16/24. Election of New Vice Chair

MH proposed DW as Vice Chair seconded by CB, all present were in favour.

Declarations of interest: None

Public recess: No public

16/25. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 7th September 2016.

No amendments.

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2016 were then approved on a proposal by CB and seconded by PW; all at the meeting were in favour.

16/26. Matters arising


16/27. Action Points

Two quotes had been received for CCTV at the chapel and one further quote to be provided in the coming weeks. MH to check with the clerk whether the Hot Chilli Broadband Direct Debit had been cancelled. All other action points had been completed.

16/28. Review Sub-Committee Budget Requests for 2017/18

MH shared a spreadsheet outlining the requests for 2017/18 project spending from the subcommittees along with the beginnings of a draft budget. CB requested that a £2,000 line be added to the budget to continue contributions to the WARP project – CB to check with the Clerk the previous 3-year agreement. CB and PW requested a £10,000 line be added for professional fees in respect of planning and legal advice. MH agreed to add these to the draft.

MH explained the current financial position and that there was room to move some projects into the 2016/17 year of account.

The 2016/17 outstanding projects were reviewed and agreed including an overspend for the fencing new total (£3,245) at the recreation ground and some ground work preparation by the probation trust (£500) – original budget £2,000

The matter of signage and a new council logo was discussed and the £2,500 allocated in 2017/18 was moved to 2016/17. SB queried the current logo and CB agreed to contact the local history group to ascertain origin and meaning.

MH suggested allocating £5,000 from the 2016/17 budget to reserves for drainage works at the recreation ground, along with £5,000 from the 2017/18 budget. MH also suggested allocating £5,000 for a refurbishment of the Pavilion and a further £5,000 for renewing the flooring in the recreation hall. MH queried whether the flooring quote included floor covering. PW to double check.

On that basis, the spreadsheet was proposed by PW, seconded by CB and all at the meeting were in favour.

16/28. Review Accounts

The monthly figures for income and expenditure were reviewed by the Committee and approved on a proposal from DW and seconded by SB. All those at the meeting in favour.

16/29 Jubilee Fund.

A draft document had been produced by MH and circulated to members outlining a possible framework for grants and donations going forward for which a £2,000 per year budget item had been created. PW asked whether there should be inclusion of a clause stating that we would match 50% of funds already raised. SB felt that this could be a barrier to groups applying to the council for funding.

It was agreed to add a bullet point stating that the council may ask that 50% of the amount requested be raised and the council match that amount, but each submission would be assessed on a case by case basis.

The amended document was proposed by PW, seconded by DW and all those present were in favour.

16/30 Parish Council Logo

This had already been covered sufficiently under agenda item 7 (16/28) and therefore it was agreed to move on.

16/31 Clerks Salary

MH outlined the case that the Clerk’s Salary should be reviewed this year. PW explained that as a Government Official, there were specific bands in which the Clerk’s salary could fall and so the council should double check what the bands were and where the salary currently falls. CB to contact Swindon Borough Council to explore the bands and salary ranges. The matter would be reviewed in the November meeting.

16/32. Car Park Lighting at the Recreation Ground

This had already been covered sufficiently under agenda item 7 (16/28) and therefore it was agreed to move on.

16/33. Any other Business


Date of next meeting: 24th November

Meeting closed at 20.58