
18/02 Introduction

The meeting opened with Cllr Brady thanking everyone for coming and advising that the meeting was for the Parish; to hear the work that the committee had done over the last 12 months. Residents were encouraged to join in, in Q&A sessions and that a number of reports will be read out to update residents on the work of other organisations.

18/03 Presentation to Eric and Pam Shaw

Cllr Brady welcomed former Ward Cllr, Parish Cllr and Mayor Eric Shaw and his wife Pam to the meeting. The Council thanked Eric for his hard work and dedication over the years and presented Eric with a card and vouchers, and flowers for Pam. Eric thanked the Committee for their kind gesture and especially to Cllrs Paul Sunners, Paul Walton, Chris Rawlings and David Hill for their help when he first joined the Council and later to Cllr Caroline Brady.

Cllr Brady then advised that one of the agenda items was a discussion and feedback with the public on the 6 main traffic concerns in the Parish. Due to the low public attendance it was decided to move this to the end of the meeting so Cllrs could all offer their input once the main meeting was over.

18/04 WARP

The Clerk read out a report from the organisers of the Washpool Area Restoration Project.

18/05 Football

The Clerk read out a report by James Lovell on behalf of the Chiseldon Football Club.

18/06 Tennis

Cllr Sunners reads out a report on behalf of the Chiseldon Tennis Club.

18/07 Netball

Fiona Allen read out a report on the progress of the new Chiseldon Netball Club

18/08 History Club

Elaine Jones read out a report on the Chiseldon Local History Club.

(Copies of the reports will be on the Parish Council Website)

18/09 Committee Reports

The following reports were then read. (Copies available from the Clerk’s office or on the Parish Council Website)

  • Chair Persons Report – Cllr Brady
  • Environment, General Purpose And Amenities Report – Cllr Rawlings
  • Public Transport Report – Cllr Hill
  • Finance Report – Cllr Harris
  • Planning, Highways And Transport Development Report – Cllr Brady

18/10 Approval Of Minutes From 19th April 2017 Annual Meeting

There were no amendments or matters arising from the minutes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2017 were approved on a proposal by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Hill. All who attended the meeting in favour.

18/11 Neighbourhood Watch

Cllr Sunners in his role of Vice Chair of the Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch commented on the good relationship that the Neighbourhood Watch has with the Parish Council and Police.

Crime statistics have reduced over the last 24 months but we must all still be mindful and watchful and report any issues to the police on 101 or 999. Cllr Sunners and the Clerk liaise with the police on matters for the Parish. The Wiltshire Police website has improved and is worth a look.

18/12 Ward Cllr Brain Mattock

Cllr Mattock thanked Eric Shaw for his handover into the role of Ward Cllr. He appreciates that in rural areas there are different issues to the more built up areas of the Borough. He will do his best to support all enquiries to the Borough.

He has been an officer with SBC for 30 years and was the Chief Housing Officer with responsibilities for the Chiseldon Firs camp site.
A list of his new responsibilities will be published on Friday 18th May.

18/13 Q&A Session
