
17/100 Declarations of interest


Public recess

No public.

17/101 Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 16th October 2017

Page 5 item 17/91 – Change Sumner, to read Sunners.

No other changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 16th October 2017 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Walton, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting were in favour.

17/102 Matters arising/Action points for EGPA Committee

Matter Arising

Page 2 – Cllr Brady 17/116. This action is to be moved to the Finance Committee.

Page 4 – 17/87. Cllr Sunners advised that the dementia awareness meeting had been booked for Jan 16th 2018 at the Church Hall, 10.00 for 10.30 start. He will  add an article in the Ridgeway Bell for this.

Page 5 – 17/93 Tennis Club Banners.  Cllr Sunners mentioned that Phil Kerley the coach had talked about the banners with him. It was confirmed that the PC will not approve banners on the fencing as insurance cannot be provided for the fencing and the PC will not fund repairs again as this is public money.  They may put banners up at their own risk but they will have to use their funds for repairs.

Cllr David West arrived at 19.23 and took over as Chair of the meeting.

Cllr Bates suggested that the club take the old metal football club barrier poles, cut them to length and use them in the ground as posts to hold banners. Cllr Bates is attending the Tennis Club AGM on Wed 22nd Nov so will discuss with them then.

The Clerk advised the committee that the museum trench was complete and railings had been ordered.

Action Points


  • 17/36. Talk to Dawn at Oakleys Spar about them providing a bin for shop bought rubbish. – DONE. DAWN DECLINED OUR OFFER OF A BIN



  • 17/64. Arrange for Aplins to deal with H&S issues at CVPA – ongoing – just balance beam to be replaced. DONE

Cllr Brady: 

  • 17/46. Arrange to review lease and engage Withy King to resolve any ambiguous wording issues. Ongoing. MOVE TO FINANCE COMMITTEE

Cllr Walton: 

  • 16/106. Provide costings from Tithegrove for new scalpings and hexagonal plastic sheeting to improve Rec ground carpark surface. ONGOING

New EGPA Committee


  • 17/84. Report back to Ward Cllrs that SBC cannot do a tree survey at Rec Ground.  DONE, NO REPLY
  • 17/84. Add new agenda item to Finance agenda to confirm that the Finance Committee manage the lease for the Tennis Club and not the EGPA committee. This included work on the courts.DONE
  • 17/85. Contact Countrywide and ask them to rectify pitch issues before the next weekend games are played.DONE, NEXT CUT WAS MOVED FORWARDS
  • 17/85. Ask Allbuild for costs of removing shed at back of pavilion.  Also ask on FB if anyone needs wood for a bonfire.  CLUB HAVE REMOVED THE WOOD
  • 17/85. Work with Cllr Sunners on quotes for sockets in pavilionDONE. WORK APPROVED AND ORGANISED
  • 17/85. Send the Football Club the Calley Memorial Hall grant paperwork. DONE
  • 17/86. Ask Julie Porte to attend the November EGPA meeting for netball update. DONE
  • 17/87. Arrange for fly tipping near farm shop to be removed. DONE
  • 17/97. Ask Kevin Titcombe for costs of new socket in pavilion.DONE

Cllr Bates: 

  • 17/93. Talk to Julie Porte about banner sizes and report back to Clerk. DONE

Cllr Walton & Cllr Clark:

  • 17/97. Investigate costs of pitch improvements further and report back in Nov EGPA meeting.  ONGOING BUT PROGRESS MADE

Regarding the action points, Cllr Sunners is going to approach the Spar shop as a resident to express his view that a bin does need to be provided for waste.  It was suggested that a spare PC bin could be attached to the noticeboards?  This would occur an extra PC cost as it would need emptying.  This will be added to the next agenda and Cllr Sunners will report back.

Cllr Hill asked if the new CPVA equipment was covered under the PC insurance, the Clerk is to find out.

Julie Porte, Chair of the Tennis Club arrives at 19.30

17/103  VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Dog and waste bins

The Clerk advised that the Finance committee had deferred the cost of twice weekly emptying of the bin at the Farm Shop track. This will start in Spring 2018. It can then be reviewed after 3 months to see if an extra/larger bin is needed.

