refurbished in 2022. This is a Heritage England site so SBC need to work with other outside bodies.

Ward Cllr Sumner is talking to Highways about data centre construction routes. The Chiseldon and Wroughton routes need consideration.

21/59.  PLANNING. Brimble Hill data centre S/21/0518.

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that the application be supported by CPC, with a recommendation for that conditions for road repairs/traffic monitoring/traffic movement be included.  Cllr Duke seconded and a majority of Cllrs were in favour.

Mr Angell left the meeting at 8.05

21/60. PLANNING.  1 Well Close. S/HOU/21/0869.

A proposal was made by Cllr Duke that the application be supported by CPC. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/61. Review of SBC Parish Charter updated document.

It was noted that Parish Councils being consulted on planning applications was missing, as is being able to “Call in” a planning application to SBC planning committee. These should be included still.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris that the above missing items be requested for inclusion but the rest of the document be approved. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey, all Cllrs were in favour.

21/62. Review of Parliamentary boundary review.

The changes locally would move Wroughton to East Wiltshire and Chiseldon in South Swindon.

Should Wroughton not be with Chiseldon in South Swindon?

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to propose that Wroughton be in South Swindon. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/63. Community Governance Review.

Cllr Harris proposed to offer no feedback. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/64. 2022 Queens Jubilee Parish event.

Cllr Jefferies believes the PC should help create this event, partly as a thank you to everyone locally who worked hard during covid. Cllr Rogers believes all volunteers should be warmly welcomed to join in organising.

Cllr Jefferies proposed supporting this event as a Parish Council. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/64. Quarterly website review.

No comments for changes received.

21/65. FINANCE. Approval of £2935 plus VAT for New SID from Stocksigns. Approved by Planning committee to budget allocation of £2500.00

Cllr Kearsey proposed approving this expenditure. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/66. FINANCE. Review of budget vs expenditure report April to June 2021

No comments received.

Cllr Rogers proposed the report be accepted as an accurate reflection of council spend vs budget. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/67. FINANCE. Approval of PIR lights from CTS Electrical costing £584.00 plus VAT for the football compound at the Rec Hall. Approved by Rec ground improvement committee but no budget line available for this expenditure.

Cllr Jefferies proposed approving this cost for PIR lights. Cllr Simpson seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/68. FINANCE. Approval of signage for Home Close to advise it is a quiet residential area.

Cllr Kearsey proposed allocating a £50 budget to the Clerk and Cllr Sunners to arrange these signs. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/69. Committee Reports

Finance – June 2021 Financial transactions report.

Cllr Rawlings proposed approving these figures as accurate. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

July 2021 Financial transactions report to date.

Cllr Rawlings proposed approving these figures to date as accurate. Cllr Simpson seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

EGPA  – Cllrs Rogers.   Vice Chairman of committee to be voted on at July meeting. Asking allotment tenants for feedback on communal waste storage area.

SBC have offered the lease for the whole of the Castle View green area. CPC have said yes in principle subject to more information.

Waiting to hear from SBC on proposed costs for allotment & cemetery waste removal.

Looking into a small Covid remembrance garden for the cemetery.

Looking into how we can recognise groups who worked hard during covid.

Planning –  Cllr Kearsey.  SID locations being looked at.

Cllr Jefferies added to the committee.

Waiting to hear about costs of removing the Build Out on New Road from SBC.  There is a £6000 budget for this.

Rec Ground Improvement committee – Cllr Randall.  (Cllr Harris provided the update)

Still no decision on the new site on what is required for buildings/sports.

Ward Cllr Horley attended the meeting and provided some useful information.

Risk Assessments:

June – completed

  • Hodson Road SID – no issues reported
  • Millennium Wood – no issues reported

July –  to be done.

  • Rec Hall and carpark
  • Rec field
  • Financial Risk
  • Pavilions – Cllr Sunners to do this RA
  • Outside gym – Cllr Sunners to do this RA.

Clerks Correspondence.  No comments

21/70 Items for next agenda.   None

Meeting closed 20.37

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.


21/58 Add review of SBC Local Plan to August planning agenda

21/59 & 21/60 Reply to SBC with planning decisions

21/61 Reply to SBC with Parish Charter suggested amendments

21/62 Reply to the Governments Parliamentary Review

21/65 Arrange for purchase of SID when required

21/67 Advise CTS to proceed with PIR lights at Rec Hall football compound

With Cllr Sunners

21/68 Arrange for the purchase and install of Home Close signs.

 Cllr Jefferies

20/16 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.