The metal dog bin at the Rec field has broken (the bottom has corroded). Allbuild have quoted for a new bin but not sure if this is plastic or metal.  The Committee would prefer plastic to ensure longevity. Will defer to next meeting to get costs of plastic bin.


The club committee have bagged up and removed autumn leaves. Phil Kerley has provided moss killer and moss prevention spray.

The club committee are disappointed about not being able to put banners on the fences. They would like to put banners on the fence near the gate which is the strongest part.

Cllr Brady confirmed they can erect banners but CPC will have no liability for any repairs and will not cover any costs for repairs to the fences due to wind damage caused by the banners.

Cllr Brady also suggested Cllr Bates’ idea of using independent supports for banners.  Cllr Bates has some timber he can supply to help with this.

Julie and Cllr Bates will discuss this further. The PC are also happy for metal rings to be added to the garage and ends of the Rec Hall so banners can be displayed there.

The club membership is up to 74. They are offering winter memberships at reduced costs. Phil is running adult beginners courses on a Wednesday evening. Juniors on a Friday is well attended.

The club have applied for a grant from Swindon Sports Forum. They want to print and deliver 1500 flyers, print new banners and buy some new rackets.  They were awarded £1000.

Emily from Netball England, Fiona Allen and Julie have met to discuss netball which was productive.
The main worry is putting down and up the nets without damaging the courts.
The will be using markers that don’t stick on the courts to avoid any damage.

They are all in agreement it is possible to change the court over to netball use. They now need to move forward and assess demand.  Cllr Brady advised that Sport England look favourably on multi use courts and often provide grants to assist with this.

Netball England will help with promotion and coaches.

Looking to start this in Feb 2018 half term. They will add a registration form to social media to gauge interest.

They will offer 1 junior and 1 senior session per week to start with.  Fiona Allen will talk to Chris who is the membership secretary at the tennis club for advice.

They will add netball onto the new flyers they are creating.

The club have a touch tennis tournament on 3rd Jan 2018 which is played with sponge balls and large rackets on a smaller court. This will be a fund raising event.

Their AGM is Wednesday 22nd Nov.

Julie leaves the meeting at 20.09

17/105 BUILDING AND AMENITIES PRIORITY – Tennis court inspection quotes

3 quotes had been received and distributed for discussion. One quote was zero value from the company who installed the courts.  This was discounted on grounds of impartiality.

Cllr Walton will get a further quote and this will be voted on in Dec EGPA meeting.


The Committee is proposing to cut down the large fruit trees on plot 9.  The Clerk will talk to the plot tenant before this to get their view, and the item will be finalised on the December EGPA agenda.

17/107 BUILDING AND AMENITIES PRIORITY – Football pitch improvement quotes

3 quotes have been received however they are not all “like for like”. Cllr Clarke is going to try to meet with each company to try to get a direct comparison quote for all 3.

The proposed work would be over the summer.
For basic drainage the cost is approx. £6000
To add trenches at 6 meter intervals would be £10000
To add trenches at 3 meter intervals would be £20000

This will be moved to the Dec 18 agenda to discuss further with quotes that can be compared with one another.

17/108 BUILDING AND AMENITIES PRIORITY – Rec hall roof repairs

A quote based on inspection work had been received from STORM for £611.80 to repair the roof.

Cllr Brady proposed that the PC accept this quote from STORM to proceed with the work. Cllr Walton seconded this and all those at the meeting were in favour.

17/109 BUILDING AND AMENITIES PRIORITY – New plug sockets in Pavilion & new heaters in Rec Hall

The quotes from STORM and KT Electrical were reviewed and were very close in cost and spec.

Cllr Brady proposed that the work be awarded to STORM at a cost of £255.59 plus VAT for all work. Cllr Walton seconded this and all those at the meeting were in favour.

17/110 COMMUNITY PRIORITY –Football matters

Cllr Clarke presented to the committee in his role as Club Chair

The extra budgeted cut of the pitches from Allbuild was a help to the club.

The pitches are currently almost at water saturation point so may not be played on until Feb/March next year.

The club have confirmed they will remove the old shed from the back of the compound and dispose of it.

The club have applied to the Calley Memorial Fund for their own grass cutting equipment.

The club want to create a new club logo and would like to take aspects of the PC logo to increase ties with the parish. The Cllrs had no objection to this.

The club would like to move the softball equipment to the garage and give the team keys for access. The Cllrs had no objection to this.

17/111 COMMUNITY PRIORITY –Budget 2018/19 discussion

The requests from the committee to the Finance committee are:

Extra funding for pitch drainage.  Extra funds of £5000 have been pencilled in, but another £5000 (£10000 total in 2018/19) is ideally required to properly improve the pitch.

£5000 for car park improvements at the Rec ground.

Tree survey for all the Parish – cost unknown at present

NB – A crossing area at the Pat’s roundabout is required on the Planning, Highways and Transport Improvement agenda.

Cllr Brady advised that parking issues and the need for newly creating parking areas was discussed in this committee also.

Chapel and Museum doors external painting – £1000

Expand upon the Rec ground carpark area – Cllr Walton to get figures to go to Finance Committee

A £500 fund for repairs or replacement of bins

£200 for maintenance of the Hodson bus stop

17/112 COMMUNITY PRIORITY – Approve updated Terms of Reference document

The Cllrs had previously had the TOR circulated for reference.

Cllr Walton proposed the committee accept this new TOR as the approved version. Cllr Hill seconded this and all Cllrs at the meeting were in favour.

17/113 Any other business

Cllr Brady advised on the travellers at the Chiseldon Firs camp. SBC visited the site today and will go through the procedure with them to move them on. CPC needs to be stricter with SBC this time on how the site is secured, or they need to decommission the site.

Cllr Sunners advised that Thames Water are finally going to address the problem with waste water flowing into the Washpool.

He also advised that a lady in New Road who does litter picking has expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Cllr.  It was suggested we purchase the lady a gift to say thank you for litter picking.

Cllr McDonald proposed whether we can start the meetings at 7.30pm. All Cllrs were in favour of this change of time.

Cllr Hill is going to send a list of hedge and bramble cutting to the Clerk.

Cllr Rawlings reported that Sir Henry Calley Memorial Gardens has a pile of grass cuttings and branches on site. Clerk will talk to Countrywide to see if they have placed it there.

The meeting closed at 21.24

Summary of Action Points


Cllr Walton: 

  • 16/106. Provide costings from Tithegrove for new scalpings and hexagonal plastic sheeting to improve Rec ground carpark surface.

EGPA Committee

Cllr Walton & Cllr Clarke:

  • 17/97. Investigate costs of pitch improvements further and report back in Nov EGPA meeting.
  • 17/105. Cllr  Walton to get a further quote for tennis court inspection and report back to Dec EGPA committee so vote can be taken
  • 17/111. Cllr Walton to get rough figures for extending the Rec ground carpark for the Finance Committee


  • 17/102. Move Cllr Brady’s action of talking to Withy King about the Tennis Club lease to the Finance Committee.
  • 17/102. For next EGPA agenda, rubbish bin at Spar, to include Cllr Sunners report back
  • 17/102. Make sure new play equipment at CVPA is covered by insurance
  • 17/103. Add replacement dog bin in plastic for Rec field, to Dec agenda.
  • 17/106. Talk to allotment plot holder 9 about the fruit trees on the plot and getting them cut down.
  • 17/107. Add pitch improvements decision to Dev EGPA agenda.
  • 17/111. Add crossing area to Pat’s roundabout to the Transport improvement doc.
  • 17/113. Talk to Countrywide about the pile of cuttings and branches in Sir Henry Calley Memorial garden.

Cllr Clarke: 

  • 17/107. Meet with 3 pitch improvement quote contractors to arrange to get a “like for like” pricing structure.

Cllr Hill:

  • 17/113. Send a list of hedges and brambles to be cut back to the Clerk